《love drought | kth.》fifteen


"Can you stop shaking your leg?" Taylor groaned at Graycen as they both were sitting in the waiting room of a medical center. "You had me drive two hours for something that might not even be serious. You could've just went to Calvary."

"No, Taehyung works there and I don't want him worrying." Graycen sighed before rubbing her hard stomach. "I'm just worried, I still haven't heard this baby's heartbeat and I'm so far along."

"Please don't start crying again, it's four thirty in the morning and I don't want another headache."

"Graycen!" Finally Graycen was called and she was beaming with joy but also worry. "Come with me, you only." Taylor groaned aloud causing Graycen to flick her ear before walking with the doctor. "So what seems to be the problem?"

"I haven't felt my baby's kick or a heartbeat, should I be worried?"

"Um, well, in most cases there's something wrong but there's also possibilities that you're fine." The doctor shared, showing his pearly whites. "Let's do these basics first before we start." After checking Graycen's heartbeat, blood pressure, height and weight, Graycen was already getting an ultrasound. "Okay it seems like you're fine, there's nothing wrong just wait on it. Your baby just isn't visible."

"What the hell do you mean my baby isn't visible?!" Her monitors started to beep abnormally causing the nurse to quickly panic. "What the hell do you mean?!"

"P- Please, calm down." The nurse started to sweat. "I'm new to this but I know what I'm-" Graycen ignored her and started to pound on the emergency buttons on the walls. "Please, Ms. Harrier, you're raising your blood pressure you don't want to do that."

"Shut up!" Graycen yelled at her before kicking her legs erratically. "You just admitted to me that you're new to this and now you want to tell me to calm down!"

Before Graycen can yell anymore, doctors started to rush into the room and then the nurse quickly ran out the room. "That little girl told me that my baby isn't visible! I want every damn test that you can find for me and I want you to run them!"


"Miss, that's going to run up your bill."

"Does it look like I give a damn?!" Graycen screamed causing the doctors to push morphine. "I want the tests!"

"Okay, okay, we'll get you the tests!" The doctor said calmly. "Just calm down, I'm right here."

"I know, I can see you. Just give me the damn test!" After signing a few papers, Graycen took nine eligible tests and was shaking due to her being nervous. She's been staring at the hospital floor for three hours and finally, Taylor and some doctors walked into the room. "Is everything okay?!" She automatically had her attention on the doctors who were smiling and held clipboards.

"Everything is fine," a doctor said with a grin, "there was just a glitch on the ultrasound machine. The nurse just panicked because she never seen anything like that. Neither did we and even though it's rare to not have a heartbeat or kick yet, it all depends on the mother. So your baby is fine. You can go all trimester or even through your whole pregnancy without feeling it. Sometimes you just don't feel it, no need to worry."

"Tell that nurse I apologize, please." Graycen pulled a ten dollar bill from her mini wallet and left it on the table. "That's for her."


Meanwhile, at Calvary hospital, Taehyung's day was already stressing him out. He didn't even let all his stress out like Taylor did. He had to prepare himself for this surgery that involved the brain and skull. It was a full on fifteen hours and only him and Jennifer were main surgeons on that case for the neuroplasticity. The neurosurgeons were going to perform a craniotomy first.

"Are you ready for this surgery?" A resident who was scrubbing in asked.

"I was born ready," he gave the resident a smile, "where is Edwards? Tell her I'm ready to start and when you do tell her, prep the OR room. I want OR room 3, it always gave me a nice feeling." As he was giving his patient's mother a run down on everything, he kept finding his brain drift off about last night. To Graycen flipping out to him snapping on Diane.


He thought to himself, 'Damn, I thought I gotten enough sleep.' After the OR room, was prepped he took his patient with the help of other surgeons onto the elevator into the OR. When they immediately got there, be scrubbed his hands and then he noticed Edwards walked in.

"Hey, I'm sorry about-"

"- No need," she lifted her hand up to stop him, "my mind doesn't need to be on that and neither should yours." She flipped her mask on and without saying a word, Taehyung did the same.

Taehyung finished scrubbing before her but he still waited at the door for her. Once she noticed she just rolled her eyes and walked past him causing him to deeply sigh. Diane placed her mask down before going over to the patient.

"Okay, we need to turn on the anesthesia, Gerald." Diane told the anesthesiologist, she placed her mask back on and took the other side of the table. They all waited until patient was numb and unconscious to start but t

Taehyung noticed Diane acting weird.

He didn't have time to argue with her so he just ignored it and waited for the two neurosurgeons and a few residents to enter the room. Taehyung had a nice time watching the surgery, he was very interested. He also couldn't wait to perform the neuroplasticity surgery. This would be the second one he'll be doing.

After hour hours, Taehyung and Diane we'd next to perform their surgery. "Okay Edwards, I need you to get the scalpel. His brain is already open, we cannot afford to waste time." He watched as she picked up the scalpel but her hand shook while it was in her hand. She tried to hand it to him but he shook his head. "You make the cuts, I'm here to direct and teach you." She tried again but when she got close to his tissue she threw the scalpel down.

"I cannot do this, sorry." She sighed and looked up at Taehyung who had anger building up inside of him.

"What the hell do you mean? You're risking this patient's life, Edwards!"

"And there's a billion of other residents at this damn hospital," she snapped back, "I'm not risking anyone's life!"

"Close him up, guys!" Taehyung told to the surgeons scrubbing in causing them to gasp but they hurried up and did what they were told.

"Now what you're doing," she pointed at the unconscious patient on the table, "is risking that man's life. What if he dies?"

Taehyung shook his head with a stern voice, "Oh, he won't. He'll be brain dead in fifteen hours if we don't do something. By then, I hope you'll be r-" He was cut off by her storming off into the room where the sink was and he followed behind her as she threw her gloves and mask down.

"You can literally find anyone else in this damn hospital to do it but I cannot operate on a brain!"

"Well I want you to do the surgery with me," Taehyung argued back before throwing away his gloves and throwing his mask down, "why is that so hard to understand?"

She just chuckled and nodded her head slowly, "Okay so when this patient dies, don't blame me."

"Oh, trust me. You will be penalized for this if it does happen. Now tell me, what the hell is wrong with you?" She didn't answer instead she placed her hands under the automatic sink and scrubbed off. So did Taehyung and right when she was about to leave the room he blocked the door. "Tell me why you won't operate on the brain!"

"It's none of your business, why the hell do I have to tell you?"

"Wow, so because of last night-"

"- get over yourself," she took a step back with an eye roll, "I'm not mad over that. It's something personal and you don't have to know that."

"Just tell me, you can trust me and we can work together on this." He tried to find out so they can hurry up and work on this patient but it didn't seem like it was working. Diane stayed unfazed and just rolled her eyes.

"I don't need a support system," she mocked, "my problems aren't like yours and I don't need your pity. Now get the hell out of my way, Kim."


lmao this chapter was so ew

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