《love drought | kth.》ten


The counselor and I were waiting outside of Taehyung's apartment for about twenty six minutes until he sped into his driveway.

"I am sorry, very sorry!" He apologetically said after he got out of his car and unlocked the door for us. The apartment building was basically outside instead on having a indoor hallway and all that mess. "Work was hectic today so please forgive me for being late." He kept the apartment clean and it was the same as when I was living there.

"It's okay," our counselor assured before looking around, "this place is nice so should we jump right in?"

"Sure," he gestured us to the sofa in the living room, "please take a seat if you'd like." After we all got seated our counselor had this huge binder in her purse, it was like a size of a suitcase.

"This can go by smoothly and as quick as possible or it can go by slow and depressingly," she said before looking at both of us with a straight expression, "so are we ready or what?"

I nodded my head instead of speaking, it was like my throat dried up and it prevented me from speaking. Flashbacks of the night that Taehyung wanted to divorce but I shook it off before crossing my legs. I tried to make my self look like I was fine or unbothered.

Amanda broke the awkward silence between us with a friendly smile, "So Graycen, this was the apartment that you used to live in with Taehyung?"

My throat was still dry so I just nodded, what was there to say without me feeling I was going to explode? Nothing.

"Do you remember the night that the divorce happen?" I nodded my head again causing her to frown. "C'mon, use your vocals. I'll ask again, do you remember the night that the divorce happened?"

Clearing my throat, I kept my eyes on the wooden floors. "Of course-" I hiccuped before slowly looking at Taehyung, "of course I remember that night. It was one of the hardest nights of my life."

"Can you express why?"

"I don't feel like it." Taehyung's eyes were literally never left my face and his resting face never altered.


"This isn't going to work until you both just open up," she stated while I was too busy stealing glances at Taehyung who was still intimidating me with his stare, "so I'll ask you again, may you express why?"

"Obviously me not talking to Taehyung for months was pretty damaging but to me I was selfish," I admitted as I picked with my nails, "I didn't think that he would've needed me and I was oblivious to that because I needed to leave. I had to leave for myself and I had to do what I had to do."

"So you basically put yourself first?"

Without reluctance I nodded, "Yeah, I did. It makes no sense for me to deny it or even feel bad about it. It's over with and I can only move on from it."

"Now that's progress!" Amanda enthusiastically cheered until she looked over at Taehyung. "Taehyung, any words?"

"What is there to say?" He rudely asked before he stopped staring at me. "I said all I had to say previous meet-ups. I'm tired of repeating myself."

"Oh?" Amanda sighed before writing in her notepad. "So are we all sure this was all because of Graycen leaving? You're telling me there was nothing that could've happened to prevent it."

"Bloody fucking hell!" He dramatically shouted out which startled me. "There was nothing that would've helped, okay? Maybe if Graycen could've understand that the miscarriage didn't just hurt her then sure." He took a pause then shook his head. "What's fucked up is that you told me that I will never be as hurt as you. You thought just because you were carrying the baby that you were the only one that was hurt."

My mouth was hung open because it was true, I just remember that I did say that. "I was drunk!"

"Lying to my face doesn't make it any better," he scoffed before looking back at me, "you weren't drunk. Just acknowledge the fact that you thought your pain was nothing compared to mine."

"I was joking when I said that, Taehyung." Here I was, fishing for excuses and I kept looking at Amanda so she can stop this but she wasn't. She was looking at us like this was some reality TV show– well, it was a reality check for sure. "I never knew it was serious to you."


He shook his head before looking away, "It's funny because I was elated for us to have a family together. We both were ready and the fact you'd even assume that it wasn't that serious to me? You think just because you were the one carrying the baby, that your pain was going to be worst than mine?"


"– let me speak, I promise after I finish saying what I have to say, you will have all the time in the world to fish for excuses."

"Okay." I mumbled, feeling some defeat. Everything was starting to come out on the table, we were releasing our inner thoughts and pain.

"My friends hated you," he bluntly said, "at first they didn't like you at all. They thought you were another bad match for me. They just couldn't trust you. I'm sure you already know that. I was getting judged for being with you before I was even your boyfriend, Graycen.

I didn't lay with you and make a baby for fun, I did it because I loved you. We stayed up discussing baby names and we built a nursery together for a reason. Your pain that you were feeling was the same I was feeling. The pain that seemed unbearable to you was unbearable to me." He finally turned his head towards me, running his fingers through his hair. "Why did you leave me here to heal by myself, was I not enough for you?" His voice cracked, his eyes were watering, but he kept that stare. I didn't even say anything. I couldn't say anything at all. He was just as ruined as me. "No answer?"

"I didn't think you'd-"

"- well I would've, we can move on now." He rudely responded before laying all the way back in sofa.

Amanda finally chimed in before it got too tense, "So, can we discuss the divorce? Was there ever a time when you both were considering making it work?"

"Yes because even though I fucked up," I bit down on my lip, "I wasn't going to give up. I refused to signed the papers."

Amanda chuckled a little but nothing was funny at least to Taehyung and I because we didn't urge a smile, "So, you were basically rejecting his offer?"

"Yes it was like a petty game between the both of us."

"Elaborate on that, Graycen."

I sighed before looking at my phone, it was something with my shop. Somebody must've forgotten to lock up because it was ringing my phone. "There's something very important that I must get to."

"What?" Amanda was disappointed I can tell. She's been bragging to me about how she feels like today was the day that Taehyung and I will put everything against us. Boy was she wrong.

"I'm sorry," I apologized before getting up from the seat, "another time, I assure you." I left out the apartment in a hurry and got into my car. I was praying that nothing was serious because I worked so hard on my brand. Sure, I had some help with my shop but 95% of it was all of me and I don't know how I'd live if it was to be ruined.

A crisis was happening but that didn't mean that I wasn't cautious while I was driving. I obeyed all of the speed limits, signs, and traffic lights. I knew better than to risk my life or my baby's. By the time I got to the store there were two police officers, waiting outside the door.

Without even properly parking my car or turning it off, I hoped out and was barely breathing. My heart was in its stomach, I was shaking. "Did anything happen?"

"No ma'am," the Southern officer answered popping his lips, "it was just your alarm. There was no suspicious activity happening and the cameras shown nothing." I took a big breath of relief and then I suddenly was grinning like an idiot. "We'll wait here until you disarm the alarm."

"Oh thank goodness."

Well, wasn't that a night?

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