《love drought | kth.》twenty four


Graycen and Taehyung both decided to wear green for the wedding. They went shopping the night before at this shop across town.

"Are you sure you wanna wear this dress?" Taehyung questioned with his eyebrow raised. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"No, I love it," Graycen answered truthfully. "Plus, the dress fits me. I mean, that's my opinion."

Taehyung observed the dress on Graycen another time then nodded at her, "Yeah, it looks better than the other dresses."

"Then we're set!"


Taehyung didn't expect Graycen to care about the wedding as much as she did. Graycen pressured him into buying a good gift. He also didn't expect her to wake up before he did to get herself ready. The wedding started at 2:30 and Graycen started getting ready at 5:38 in the morning. She prohibited Taehyung from seeing her until it was time to go.

"Graycen, we're going to be late!" Taehyung stood outside her bedroom door with the gift bag in hand. "C'mon!"

Graycen stood in front of the mirror in the room before slowly opening the bedroom door, "Can you get my shoes for me?" Taehyung stared at her in a bit of a daze. He couldn't believe his sight and didn't want to move from where he was standing.

"Uh, Taehyung?"

Taehyung seemingly flinched before he nodded and went to get her heels. The heel wasn't too high and there were slippers already in Taehyung's car, just in case if her feet started to hurt. After Graycen got her shoes on her feet, they both left the apartment.


"I love what you did with your hair today."

Graycen frowned at Taehyung's way of trying to start a conversation, "You can just tell me I look beautiful today."

Taehyung faltered for a bit, his eyes still on the road, "You do look beautiful today."

"I know, thank you." Graycen hummed. "So, how long is this ride because I would love to sleep."

"Thirty more minutes," Taehyung said with his eye on the GPS since he was at a red light, "don't go to sleep."

"And why not?"

"Because when you wake up from sleeping, you're the grumpiest person I've ever known."


"Don't go to sleep!"

Graycen huffed, "I won't!"

Graycen did go to sleep and Taehyung couldn't even pretend to be annoyed. He knew that she was up for a while to get ready for the wedding. Taehyung got out of the car and opened the passenger side of Graycen's. He tapped her shoulder a few times which caused her to shake her head. Graycen's eyes were still closed, but she kept pushing his hands away.

Taehyung sighed as he unbuckled her seatbelt, "Graycen, we have to go." Graycen shook her head some more. "Graycen."

"Give me two more minutes."

Taehyung felt too weak to tell her no. He leaned right on the outside of his car, waiting. That was when he noticed Diane was walking towards him. He stood up straight immediately and smiled when she reached to him. Taehyung really liked the sky blue dress she was wearing.


Diane gave him a wide grin, "Yeah! Why do you look so surprised?"

"I didn't know you were gonna be here."

Diane wrapped her hands at the ends of her black cardigan, "I got an email invite from Jessica. I already knew you'd be here, she cares for you."

"We've been through a lot, I guess."



Taehyung turned his head towards Graycen who closed the car door after stepping out the car. "Oh hello, Dr. Edwards!" Graycen raised her eyebrows amusingly at the doctor. "You look beautiful."

Diane grinned, "You look great as well, Graycen. Please, call me Diane."

"Okay, Diane." Graycen gave Diane a little smile before turning to Taehyung. "Shall we step inside?"

Taehyung answered, "Sure, let's go."

Taehyung walked in between the two women as they were allowed into the altar. Graycen was shocked at how many people were seated and was amazed at the color scheme. Everyone was wearing different colors and the altar was white with hints of gold. Graycen sat at the end of a row with Taehyung by her and Diane to his right. Graycen just couldn't wait to get this over with.

The reception for the wedding was about fifteen minutes away from the altar. By that time, Graycen was already in her grey slippers. On their way to the redemption, Taehyung and Graycen talked about the wedding.

"It was beautiful," Taehyung said with amazement, "their vows were so emotional, I even felt like crying."

Graycen hummed, "It went by smooth, too. Barely any weddings go by as smoothly as theirs."

"What about ours?"

Graycen paused for a second a bit shocked at him bringing up their wedding, "Ours didn't go by smoothly." She laughed. "We both kept crying."

"Oh yeah," Taehyung chuckled at the memory, "then your mother was commenting on everything. What a fun day."

"I'm surprised you brought it up."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, his eyes looking over to Graycen then back on the road, "Brought what up?"

"Our wedding, I thought you'd never wanna talk about it. Maybe even forget about it."

Taehyung reluctantly spoke, "Nah, I'd never."

Graycen allowed Taehyung to lead her into the banquet hall, which was a whole new ball game. They were stopped by the door holder who had a big clipboard in hand.


"Taehyung Kim and Graycen Harrier," Taehyung answered and the man skimmed his list.

"I see Taehyung Kim, but not Graycen Harrier."

Taehyung frowned, "Well, Graycen is with me so."

