《love drought | kth.》twenty



I looked up from my phone to see Dr. Connor looking at me with a huge smile. "You look very beautiful right now." Is what she told me and I chuckled at that, I was only wearing a baggy black shirt with grey sweatpants.

"Seriously?" I asked kinda blandly. I was still moody about my shop. "Thank you."

She said in a casual way, "Yeah, of course. So, Taehyung had booked a checkup for you. I think it'll be great if we start now." I rolled my eyes at the fact that Taehyung decided upon himself to schedule me things.

"Well, I guess so." I got up carefully and she unexpectedly took my hand and led me to the room.

"You seem a bit tense." She said observingly as she helped me onto the hospital bed. "Is there something I should know?"

I sighed, not wanting to talk about it. "It's something personal, but I'll try to relax. I'm sure my blood pressure is on the roof."

I allowed her to check my vitals like my weight, height, blood pressure, and etc. This was my second time ever getting checked up by Dr. Connor, my first time was for Drew. She was always a great person to go to, but she wasn't my assigned doctor.

"Okay, I'm going to do a check on the baby now." She told me as she picked up her pager. "I'm going to call in someone to assist me, is that okay with you?"

I hummed, "It's fine." I looked around the room at the minimalist artwork so I can find some comfort. I was anxious, just hoping that my baby was healthy. I tapped my foot on the floor in a rhythm in my head until she entered the room.

My eyes widened for a quick second as I noticed that the redhead doctor walk in. That was the same doctor Taehyung had ice cream with, she was beautiful. Her eyes were a grayish-blue and had a wide smile on her face.

"Good evening, Dr. Connor," the lady spoke in a soothing voice as she closed the door behind her, "how may I assist?"

"Today I have Graycen Kim who is seven months and will go on eight months in two more weeks." Dr. Connor informed the lady. "She's just here for a checkup. We should start now, right?"

"Okay, I'm going to wash my hands." The lady announced as she made her way to the sink. Then she came over to me with a smile on her face. "Hello Graycen, I'm Diane and I'll be assisting with Dr. Connor today. Will you please lay back a bit so we can start?"

I nodded and laid back a bit and watched as she put on a blue glove. "Okay, I'm going to start your ultrasound now."

"Is there anything that we should know that will affect you and your baby?" Diane questioned as Dr. Connor was getting the ultrasound machine ready.

"No, last time I had a checkup everything went fine."

Diane smiled lightly, "Good, please lift your top for me." Graycen complied and carefully lifted her shirt, her stomach was really getting bigger. "Okay, are you ready?"

Graycen nodded and watched as Diane rubbed the cold feeling gel on her stomach, "You're very beautiful, Graycen. I have no doubts in my mind that your baby would be gorgeous."

Graycen grinned at that compliment, "Thank you so much."

"Hm," Dr. Connor observed the ultrasound carefully and intently, "Your baby girl is healthy as I hoped. I want you to relax though, your blood pressure is high. I want to run some tests on you."


Graycen signed, "If it's not one thing it's another."

"Don't say that," Dr. Connor pouted, "the two tests I'll be running are gonna take like twenty minutes. Then, you'll be free to go. I know you'd like that."

Graycen nodded in agreement, "I hate going to the hospital. It's so full of sadness and anxiety."

"That's the beauty of it all," Dr. Connor grinned as she turned the ultrasound machine off, "you'll get your ultrasound picture when we're done. I'll be back, Diane will stay and keep you company."

As soon as the door closed behind Dr. Connor, Graycen felt like she was going to die. For some reason, the room felt tense and Graycen didn't like it at all.

"How's your pregnancy going?" Diane questioned with curiosity. "Like mentally."

Graycen looked at Diane wearily, "Not going to lie it does take a toll. I'm just glad I'm not all alone in this process I guess."

"My sister was pregnant and I was the main one by her side cause," Graycen noticed Diane took a pause, "the baby of the father died so yeah. I had to help take care of the baby with her. I don't think I'm strong enough for having kids."

Graycen hummed, "Well, babies are a blessing. Babies most definitely are a blessing and I actually-" Graycen thought about telling Diane about her miscarriage but decided against it. She almost forgot she was talking to Taehyung's potential future girlfriend. "To make long stories short, I wasn't prepared for my baby girl at all. I thought about it over and over and over again and I was like yeah, I'm not ready. I'm not ready, but I can do it. I mean I have the support, the money, but my mental stability was the only thing missing."

"If you don't mind me asking," Diane sat down on the chair that was by Graycen's hospital bed now, "if you weren't ready mentally, what made you go through with being pregnant?"

"I always wanted children and I always wanted a child with a person I'm hopelessly in love with." Graycen blinked away the forming tears in her eyes. "If I didn't go through with this pregnancy, then I wouldn't be able to have a child with the person I love. This is my last chance, my last time and I know it sounds confusing cause you don't know my story.

Just believe me when I say this is something that my baby father and I wanted."

"Is your baby father still in the picture? You're talking as if he's not around."

Graycen looked down at her stomach, "We're not together anymore, but he's here. That's all that matters and I have to move on."

