《love drought | kth.》twenty two


"How about grey and yellow?" Graycen and Taehyung sat in front of his laptop for two hours to order and plan renovation to the nursery room. Taehyung didn't seem to have a problem with the idea.

"Okay, that's going to be our color scheme?" Taehyung asked which Graycen nodded. "Good, now the crib."

"Let's get the Ubabub crib," Graycen decided, "it comes with a set." Taehyung clicked on the crib and winced a bit at the price. "It's about two grand, I guess, it'll work. If anything the guys will be here to help."

Graycen hummed, "I have enough money from my shop to help pay."

Taehyung clicked his tongue, "I don't want you coming out of your pocket." Graycen rolled her eyes at that. "You should save that money up."

"You're making me feel like I'm unable to do anything."

Taehyung just chuckled, "We're not going to talk about this again, I don't want you to worry about anything." Graycen sat up a bit on the couch and then nodded, "Okay fine, don't forget I have a spa day tomorrow."

"Spa day and it's your birthday," Taehyung smiled lightly at her, "I'm not going to forget that."

Graycen glared at him, "All I reminded you about was my massage at nine in the morning, not my birthday." Taehyung just simply shrugged, "It shouldn't matter, your birthday is important."

"Okay, whatever," Graycen stood up from the couch as Taehyung looked at her wearily, "I'm going to sleep, see you in the morning."

"Alright, Graycen."

Graycen turned around and made her way to the guest bedroom she was staying in.

Graycen woke up at seven forty-nine in the morning and immediately did her hygiene. She wore a yellow loose-fitting dress and her white sandals. Graycen should've expected breakfast for her and a carrot cake cupcake with a candle. Graycen loved carrot cakes and she was actually shocked when Taehyung went out his way to get it for her.

"Happy birthday," Taehyung grinned at Graycen from behind her until he stepped to the side of her, "happy birthday, you should eat before your food gets cold. I think you should blow your candle out first." Graycen couldn't even be angry, she was more upset at the fact that she felt her heart bursting.

"Thank you, Taehyung." Graycen genuinely said to him. "I appreciate this."

Taehyung nodded and seemed to show a real smile at that, "I knew you would've. C'mon, make a wish!" Graycen looked down at her stomach than at the cake. "I don't have anything to wish for."

Taehyung snorted, "I'm sure there's one thing that you really want." Graycen looked at Taehyung like this time had a good look at him. She stared at him like she used to do when they dated when times weren't so hard.

That wish that Taehyung urged her to make was used. She used it to wish that Taehyung would love her again and for a miracle to occur. A phenomenon that would cause them to get married, again. Graycen blew her candle and sat down then looked at Taehyung, "Aren't you going to eat, too?"

"I already ate," Taehyung informed before grabbing his car keys, "I'll be back in like twenty minutes. I'll call you when I'm outside so you can meet me outside."


"Okay, thank you again."

"No problem."

Graycen washed her dishes and grabbed her purse before she left the house to get into Taehyung's car. The ride was filled with Taehyung's choice of jazz music. It wasn't uncomfortable silence, but Graycen still felt a bit tense. She wanted to talk to him, but she had nothing important to say. All Graycen could do was listen to Taehyung singing along to the music. She hated to admit that his voice was still beautiful even after years of not singing.

Once they reached the parking lot of the spa, Taehyung helped Graycen out the car before locking it. He guided them both inside the spa and told her to sit and that he'll check her in. "I already booked my appointment though."

"I know, I got it," Taehyung assured and she nodded, going to take a seat on one of the grey couches. Graycen watched as Taehyung held an enthusiastic conversation with the receptionist. It seemed to be longer than usual, but then she remembered Taehyung was a socialite.

Graycen got called over to the desk and she stood up to stand beside Taehyung. "So Graycen, right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay, we'll get you ready in a few moments."

Graycen smiled, "Thank you so much."

Taehyung added in, "It's also Graycen's birthday today." Graycen seemingly seemed surprised that Taehyung announced that.

"Really?!" The blonde-haired receptionist with fair skin smiled. "Happy birthday, Graycen! We'll make sure this stay is enjoyable for you."

"Thank you!"

Graycen turned to Taehyung with an amused expression, "I gotta go now, Graycen. I'll be here on time to pick you up." Graycen nodded because she didn't have any words left to say. Taehyung made it hard for her to hold any animosity towards him. Graycen watched as Taehyung left with a noticeable fond look.

"He's a very gentle guy," the receptionist commented, "you're a lucky girl."

"I-I..." Graycen tried to let the receptionist know that Taehyung wasn't her lover. However, she found it hard to because she got emotional. "I'm sorry, I can't believe I'm crying right now."

"It's okay, I'd cry to if I was lucky to be with a guy like that."

Graycen sheepishly nodded, "Yeah..." She felt bad that she didn't correct her, but she still felt lucky. Although Graycen didn't have Taehyung romantically anymore, she was lucky enough to have a baby with him. Graycen snapped out of her emotional trance once she was led to the room she'll be staying in.

"Okay, we're gonna measure you for your robe." Graycen stood still as they measured her waist, arms, feet, and bust. A few moments later, an unopened box was handed to her by the masseuse. Graycen opened the box to see a new baby pink robe and baby pink slippers wrapped in plastic. "We'll give you a moment to change, don't forget you're spending twelve hours with us today."

"What?!" Graycen gasped, she was lost. Graycen remembered clearly setting up a four-hour appointment. "Why am I staying that long?"

The masseuse raised an eyebrow, but continued to speak, "It says on your receipt that you purchased a prenatal bundle." It took Graycen a few seconds to realize this was Taehyung's doing. "Would you like to change it?"

Graycen shook her head, "No, it's fine."