"I don't see her name so no she's not-"

"Is there a problem here?" Taehyung and Graycen's heads both snapped up to see Jessica in her red, diamond-covered gown. "Charles, these are my guests. Let them in, please."

The door holder nodded wordlessly before opening the door. Graycen and Taehyung both followed behind Jade who couldn't seem to stop smiling. "I'm so glad you both are here!"

"We're happy to be here, Jess!" Taehyung grinned as they stopped at a table. "Thank you for the invite."

"No problem, Taehyung." Jessica smiled then looked at Graycen. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good."

"And the baby?!"

Graycen grinned, even more, hand coming to touch her belly, "As healthy as can be. Congratulations on your marriage, the ceremony was very beautiful."

"Ah, thank you!" Jade gave Graycen a big hug then asked to touch her stomach which Graycen gave her the okay to. "You make pregnancy look gorgeous, I can't wait to see how your baby looks."

"Thank you. She's been a handful, I just think she's ready to get out any day now."

Jafe took Taehyung's hand in hers and then Graycen's hand, "I know you both will be great parents, I'm not doubting it at all. I just want to give you guys my blessings and my love. Thank you for coming, please enjoy yourselves tonight."


"Thank you, Jade." Taehyung gave her hand a squeeze.

"Thanks and again, congratulations from us to you!" Graycen smiled as Jessica pulled them both into a group hug before leaving.

Taehyung then pulled out a chair for Graycen to sit in, "Try sitting, your feet are swollen." Graycen obliged, sitting down and watched as Taehyung sat by her. "Do you want anything to eat?" He picked up the menu that was on the table. "Wanna take a look at it?"

Graycen nodded, "Yes please."

Graycen took the menu that Taehyung handed her and she decided on something light. "The tomato soup with avocado and the lemon iced tea." Taehyung nodded before he left to go to the buffet table. As Taehyung was getting food, Diane pointed to a seat across the table.

"Is this spot taken?"

Graycen looked at the seat and back at Diane, "Nope."

Graycen felt a bit tense with Diane sitting at the table. They were not even close and Graycen could tell that she liked Taehyung. Graycen decided to just look over the menu to avoid looking at Diane until Taehyung came back with her food.

"I'm back."

Graycen placed the menu to the side as Taehyung placed the fancy, ceramic bowl in front of her with the tall glass of lemon iced tea. "There."

Graycen thanked him before she started to eat and then she watched as he took a seat by Diane. Graycen watched as Diane's eyes lingered on Taehyung and how she would laugh overdramatically at a joke. Graycen hummed to herself in amusement before going back to her food.

"I'm just saying though."

Taehyung shook his head at Diane's statement, "I have to disagree though. It's never been tested."

"Who cares we can just do test runs. We have models," Diane said in determination, "also there's always a first time in everything!"

"It's medicine though."

Graycen was relieved when Jade started to talk through this microphone so she didn't have to hear any more conversation. Graycen watched the mother and father dance then the newlyweds first dance. In the midst of the newlyweds dance, Graycen felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She winced but quickly smiled to mask the pain. It wasn't like Taehyung was paying attention to her, but she still needed to play it safe.

After the newlyweds did their dances, rhythmic music started to play. Graycen continued to eat her food as she watched Taehyung and Diane talk.

"That's what I was thinking as well."

Taehyung nodded as he took a sip of his drink, "A lot of people refuse to see it that way though."

"Exactly," Diane said but then paused as a Rihanna song started to play, "oh wait, this is my favorite song!" Graycen watched Diane dance in her seat with a scorned expression. Taehyung laughed in amusement at the sight.

"Taehyung, dance with me."

Graycen's felt her whole body get hot so she did her best to hide it by drinking the rest of her iced tea.

"I was never really a good dancer."

Diane clicked her tongue, "So what? Dance with me!"

Taehyung looked at Graycen as if he was asking her for permission. Diane stood up and stuck her hand out for Taehyung, "Come on, dance with me."

Graycen gave him a small smile and cleared her throat, "Diane is waiting on that dance." She was sure her voice sounded a bit weak, but she quickly coughed to hide the fact. Taehyung couldn't sense that though because he took Diane's hand.

Graycen watched as Diane happily swayed her hips while clutching Taehyung's hands. She ripped her eyes away from them though when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Graycen looked to her right to see Jade, "Uh, yes?"

"You seem out of it, wanna go for a walk?"

Graycen bit her lip but then nodded. She'd rather take a walk than to see the guy that she still loved dancing with another girl.

Graycen followed Jade out the hall and out to the back. There were red and orange marigold flowers surrounding a clean lake with water lilies. It was silent for a while only Jade looking at the water with a big smile. Graycen looked down at her shoes, feeling a bit tense.

"You still love him, don't you?"

Graycen didn't answer for a while because she didn't know how to answer. Graycen took a deep breath and raised her head to look at the lake, noticing some fish jumping out the water. "Yes, I never stopped."

