《love drought | kth.》five



"We meet again for another session, how are you both feeling?" Graycen and Taehyung this time sat closer to each other but they still wouldn't look at one another, it was quite heartbreaking.

Graycen smiled, "It has been great, the baby is healthy and my sister is having a good time with her boyfriend. Also, my salon is growing so thank Goodness for that." She was happy but tired if that made sense.

"And you, Taehyung?" The counselor asked with a little smile.

"Well, I am the chief of plastic surgery at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx," he spoke, "and I've been busy but in a good way, I guess. I'm fine though, everything is good with me."

"Okay that's nice, so obviously being a chief of any type of surgery is very draining. Has that ever took a toll on your relationship with Graycen?"

He was puzzled onto why she wanted to know about what affected his relationship with Graycen but he shrugged and just bluntly answered, "She's very understanding so not really. She understood the role of my profession not only a job but it's a profession and she's always been supportive." His eyes looked over to see if she reacted but all she did was fiddle with the tassels on her handbag. Feeling some type of way, he just sat down.

"When did you both started to go out? This is for Graycen since I barely get a peep out of her. Don't forget to stand up and speak."

She took a deep breath before standing up and she smoothed out her black pencil skirt afterwards before clearing her throat, "We started dating when we were both consumed with college but we still made time for each other. Like what he said, I supported him and he supported me. It felt like paradise with a few tropical storms because we argued time to time but I wouldn't give it back for a thing.

He helped me in ways that I can't say." She was about to say more but she felt awkward due to her seeing Taehyung through her peripheral, eyeing her down. "That's it." She quickly sat down.


"Are you sure that's it?"

"Positive," Graycen huffed before straightening her body in the chair, "that's all that needs to be said."

The counselor sighed before scribbling things into her notepad, "It still seems like you both are in the hurting process and we cannot proceed into the healing process until you guys can start to just speak your mind."

"May I speak my mind then?" Taehyung asked as he raised a finger in the air.

"What it is it, Taehyung? It's not like it'll help anything." The counselor was getting tired but she seen potential and she knew that she couldn't give up.

Taehyung stood up from his seat and leaned over the counselor's desk, "I think your counseling is bullshit, we're not talking about shit that is gonna help us and it's stupid. Graycen and I are divorced so whatever this memory lane idea you have isn't going to cut anything."

"Yo, you're embarrassing, she knows what she's doing!" Graycen chimed in with a scowl. "Stop being stubborn and just listen to what she has to say!"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Taehyung looked back at Graycen who had no idea what he was rambling about. "This marriage thing is dead."

"Of fucking course it's dead!" Graycen shouted, standing up from her chair. "This is coparent counseling, not marriage counseling! We all know how those went!"

Finally, having enough the counselor screamed at the top of her lungs causing both, Taehyung and Graycen, to turn their attention to her. "You both are going to sit down and just shut your pie holes!" They both had a attitude but they sat down, not uttering a word.

"Now Graycen when you say we all know how those went for the marriage counseling what did you mean?" The counselor asked, pushing the reading glasses up her face. This was genuinely the worst case she's ever seen but seeing how horrendous it was she still wanted to help.


"Do I have to stand up?"

"Yes, you know the drill."

Rolling her eyes, she stood up and interlocked her fingers together over her chest. "I would w–"

A buzzing sound came from Taehyung's trouser pockets causing everyone's eyes to go towards him. He dug into his pockets and took out his pager. "Fuck..."

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Kim?" The counselor questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I am so so sorry," he apologized that got up quickly, "there's an emergency at the hospital and they need me. Take care and we should continue this another day!"

Calvary Hospital took about fifty six minutes to get to from Throgs Neck but a good thing was that I had my surgical residents and attendants there to help me. By the time, I made it there I was inside of the hospital quickly, I wasted no time.

"I'm here, I'm on time, I had to deal with something!" I wasn't appropriately dressed but I know that I wasn't doing any operations today.

"Sir, you can't come in!" This unknown woman barricaded the door. "It's only for–" My attention was just on the fact that she had the audacity to put her hand on my chest.

"– excuse me," I moved her hand, "I am the chief of plastics, you should move out of my way unless you want to get kicked off this case."

"Oh," she quickly moved then stammered on her words, "I-I am so sorry, I apologize it was–"

"– we have no time to waste on your apologies," I quickly opened the door and forced a smile onto my face, "Jade, you're back! How are you?" Jade was a patient I had from two months ago and even though it's not appropriate to get close to patients I did anyways.

"I'm fine," I noticed she had bandages all over her face which caused me to frown because just a month ago she had two paramedian forehead flaps, "can you guys just my diagnosis so we can hurry up and get this over with."

"Pass it to me." I directed one of interns as soon as I gotten it I sighed. "Okay so, Jade Nelson, is twenty three who has suffered from acid being thrown on her face from three months ago. A bystander worsened the burns by applying ice and a towel on Jade's face, which adhered to them, which caused me to use saline on her face to remove the towel. It says here that after Dr. Silke and I performed a reanimation surgery–" I paused to take in what I was about to read next, what the hell? How the fuck did her paramedian forehead flaps become necrotic?

"Um, it says that the two paramedian forehead flaps became necrotic which means that cells died or tissue." I've done many paramedian forehead flaps and the fact that this one failed on me, it made me feel like I wasn't good enough. "I guess I can see what else I can do."

"No, I don't want another one!" This time she sat up in the hospital bed. "I don't want this anymore, I–"

"– everyone give me a minute to talk to Jade, close the door behind you." When everyone exited the room, I grabbed a seat besides her hospital bed.

"Jade, you can push through with this surgery." I convinced with my hand ontop of hers. "I just don't know how I can do that but I got this. It must be hard for you to continue this but it'll get better."

She sniffled before putting her other hand on top of mine, "We promised that we'll do this together and I know we can. Don't let me down, please."

"I won't," I gulped down, "I won't let that happen."


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