Diane gave her a sympathetic smile which fell short when Dr. Connor came in. "Okay Graycen, I'm going to have to take some urine from you." Graycen groaned at that causing Df. Connor and Diane to chuckle. "Just urine and a swab from your nose."


Graycen sat down in the hospital's waiting room. She was hoping her sister was coming to get her, but she didn't know the cause of her dead phone. Graycen had no choice but to wait for Taehyung who was working her.

The tests results that she got tested for came back clear, she was just advised to take it easy. Graycen's handheld on tightly to her purse and to her phone as she tried to close her eyes. It wasn't until Graycen heard the laughter that she opened her eyes. She watched as Taehyung was talking to Diane joyously. They were soon coming towards her and she felt like running off to hide.


It was too late though because Diane had a wide smile on her face, "Hey Graycen, you're still here." Graycen faked a smile and watched as Taehyung's eyes widened. "Is everything okay?"

It was like three hours ago from her appointment so the shock Diane had wasn't overdramatic. "Yeah, my phone is dead and I couldn't contact my sister that's all."

"Oh no." Diane sighed then looked at her phone. "I have to go right now to a meeting. Taehyung, I'll see you soon."

Taehyung nodded wordlessly, obviously still taken back.

"It was a great pleasure meeting you, Graycen." Diane smiled. "Take care and I wish for a beautiful and healthy pregnancy."

"Bless you, Diane!" Graycen said as Diane was walking towards the hospital exit.

Taehyung sat down next to me, "What the hell? How long have you been here?"

"Never counted the time."

Taehyung rubbed his temples, "You could have used someone's phone, Graycen. That isn't okay for you to be here for probably hours, what if I wasn't here?!"

Graycen felt her eyes water and her chest tighten, hormones were no joke. "Stop yelling at me like I'm a child!"

Taehyung leaned his head to the side in utter confusion, "What the hell, I'm not even yelling."

Then that was when Graycen started to weep, "Yes, you are! You're ashamed of me!" Taehyung let out a long sigh. "I didn't do anything, I just wanted to sit!"

Taehyung awkwardly rubbed Graycen's back, "I'm sorry, Graycen. I just didn't like the idea of you sitting here by yourself with nobody to talk to."

Graycen sniffled, "I was really lonely and bored."

"I know," Taehyung got up and held his hand out, "I'm off so we should get you back home, yeah?" Graycen wiped her tears and held onto his hand after getting up. "Pass me your purse, I'll hold it." Taehyung helped Graycen into his car carefully and then got into the side of his car.

Graycen couldn't wait until Taehyung drove for five minutes, she fell asleep about two minutes into the drive. Taehyung kept eyeing her to make sure that she was okay and he felt bad when he arrived at her place. Her head was supported by her arm resting on the car door and her mouth was agape, light snores were coming out. Taehyung didn't want to disturb her because she looked peaceful and relaxed, so he sat there for ten minutes. He sat there, hoping she'd wake up naturally.

When he finally felt like enough was enough, he lightly tapped on Graycen's shoulder. "Gray, we're here. C'mon." He unbuckled her seatbelt and turned off his car. Taehyung helped her out by holding onto her waist and walking her to the front door. Graycen was up, but barely conscious. She felt like she was floating and all she wanted to do was sleep. Taehyung used the doorbell, not wanting to make too much noise by knocking.

When nobody came to the door, Taehyung decided to knock a couple of times. "Taehyung, my feet hurts," Graycen whined, shifting around in his hold uncomfortably.

"Okay, just sit in my car then," Taehyung said. "I'm going to call your sister." Taehyung helped her into his car and then stood outside the car to call his sister. When she answered, the background was a bit busy. "Taylor, where are you? I'm at your place to drop Graycen off."

"Oh god," Taylor gasped, "does she not have her keys?"

Taehyung answered, "Nope."

"Damn, I am so sorry," Taylor cursed under her breath, "I had to go on emergency leave for work. I'm literally on a train on my to Memphis. I won't be back for two days."

Taehyung bit his lip, "Okay, that's, um, okay."

"Damn, she doesn't have any clothes!"

Taehyung said with relief, "She left some clothes behind in my apartment. I've been forgetting to tell her. We'll be fine, Taylor."

"Okay, take care of her!"

Taehyung nodded as if Taylor could've seen him, "I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Stay safe, goodnight."


Taehyung went back in his car after the phone call and took a look at Graycen, who looked confused. "You're going to have to sleep by my place, Taylor isn't home."

Graycen frowned, "That's not a good idea, I don't even have clothes."

"You have some," Taehyung said tiredly, "don't worry about it and please don't fall asleep, you're not easy to wake up." Graycen hummed in response as Taehyung put his seatbelt on and drove off. "Make sure you have on your seatbelt."

"Don't worry, dad," Graycen yawned, "my seatbelt is on."

Taehyung was going to respond, but he didn't have the energy to. He knew that if he did it would've been back and forth. Taehyung drove them both to his apartment in bearable silence. Graycen seemed to hesitate when it was time for her to get out of the car. Taehyung looked at her strangely, "Are you going to get out the car or?"

