《love drought | kth.》twenty nine


"Okay, we have the results of your brain scan." Dr. Hansen as he clicked away on his computer. "It seems like it's progressively getting worse. However, there's still a chance it'll be treated later."

Graycen squinted her eyes as she concentrated on the brain scan. She didn't get it, she felt happy.

"You look like you have concerns."

Graycen moved her eyes away from the scan to look at Dr. Hansen, "Yeah. I don't get it. I feel genuinely better and now I find out I'm getting worse."

"You're more than likely stressing over something," Dr. Hansen said as he observed the scan, "it could be because you're stressing or you're holding something in."

"I cry like every night though."

Dr. Hansen chuckled, "That doesn't really mean anything though. There's something bugging you and you're allowing yourself to overthink it. We have another checkup next month. Just continue to take the SSRI and do the exercises."

Graycen masked her annoyance with a smile, "Okay, have a nice night."

Graycen allowed the news to affect her mood she was so excited to go back to Dr. Hansen. She really was expecting news that she was improving. Graycen was just grateful that Taehyung was at work. She didn't need him to sense that something was off and start coddling her.

Taehyung went back to work for the first time in a while that day, Graycen spent her time with Taylor and Elise. Taylor didn't press Graycen to tell her what happened because she knew her sister. Taylor knew when things were wrong with her sister. The difference between Taylor and Taehyung is that Taylor was a bit afraid to get her sister to crack, Taehyung wasn't.

Graycen's mood went from shitty to less shitty when Taylor showed her a little room she had for Elise. She was touched at the little crib and changing table in the room. The room was painted a light yellow.

"Oh my-"

"- The room has been empty for the longest, you know so I turned into a little room for Elise," Taylor said as she was cradling Elise in her arms. "I can't wait for the days that she gets to stay with me." Taylor handed Elise to Graycen. "I have something else for you then I'll go get us some Greek yogurt and granola." Graycen held Elise closely to her chest as Taylor opened the closet door. She grabbed a pink baby bag and spun it around in her hands.

"I made Elise a baby kit, c'mon open it." Graycen knew Taylor only wanted her to open so she can hold Elise again. Graycen didn't mind though, Taylor was very excited to see Elise.

Once Graycen opened the bag, there were a good amount of things. Teething toys, pacifiers, baby rattles, a baby carrier, and diapers. "Damn Taylor, when are you gonna have a baby? I cannot wait."

"Never!" Taylor chuckled as she played with Elise's hands. "I'll do great as a godmother or auntie though. I'm not responsible enough for a baby of my own."


Graycen and Taylor finally sat down for the greek yogurt and granola that they were craving all day. Graycen had Elise secured on her chest inwardly using the baby carrier. The two girls talked amongst themselves for about thirty minutes.

Taylor exaggerated as she finished up her blueberry yogurt, "I'm just glad I get a break from everything. I get a break from love and from work and it's everything I've ever needed right now."

"I have been told you old guy was a bum ass bitch."

Taylor gasped, hitting Graycen's knee, "Don't curse near my niece. Her first word is going to be a curse word if you do."

Graycen rolled her eyes playfully at her sister, "Fine, I'm sorry." She looked down at her sleepy baby and rubbed her fingers in her hair. "I'm sorry for cursing around you, sugar."

"She said that she appreciates the apology," Taylor said causing them both to laugh. "So what about you? How's everything with you?"

"In terms of love life and career?" Graycen chuckled. "I'm a bit lost. I don't want to start working yet because of Elise, but at the same time, I do. Then Taehyung is just being Taehyung."


Graycen snorted, "Yeah, very confusing. He's just being nice though, but still. We went from being a mess to being good friends."

"That's just the way it is, sis." Taylor frowned a bit then clapped her hands together. "Wait- you could run the business and not have to be there, right? That's what you used to do."

Graycen licked the yogurt that was left on the top of her lip before shaking her head, "That was because I had time for all of that. Time isn't by my side anymore. I think I'll just be a stay at home mom, I mean I guess."

Taylor sighed, "I guess you're right. Don't think about it too hard."

Thinking about it too hard was exactly what Graycen did. When Graycen got home she placed Elise into her crib and just laid out on the couch. Graycen was exhausted and no matter how many times she tried to sleep, it'd fail. Graycen barely paid attention to the sitcom as her mind was running wildly.

Taehyung initially came into the apartment with intentions of going straight to bed. However, he wasn't expecting to see Graycen on the couch. Her legs curled up against her with her chin on top of her knees.

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's close to midnight."

Graycen didn't even notice that Taehyung entered the house yet. She turned her head around slowly then answered, "I'm not tired. It's weird because usually after I do skin to skin with Elise, I get sleepy."

"How was your appointment?" Taehyung asked before covering his mouth to yawn. "Did you have a good day?"

Graycen huffed, "You sound tired. I don't think you need to hear what I went through today."