"Good, we're all locked in!" The masseuse confirmed then walked to the door. "I'll give you time to change into your robe and slippers. I'll be back in twenty minutes." Graycen watched as the woman closed the door behind her and took a big inhale. This was what she needed, no doubt. What Graycen was lost about was why Taehyung broke his back with a prenatal bundle.

Graycen finished her spa day at nine fifty at night, Taehyung was already standing at the receptionist desk. He smiled as she made her way towards him with her masseuse.

"Hello, did everything goes well?" He questioned, looking at Graycen and she gave him a thumb's up. "May I ask for a run-through on the spa day, ma'am?"

The masseuse nodded without a problem, "No problem. It was requested that Graycen had a manicure and a pedicure, which was what our nail technician did."

"Was there any formaldehyde or toluene in any of the nail varnishes?"

"None at all," the masseuse answered sternly, "we made sure we used nail varnishes safe for a pregnant woman. We also did the foot scrub and lower leg massage."

"What about her ankle and back?"

"Yes, we did that as well."

"The aromatherapy?" Taehyung questioned. "Did you guys make sure not to use any sage?"

The masseuse nodded, "We made sure to use neroli and mandarin oil diluted with one percent of coconut oil. That's all we did today."

"Thank you for your service," Graycen spoke, "I felt very safe and relaxed today." Graycen dug in purse and handed her a fifty-dollar bill as a tip which the masseuse took in a grateful manner.

The masseuse smiled, "No problem, you must've done your research for a safe spa day since you're pregnant."

Graycen shook her head, "Nope, that was all him right here." Graycen gestured towards Taehyung. "I was unaware of all of this, thank you." She made sure she was facing Taehyung.

Taehyung just gave her a small smile, "Just want to keep her and our baby safe, that's it. Have a nice night, thank you again."

"No problem!" The masseuse grinned as she waved as they both walked out. "Take care!"

The ride home was like how their usual car rides would go, just silence and music. Graycen noticed that Taehyung was acting a bit weird though. Taehyung was fidgety and every time he came to a red light, he went to check his phone.

Taehyung helped Graycen out the car after he parked the car and made sure he was safely guiding her to the front door. Graycen almost told him that she didn't need his help, but she remembered he wanted to help.

Taehyung unlocked the door slowly and gestured for Graycen to step in first. Despite relaxing at the spa all day, Graycen was still tired. She was so tired that she didn't care about the lights being off. Graycen kicked off her sandals and was close to walking to her room, but Taehyung told her to turn the light on.

"Do you really need the light on?"

Taehyung clicked his tongue, "Yes, please turn it on." Graycen contemplated for a few seconds if she should. Graycen blindly turned the lights on and it took a second for her to register what happened next.

There were yellow and blue balloons, people popping party poppers, and a banner was held up. Graycen's jaw couldn't stop hanging as she clutched her chest. She was startled by the loud cheers of "Happy birthday, Graycen!"

She turned to Taehyung with disbelief on her face, "You didn't plan this!"

"Well," Taehyung chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck, "the guys helped. I wanna say it was mainly my work."

"Don't even try to lie!" Jungkook exclaimed before making his way towards Graycen. "Happy birthday, Graycen!" Graycen mouthed the words "thank you," then made her way towards the kitchen. She was becoming very overwhelmed so she decided to lean against the fridge. It took a few minutes for Taehyung to notice and enter the kitchen.


Taehyung frowned at the outburst, "Why what?"

"Why did you do all of this?" Graycen asked with a firm tone. "You didn't have to do this. You did enough this morning." Graycen was aggravated because Taehyung was so kind, it was hard for her to continue moving on.

Taehyung shrugged, "I don't know, just accept it."

"I am accepting it," Graycen said harsher than she intended to, "I'd be a bitch if I didn't. I just, I don't need any of this, but thank you."

Taehyung was going to speak, but he was interrupted when someone walked into the kitchen. "Is everything okay, Kim?"

Graycen's eye twitched when she saw it was Dr. Edwards, "Oh, it's Graycen! Hello, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you, Edwards?"

Dr. Edwards smiled at her, "I'm doing great, happy birthday to you. Taehyung planned this very thoroughly for you. Oh and please call me Diane, I'm not a doctor right now."

Graycen nodded, "Okay, Diane." Graycen cleared her throat as she kept looking between Diane and Taehyung.

Graycen never experienced such an unbearable amount of silence until Yoongi came in and asked her to go outside with him.

"What's up?" Graycen questioned with her arms across her chest.

Yoongi blinked, "You looked like you needed a lot of help back there. I was there to rescue, what less could I do for you?"

Graycen shook her head, "I didn't need to be rescued."

"I see right through you," Yoongi chuckled, "trust me. You looked bothered for some reason. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Honestly no," Graycen sighed, "it's hard. Everything's hard, why is he like this?"


Graycen nodded then whined, "I don't get it, he's being overly nice to me. We're divorced and he's treating me like a wife and then I see him with that doctor and-"

"You're not over him," Yoongi answered for her.

"Sadly," Graycen frowned, "I really thought I was. I swore to myself that I was then it just hit me, that I'm not."

"Probably hormones."

Graycen glared at him, "This isn't hormones, Yoongi. Not everything a pregnant woman feels is hormonal."

Yoongi threw his hands up in defense, "I'm sorry, Graycen. You know I'd help if I can."

"I don't need your help."

Yoongi laughed at that, "You always say you don't need anyone's help. Taehyung wouldn't stop saying that's all you'd say."

"Well, it's true." Graycen nonchalantly said. "I'm good with taking care of myself. Now, let's go inside because if I get a mosquito bite I'll spaz out."

"And we don't need that," Yoongi said as he took Graycen's hand and helped her back inside.


im updating every day of this week until saturday

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