"Don't rush me," Graycen breathed out, "it just feels weird that I get to sleep back here."

Taehyung waited patiently until Graycen opened the car door and he made sure to rush over to help her out. "You didn't need to help me out the car."

"Your stomach is bigger than your head," Taehyung snickered as he locked the car doors after he got her out, "I would be damned to not help you."

"My head isn't even big, dickhead."

Taehyung chuckled as he led them to his apartment door and unlocked it swiftly, "I'm sure you remember where the guest room is, that's where you'll be sleeping."

"How can I forget about the guest room?" Graycen asked with a hint of humor. "Didn't I use to live here?"

Taehyung decided to not answer and just focus on getting them in and locking the apartment door. He watched Graycen kick off her slippers and waddle to the guest room. Taehyung took off his shoes and placed his things on the table.

Taehyung walked into the guest room to see Graycen standing in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection. Graycen had a smile on her face and her hands on her stomach. Taehyung didn't want to ruin the moment, but as soon as he was about to leave Graycen called out to him.


Graycen stepped back from the mirror, "My bad, I'm done now. Where are my clothes? I would like to take a shower."

Taehyung opened the drawers that were in the guest room and revealed maybe a week supply of clothes. "These were clothes you forgot to pack, they're clean." Graycen went over and grabbed the clothes. "If you need anything, you know where they're at. Nothing much has changed, honestly."

"Can you bring me a towel and washrag?"

"Yeah." Taehyung nodded slowly, mainly looking at her stomach. "I'll be back."

Taehyung arrived with a black towel and washrag in less than a minute and handed her an unopened toothbrush. He made sure to let her know that he was available if she needed help and told her goodnight.

After Graycen brushed her teeth and took a shower, she dressed in the loose clothes that were in the drawer. Graycen laid down on the comfortable bed in the room and kept her eyes open. Graycen's hands couldn't help but rub on her stomach in small circles. She was happy that she got this far into her pregnancy and couldn't help but to feel unprepared.

Graycen was worried about where the baby will live and the name of the baby. She wanted her newborn son to have the best life that he could possibly dream of. Graycen sighed contently before she stood up from the bed and walked out of the room.

Graycen quietly walked by Taehyung's room door, which was wide open. Taehyung had his eyes closed with his laptop on his lap. Graycen turned on her heels to turn to the closed door down the hall. The door was to the nursery and Graycen could vividly remember the last time she went in there.

Graycen didn't know what Taehyung had done to the room since then and curiosity got the best. Graycen opened the door to the nursery room and took one step. As soon as she took a step she felt piercing pain score through her body, Graycen couldn't brace her self in time and she fell.

Graycen panicked as she saw she fell onto her stomach, her chin bouncing off the wooden floor from the impact. When Graycen looked down she saw different sizes of glass shards on the floor. The nursery room was tarnished and all Graycen can do was scream at the pain searing through her body.

It didn't take Taehyung long to find her and when he did he entered panic mode. Taehyung immediately called the paramedics and he quickly dropped on his knees to Graycen's side. He didn't care about the pain that he was feeling from the glass cutting into his skin. Taehyung's hands made sure to find its way to Graycen's. "Graycen..." Taehyung said in just above a whisper. "Graycen, try keeping still, okay?"

Instead, Graycen whimpered, "It hurts so bad." Graycen's chin had a fresh cut up to her lip, barely deep. Taehyung noticed her left foot had a deep cut and he decided to rush and treat that as they waited. Taehyung made sure to talk her through him cleaning up her foot and wrapping a bandage on it.

Luckily for them, the paramedics arrived and carefully got Graycen on the stretcher. They didn't waste any time on checking her vitals and rushing her in the back of the truck, Taehyung trailing behind them and entering the back with them. "Is she going to be okay?" Taehyung asked one of the paramedics that took her I.V.

"She seems to be okay, just cuts," the paramedic said, "as for the baby, I cannot say since I'm not a gynecologist." Taehyung felt his head pounding and his guilt flooding in. He stood in the moving truck with his eyes watching over Graycen.


Once situated in a hospital room, Graycen kept insisting that she was fine and that their main focus should be on the baby. Taehyung stood by herself, distressed, but hyperaware on his surroundings. The doctors still made sure to double-check on Graycen as other doctors tried to call in a gynecologist. Graycen felt her heart thumping against her chest as her stomach was still enduring sharp pains.

Taehyung caught on quickly and reached out to place his hand on top of hers, "How bad is the pain?"

"I think we're going to lose her," Graycen said, going straight to the chase, "I think we're going to lose her."

Taehyung shook his head and forced a smile on his face, "Don't say that, please don't. It's okay."

Graycen still assured him, "No, I'm sure we're losing him. It's okay though, we had dealt with this before."

Taehyung continuously shook his head, "Graycen, just wait."

What Graycen was about to say fell flat in her throat when she heard one of the female doctors who was checking her stomach, "Doc, there's barely any fluid surrounding the baby."

At that Graycen and Taehyung faced each other, "See, I told you..." Graycen said softly and Taehyung couldn't say anything at all. Instead, Taehyung found a seat on the chair in the hospital room and placed his hands over his face.

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