《love drought | kth.》twenty eight


The day started off how it always was for Taehyung, he made breakfast for him and Graycen, spent time with Elise, and then started his work. His day turned sour though when he got an email from the board of Calvary Hospital. The email stated that he had to return back working in his office at the hospital.

Taehyung was irritated, even if he knew that was just how his job was. Taehyung decided that he needed to take a cold shower to relax. Taehyung showered quickly because his energy was draining by the hour and then decided he needed to do laundry. Taehyung was surprised to find the washing machine was on and clothes were waiting to be taken out of it, the program long finished. He sighed and hurried to take out the wet items, his eyes widened in horror. He could recognize his white shirts only they weren't white anymore - they were covered in grey and light mauve stains.

The clothes were completely destroyed and his blood began to boil in annoyance. Those white shirts were what he wore for work. Some were buttoned-down, long sleeve, short sleeve, silk, and from expensive fabrics. Those were half of his shirts destroyed because of carelessness.

"Graycen?!" Taehyung called out for her to come in the mini washroom. Once her footsteps led to the room, he held one of his destroyed shirts in his hand. "All you had to do was sort out the clothes."

Graycen gulped and didn't know what to say to ease the tension. Yet she still tried to make light of it, "You have a lot of white shirts anyways." What she didn't expect was for Taehyung to throw the shirt down and not laugh.

"If you're gonna half-ass anything then don't fucking do it." Taehyung was so angry that he didn't notice when Graycen left the room with her phone clutched in her hand. Taehyung didn't leave the washroom until he heard Elise wailing. Taehyung quickly went into the room where Elise was in her crib.

Taehyung gently picked her up, making sure he had her neck supported. After he changed her diaper and rocked her in his arms, she was still fussy. Elise was clearly hungry and Taehyung was close to panicking because it was quite obvious Graycen wasn't home. Taehyung secured Elise in the rocker seat, he hurried to the kitchen.

It was a good thing that there were baby formulas in there for emergencies. Graycen bought three different types and Taehyung didn't even know what to do at first. He tried calling Graycen but he noticed that while he was dialing, her phone was ringing from the nursery room.

Although Taehyung felt a bit sick, he pushed it aside to focus on Elise's needs. He tried feeding Elise the Holle and HiPP baby formula, but she didn't respond well to it. Only allowing the milk to spill out of her mouth, it wasn't until Taehyung fed her Enfamil that she responded well. Taehyung held Elise in his arms as he sat on the couch, eyeing the door. As time went on, he was more worried. He knew about her mental disorders and he felt more terrible for yelling at her.


Taehyung burped Elise as he kept making a fool out of himself. Only Elise would have him make all types of silly sounds and have him make different facial expressions. Elise must've had enough because she started to get fussy, so he went to put her in the rocker. He watched the clock and came to the conclusion that Graycen had been gone for about two hours.

Taehyung was close to calling her family members to see if they were in contact with her. However, the door was unlocked as he was reaching for his phone. Graycen's hair looked as if she was running and Graycen's hands were holding three shopping bags.

Taehyung didn't even realize he was shaking until his phone dropped out his hand. Which Graycen picked up and tried to hand to him, but instead he pulled her into his arms. He was so scared, he was disappointed in how he acted towards her.

"I'm sorry." Graycen's voice was muffled against his chest. They both felt a huge wave of relief come over them. Graycen was relieved that he wasn't mad at her anymore. Taehyung was relieved that she was safe and sound, his heart was still pounding in his chest.

"Please don't disappear on me again. I'm sorry for snapping on you like that, baby, forgive me." Taehyung was so scared that she had left him that he just spoke what came into his mind.

Graycen was stuck on "baby" for a second before she shook her head and stepped back. "You were right, though. I'm sorry for overstepping." The last words had hit Taehyung like a ton of bricks. It was true though since they weren't together, but hearing her apologize for "overstepping" made him feel guilty. Graycen handed him the wide Ralph Lauren shopping bag, as she held onto the "carter's baby store" bag and the "Express" shopping bag.

Taehyung loved Ralph Lauren, but he knew that it was pricey. He felt his stomach twist in knots when he peeked in there and seen a few shirts. Graycen was very alarmed to hurry and buy them, probably using her savings. It really sucked to see how deep Graycen's insecurities were and Taehyung hated to know he was the one surfacing them. "I don't know if they're even the same."

Taehyung didn't know how to even begin expressing his thoughts and feelings. He had put the bag down to the side and Graycen was on the verge of tears from that.

"Did I get the wrong ones, shit? I'm so sorry." Her hands tugged at the hem of her blouse. "I'll do better, I'm sorry. I-"

"No, love." Taehyung interrupted her, not wanting to hear her self depreciate anymore. "You didn't have to do anything. I was acting like an ass towards you." He pulled her into a hug that was very gentle. At times Taehyung was afraid that she was gonna explode as if she was made of glass. He could tell that she was going to cry because her shoulders were shaking.

"I made you upset-" Graycen took a sharp breath in.

“Hush, love. Come here, let me hold you.” They moved to the couch where Taehyung cradled her close, assuring her they were alright. Graycen was still holding her tears back so Taehyung kissed her head repeatedly. “I didn’t mean to yell or act like that, that was the tiredness talking.” The intimacy had Graycen confused, she didn't know what to think of it. Taehyung was just scared and felt terrible, Graycen had good intentions.


