《love drought | kth.》sixteen


Taehyung decided that the surgery was too important to worry about Diane so he just found another resident, Dr. Oswald.

"Alright Gerald, give me some anesthesia and Oswald lets start. Give me a 12B scalpel." Right when he was about to receive the scalpel, Diane entered the OR room. "Edwards, you don't have to be here if you don't think you can handle this."

"I'm fine," she groaned before grabbing the an extra scalpel, "I got you a scalpel. I read that a size 10 is also perfect for a neuroplasticity, I'll take this one."

"You're correct, Oswald, I'm sorry. Maybe another time?" Oswald left the room then Diane took her spot and decided to make the cut. "A nice cut, a very nice cut."

"Mhm, thanks."

"I'm divorced," Taehyung blurted out causing her to not say anything or anyone else in the room, "my ex-wife suffered a miscarriage and then we gotten a divorce."

"I'm sorry about that," she awkwardly consoled as she handed the suction to Taehyung and she was using the neurosurgical microscope, "why are you telling me that?"

"Because I can trust you and I guess I can trust everyone else in here," he confessed as he started to suction the blood from the brain, "anyways I'm expecting a baby. I don't know the gender yet and I'm taking it hard because the mother and I haven't made up yet. I'm planning on doing so soon though."

Diane cleared her throat, "Congratulations on the baby and hopefully you two make up very soon. You guys have a miracle." She was too focused onto the microscope but she did have her ears open.

"Erm, thanks. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," she confirmed before placing the microscope aside, "lets get the cortical maps now."


"You didn't have to tell me about that, Taehyung." She told him as he grabbed the maps and she took care of the suctioning.

"Yeah, well, I'm starting to move on from the divorce and I guess I can trust you."

After fourteen hours, both, Taehyung and Graycen, were exhausted at that point. On the way to his car, Taehyung was stopped by Diane who had a nervous smile etched on her face. "I want to apologize for putting that patient's life on the line over my problem. It wasn't right and I'm glad the surgery went well. I'm just worried if this patient doesn't respond well. I-"


"It's fine," Taehyung gave her a small smile and held her by her shoulders, "you did great and even if this patient doesn't respond well we did our best. That patient is already on the brink of dying."

"You're right but before we go on with our lives and I'm sure you just wanna crash on your bed, I need to get something off my chest."

Taehyung tried hard to not look frustrated and tired only because she looked like she really had to say something or she would've been sick. "Sure, go ahead."

"I'm terrified of doing surgery on a brain because two years ago I accidentally killed my sister's fiance. It was such a simple procedure too! It was just burr holes and then I just punctured his skull instead!" Taehyung watched in confusion as she started to tear up. "At first, I thought it was just some unknown guy because they were just in a car accident and we were all rushing. It was a late night and I was the only one on call so I took it and then I failed. My sister hasn't forgiven me since."

"I'm so sorry." Taehyung stated before giving her a little hug. He was tired but he wanted to be respectful and show his support. "One day, she'll come through. I had to push you today so you can get over your problems. We all lose patients, it just so happened that the patient you lost was your sister's lover."

"I don't want that patient we had today to die," she shared in a whisper, "if he does, I don't think I'll ever sleep."

"Well, death is just apart of life. We can't be scared of it when we work in a hospital." Taehyung yawned before taking his keys out his pocket. "We should get going. I'm tired and driving during the night is more dangerous."

Agreeing with him, Diane gave Taehyung a peck on his cheek before going to her car which was across from his. Taehyung was too tired to realize that she kissed his cheek but he knew it didn't feel right.


As soon as Taehyung got home, he went straight into the shower and then crashed on his bed. He tried closing his eyes but they kept looking at the gift bag that had the memory box for his deceased son. No matter how many times, he turned off lights and turned from it, he kept finding a way to stare at it.


He turned on the light picked up the bag and placed it carefully on his bed. The words of Taylor's voice echoed in his head so he went to the living room and grabbed the photo album from his wedding then the divorce papers.

He decided to do the hardest part first. Opening the memory box, that he actually never opened a day in his life. Untying the ribbon then picking up the tiny urn inside the box had his hands trembling. "Wow." He choked on his own saliva for a bit, trying to hold back tears.

Taehyung didn't want to cry. He wanted to sleep but it was like something inside of him was making him let out all of his stress. The next thing in the box was a mini book of ultrasounds that he went through. The hospital even gave them a little baby hat and a blanket and Taehyung did his best not to cry but he couldn't help it.

A tear escaped his as he sniffed the blanket, that basically had a scent of the hospital's nursery. It wasn't a bad smell at all, it made him feel even better. "Drew, you're having a baby sister or brother and I promise that your mother and I will take of the baby. Most importantly, we will never forget you." He took a deep breath before neatly putting everything back in the box and back in the bag. Next he was onto the wedding photos.

The first set of pictures were just them under the wedding arch. The color flowers were red and white because Taehyung loved the way red looked on Graycen. It was easily the best color that she wore. He laughed at the silly pictures that were displayed next of them sticking out their tongues then the super sappy ones that made Taehyung take a double look at.

"What happened to us?" Is all Taehyung kept asking himself as he looked at the happy people in the pictures. It was like he couldn't recognize who he was becoming or Graycen.

The next day, Taehyung wanted to stop at Graycen's job since Taylor already told him that she'd be there late night. The whole day he was by Yoongi's house.

"Hyung, what if all doesn't go well?" Taehyung worriedly asked as he stared at the rings on his fingers. "Plus, our baby shower is in two weeks."

Yoongi placed the game controller that he was playing with down after he paused his game and looked at his friend, "Why are you so annoying? There's only one way to find out and that's to just pop up and do what you gotta do. Why would you even wait til late night? The sooner the better!"

"But I don't wanna be a bother."

"So, I guess you guys are going to have a tense baby shower then?" Yoongi slickly asked with an arched eyebrow. "You've been practicing what you were gonna say since six in the morning. You need to just get your ass over there now and talk to her."

Taehyung just took a breath but he still sat there. "Taehyung, man, I love you, but get the hell outta my house and do what you gotta do man." Taehyung was forced out of Yoongi's house in the kindest way possible and now he was contemplating on whether if he should drive home or to her job.

"I'm just going to drive home," he mumbled to himself as he got into his car, "I know I'm procrastinating but I don't think it's time yet."

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