Jade hummed, "I wanted to invite you guys so hopefully seeing me getting married would open your eyes. Taehyung sounded happy talking about you-"

"Please stop," Graycen interjected before she finished, "are you mocking me?"


Graycen didn't answer and still wouldn't look at her.

"Graycen, look at me."

Graycen looked down instead until she felt Jade grasp her shoulders, "I know you still love him. I know he loves you, too."

"Then why am I out here and he's in there dancing with another woman?"

Graycen searched Jade's face for answers but sighed when she has any. "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate of me. You're not apart of our relationship so I can't ask you anything. Maybe I can ask this, why are you playing marriage counselor on your wedding day?"

"Because everyone deserves love. It's actually funny."

"What is?"

Jade clicked her tongue, "You were thinking that I was out to get Taehyung. Now look at us, I'm getting married and Taehyung is doing God knows what with an intern."

"Why'd you invite her?"

Jade's eyes lit up at the question, "She helped Taehyung get my face the way it was. I look beautiful and I wanted her to see what her work has done for me."

"Pretty sure that you'd get married either way. Face surgery or not."

Jade just laughed at that, "You're such an optimist. Graycen, nobody is gonna settle for anyone unattractive and that's the truth."

"I mean I've seen a bunch of unattractive women with beautiful men."

Jade shrugged, "It's a rare event. We should get back inside now."

"Good idea."

Graycen and Jade walked side to side in the hall and just as Graycen was going to sit down, she felt another sharp pain. Graycen counted to ten mentally before sitting down.

Thankfully, it was time for a toast. Everyone had a tiny amount of champagne except for Graycen and two other pregnant women. Graycen downed her glass of apple juice when everyone toasted to the Zulettas.

Everyone proceeded back to talking and dancing after the toast and that's when Taehyung's pager went off. Taehyung cursed under his breath as Jessica leaned in towards him, "What's up?"

"The office needs me. They said it's urgent."

Diane got up as Taehyung did, "I'll take Graycen home." Graycen didn't mind because all she wanted was some sleep and Taehyung needed to go to work. Taehyung detached the key to the apartment and handed it to Graycen.

"I'll see you when I get home."

"Alright, be careful."

Graycen watched him walk until he was no longer in sight. "You wanna leave now?"

"That'd be nice, yeah."

"Do you hate me?"

Graycen's neck snapped quickly at Diane after that question, "What are you talking about?"

"You were looking at me all day like you hated me," Diane sighed, "I'll back off of Taehyung if you want, trust me."

"No!" Graycen nearly shouted. "It's maybe because I'm cranky and I barely know you. It has nothing to do with whatever you have with Taehyung."

"Taehyung and I are just friends, Graycen," Diane said with a pained smile as she was driving. "Just friends."

"Friends that like each other and that's fine, believe me. I don't really care." Graycen lied but wore a smile. "If you guys make each other happy go for it. Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone."

Diane faltered for a second as she stopped a stop sign, "I have to pee like really bad and my house is near here. I'm going to stop at my house, I hope you don't mind."

"It's fine."

When Diane parked her car in the driveway she took the keys out and turned to Graycen, "Come inside with me. I don't feel comfortable with you out here alone." Graycen nodded and took her seatbelt off.

"Make yourself comfortable in the living room, I should be quick."

Graycen stood by the front door because she had plans to hurry up and leave. Graycen observed the family portraits on the wall which seemed to be Diane's mom, her dad, her sister, and then Diane. Graycen continued to look around, but then quickly crouched on the floor and hissed. The sharp pains she was feeling at the reception were back, but this time it was persistent.

"Hey, I'm back from the bathroom- Graycen?"

Graycen didn't say anything, just stared at her stomach. "I'm feeling contractions like it hurts." Diane quickly helped Graycen lay down on the beige couch.

"Did they just start?"

Graycen hissed then answered, "I felt sharp pains at the reception, but now I'm starting to really feel it. Now it's gone, but I feel like it's gonna come back."

"Okay, I'm going to time them and see." As if things couldn't get worst, the sound of hard rain hitting Diane's roof was heard.

"Okay, okay," Diane placed down her stopwatch and stood up from the couch, "now that contraction was a lot faster. We need to take this party over to a hospital."

Diane went to reach for Graycen, but Graycen instead grabbed her hand. "Wait, wait, wait, Diane, I don't want to have this baby in your car."

"I know that," Diane nodded as she took a step back, "that's why we're going to the hospital."

Graycen laid more down on the couch and shook her head, "You said my contractions are getting closer, plus it's storming, and traffic. And shit, maybe a tree in the road-"

"So you're saying..."

"What I'm saying is," Graycen placed a hand on her stomach, "between your car and this house with heat and running water, I'm going to stay right here. I'm going to have this baby right here."

"Graycen, no."

"Diane!" Graycen sat up to stress her point. "It's a house, people have done it in caves. My mom gave birth to me on a plane. We can do this."

"We can just get in the car."

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