"It doesn't matter."

Graycen shook her head, "Seriously, at least take a shower and get settled before I tell you."

Taehyung cleared his throat, "Sure. You can chill in my room as I get ready."

"Are you sure?"

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure." Graycen trailed behind Taehyung on the way to his room. She stood awkwardly by the door, with her hands clasped in front of her.

"You can sit on my bed, ya know?"

Graycen took a step forward before sitting down slowly on his bed. Taehyung handed her the TV remote before he went into the bathroom in his bedroom. Graycen caught up on the last few moments of "The Mask" while Taehyung was showering.

Graycen had her arms wrapped around her legs. She didn't want to touch Taehyung's blanket or his bed much at all. Maybe because Graycen didn't want to mess anything up although Taehyung wouldn't mind. It was to the point where Graycen fell asleep with her forehead resting on her knees. The anxiousness of waiting to talk to Taehyung made her sleepy.

"Okay, I'm done-" Taehyung paused midsentence at the sight of Graycen sleeping. He placed his dirty clothes in the hamper before walking over to Graycen. Barely even touching her shoulder, Graycen bolted up.

Graycen stretched her arms out before laying back in the bed, not really surprising Taehyung. "Aren't you gonna tell me about your day?"

"Apparently, I've gotten worst. Like I really got worst. I saw the brain scan." Graycen looked up at the ceiling to distract herself from Taehyung's pitiful expression. "I thought I was doing better, didn't you see I was doing better, too?" Graycen turned her head to look at Taehyung. Taehyung sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Taehyung frowned as he rubbed his hands on his knees, "Maybe everything isn't what it seems to be. I saw progress, I mean we both did. I don't think you should allow this to slow you down."

"I'm sorry." Graycen sat up on the bed to properly look Taehyung in his brown eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

Graycen jutted her bottom lip out, "It must be embarrassing for you to have a baby mother who-"

"No, I don't wanna hear this," Taehyung grabbed a hold of Graycen's hand which left her breathless, "stop talking like this. Stop talking like I don't-"

"You don't what?" Graycen pulled her hand out of his grasp and held the eye contact with him, no matter how intense it was. "Don't you hate me?"

Taehyung took a sharp breath in as if what she said had pained him, "You and I both know that I don't. You know I don't, so why are you doing this?"

Graycen crossed her arms across her chest with a bit of a challenging tone in her voice, "I don't." Taehyung's face somehow got closer to Graycen's and not once did she falter. Instead, Graycen reached him halfway. "How about you show me." Taehyung didn't know what possessed him to do what he did next, but he did it. Taehyung used one of his hands to pull Graycen closer to him by the back of her neck. Graycen couldn't contain her happiness at that moment, pulling Taehyung by his shirt closer.

Taehyung made the move to kiss Graycen first, surprisingly he didn't kiss her as hard as she expected. He tested the waters first as if he was afraid to scare her away. However, Graycen was far from scared. Kissing Taehyung was like opening up her soul, feeling and seeing every color of the rainbow in its own sensual way.

It was as if the colors of the rainbow was gaining more color in Graycen's mind as Taehyung's lips continued to move amongst hers. It was almost as if every color faded when Taehyung backed away though. Elise was crying and Graycen was too deep in the trance to hear anything, but her heart pounding in her chest.

When Taehyung left the room that was when it all started to sink in the mistake of that kiss. However, that didn't stop her from falling asleep on Taehyung's bed. It also didn't stop Taehyung from joining her in bed, holding her close. Even if Taehyung was confused and terrified.

The next morning was one of the most nervewracking mornings for Graycen. She woke up by herself in Taehyung's bed and alone to her scattered recollections of the previous night. Graycen took a peek in the nursery room only to see if Elise was okay. She was very happy to see Taehyung sitting in the rocking chair, cooing at her.

Graycen didn't join them until after she brushed her teeth and took a shower. It was if there was some nonverbal agreement between Graycen and Taehyung. The agreement was to pretend as if the previous night didn't happen. As usual, Taehyung made breakfast for both of them.

Right after Graycen breastfed Elise, she joined Taehyung at the dining table to eat the ricotta pancakes he made. Graycen expected the rest of the day to be uneventful with awkward silence.

"So, I think we should have a party next week," Taehyung suggested as he cleaned up the dishes after breakfast, "my parents still have that house in north Manhattan."

"The situation with your parents is quite confusing."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, "They have two houses. One in Daegu and one in New York. They told me they'll be staying more in New York though. They want to be "cool" grandparents."

"I see. So, we're having the party at your grandparents, right?"

Taehyung confirmed, "Yeah, we should start emailing invitations tonight or something. I know there's a lot of friends that we haven't been reunited within a while."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go play with Elise right now."

"Alright, you go do that."

Graycen forced out a chuckle, "I will." She walked away to go pick up Elise from her baby rocker, confused at how a simple interaction was so tense and awkward.

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