Graycen nodded, still feeling a bit sad. She knew her mood swings and attitudes could be the worst. She was scared that Taehyung might've had enough of her. Graycen was scared to even talk with Taehyung. Sometimes she was scared of the outcomes that may come. Just thinking about that had teardrops slipping down from her eyes.

“No, please don’t cry – I hate seeing you cry.” Taehyung brushed the tears away. “I care about you.” He was aware that Graycen's thoughts were sometimes overwhelming and he knew his actions were influencing them. Graycen allowed herself to wrap her own arms around Taehyung's body. “I don’t care about those stupid shirts, I care about you.”

The attention Taehyung gave her was something she wasn't used to. Graycen still thought she needed to be perfect in order to be loved and her anxiety reached the roof once Taehyung spoke like that to her. She had to let it all out so she cried for a while, barely listening to the soothing words coming out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung apologized again as Graycen pulled away from the hug, "are we okay?"

Graycen sighed as she touched the side of her neck, feeling a bit embarrassed, "yeah. I didn't run away."

"I'm glad that you didn't," Taehyung smiled in a slight matter, he was genuinely relieved, "did you eat? I can cook."

"Okay, that'll be nice." Graycen smiled a bit before picking up the other two shopping bags. "I bought new clothes for Elise. We can put them on her as we wait for the food?"

"Yeah, I'll be back."

As Taehyung moved to the kitchen, Graycen picked Elise up from her rocker. "Hi, baby! I missed you so much!" Graycen watched as Elise just stared at her with her eyebrows moving up and down. "Oh, you're too cute. You're way too cute."

Once Taehyung came back, Graycen took out all the clothes she bought. She only intended on buying two outfits but left the store with five.

"You went a bit overboard, huh?"

Graycen chuckled a little, "I couldn't help myself."

"What else did you get?"

Graycen frowned in confusion, "That's all I got her."

"You got something for yourself, too."

Graycen nodded, "Oh yeah." She handed Elise to Taehyung as she reached for her bag. "I didn't buy this. Taylor wanted to buy me stuff."

"You should try it on."

Graycen shook her head, "No, it's fine. I-"

"I'll try the shirts on that you bought me as well."

Graycen couldn't disagree if she wanted to. "Okay, I guess so."

Graycen went into the guest room to change into one of the bodycon dresses she bought. She kept staring at herself in the mirror, hoping that her body would snap back sooner. Graycen took a double-take at herself in the mirror before going in the living room.

Taehyung was already dressed in one of the white long-sleeved, a buttoned-down shirt that Graycen bought. Elise was also in one of the new outfits Graycen bought. It was a lavender jumper with green followers on it.

"I like the color on her," Taehyung said as he was swaying her softly in his arms. "It's very pretty and the inside was very soft."

"Yeah, I liked it."

Graycen leaned over to rub her hand on Elise's belly. That resulted in the baby yawning with her mouth wide open.

"I thought you hated wearing pink."

Graycen looked down at the dress that stopped mid-thigh before looking back at Taehyung with a sheepish smile, "Taylor said it looks good on me and I agreed so, yeah..."

Taehyung reluctantly complimented, "It does." Graycen moved her head to look at Elise so it wasn't obvious that she was blushing.

They continued trying on the new clothes until Elise started getting rowdy. It was apparent that she was tired so Graycen went to give a sponge bath in the bathroom sink before changing her and placing her in the crib. After Graycen took a shower, she went back out.

Taehyung had already set the table with

steamed bass with ginger, scallion and green peas. They ate together in silence which Graycen didn't mind. They didn't start talking until Graycen was washing the dishes and Taehyung decided to help dry them.

"I have to start going back to work," Taehyung informed her then sighed, "I'm worried though."

"Worried about what?" Graycen frowned slightly.


Graycen was lost until Taehyung elaborated, "You're capable of taking care of Elise while I'm gone I know. I'm just a little worried about when you have your little anxiety attacks."

Graycen dried her hands off before turning to look at Taehyung, "I'll be fine. Thank you for being there for me, but I got this."

Taehyung nodded as he leaned his back against the counter, "At times I just get a bit worried."

"Like today?"

"Yeah," Taehyung didn't hesitate to answer, "I was going crazy and I just I thought you left."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I should've said something instead of scaring you. I didn't run away."

Taehyung's lips curved into a slight smile, "I'm glad you didn't."

"I wouldn't ever leave you again." Graycen suddenly spoke louder, she meant her words. "I-"

Taehyung reached out to take her hand which she reluctantly allowed him to, "I know, you need to get some sleep."

"You do, too."

Graycen and Taehyung straightened up the living room before they were about to go their separate ways. Taehyung was a bit shocked that she was heading to the guest room. She hadn't been stopped sleeping in the nursery room since Elise was born. "Wow, you're going in the guest room?"

Graycen chuckled, "Yeah, I already put my baby monitor in there. I think I'm comfortable enough to be able to sleep in the room."

"Well, goodnight."

Graycen gave Taehyung a small smile, "Goodnight to you, too."

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