《love drought | kth.》four


Graycen owned a salon where she had some friends she known back at beauty school with her that worked for her. There was a manicure/pedicure section, hair, and makeup. Due to her being pregnant, she stayed behind the counter now to handle money.

She was left behind to close the salon though, she felt very paranoid and just rushed to close up the shop. Grabbing the keys after she cleaned up, she went outside and as she was locking the door she felt her shoulder being tapped causing her to freak out and elbow the person that was behind her.

"Ouch, what the hell?!" She looked down and gasped when she realized it was Jungkook though, one of Taehyung's closest friends.

"Kook!" Ignoring him being in pain she squeezed him tightly, mindful of her stomach. "I missed you! How was Busan?" He removed his hand from his jaw and held her back.

"Busan was great, congratulations for your baby!" He acknowledged as they both released from their hug. "You look nice, you've gotten prettier since the wedding."

She sighed at the word wedding but she quickly went back to her smile and stuffed her keys into her back pocket. "Thanks Kook, I appreciate it. Now if you excuse me, I need to call my uber."

"Uber? What happened to your car?"

She answered with a shrug, "I didn't want to drive today, I just have my days."

"How about we both, strictly as friends, go and grab a bite to eat?"

She was in fact hungry but she raised her eyebrow, "You're acting hella weird, this isn't usual."

"What? I can't take a friend to eat?" He asked as they made their way to his car and he went over to her side and opened the door for her. "Get in, chump." She hopped in and he double checked to make sure she was fully in.

"Thanks?" After closing the door for her, he made his way into his car and double checked to make sure their seatbelts were on. "You're scaring me dude, you're not like this all the time."

"I mean I'm being a nice guy," he turned on his car, "what's so bad about that?"

"You're usually a dick to me."

He laughed then pulled out of the driveway, "Graycen, you're pregnant now so I can't be a asshole to you because that means that I'll be a asshole to the baby too. Plus, if I'm being too careless with you and something happens Taehyung will murder me."

"Taehyung?" She repeated. "Taehyung and I are getting a divorce, Jungkook."


"Duh who on Jack's earth wouldn't know that," He sarcastically said, "anyways, we need to talk about you and Taehyung-ie." It all made sense to Graycen now, it was basically Taehyung's idea to have her talk to Jungkook.

"There is nothing to talk about," Graycen huffed with her eyes on her phone, checking the time, "take me to my sister's house. She's going to be worried sick about me."

"No, not until we talk. You have to get the fuck over the fact that you and Taehyung are getting a divorce and that things went wrong." Jungkook bluntly said as he stopped at the red light. "Stop being stubborn and put aside your issues for this baby or it's really going to bite you in the ass, Graycen."

"I don't need your advice, Kook." She said through her gritted teeth. "If Taehyung wanted to talk to me he can do that himself."

"Tuh as if you're allowing him to do that, Graycen." Jungkook quipped as he drove past the green light. "I understand that you have every right to not give a fuck about ever talking to him again but its not about what you want. It's about what's necessary for the both of you."

She stayed silent and just looked out her window, she was aware that he was right. "So I want you to call him right now and tell him you'll be at counseling tomorrow morning."

"Right now?" Graycen asked with a frown. "It's six thirty five and Taehyung usually has a nap at this time." Jungkook lowly smirked at how she remembered these little things about him but she didn't notice. If she did notice, trust that she'd have a fit.

Jungkook groaned, turning into a Waffle House parking lot. "Just do it." He grabbed her phone and handed it to her. Snatching it out of his hand, she went and tapped on one of her contacts.

It took two rings for Taehyung to answer and when he did, she felt too nervous to say anything causing the line to be silent.

"Hello, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she quickly shushed him, "I'll be at counseling tomorrow, that's all I wanted to say."

She heard a couple of shuffling from his side of the line, maybe she was right about him about to take a nap because his voice was groggy.

"Alright, see you tomorrow. Keep safe."

"I will," Graycen responded then quickly ended the call, "that was the most nerve wrecking moment of my lifetime, Kook."


"You'll be fine, now that I've been parked here for the longest. Can we eat?"

She chuckled before unbuckling her seatbelt, "We shall eat."

"We've been sitting here for thirty minutes now Taehyung, is she still coming?"

Embarrassed was a understatement, did Graycen stand me up again because if she did then I was surely pissed. "Give her an extra fifteen minutes please. Surely it's just traffic and she's on her way."

We sat in silence and fifteen minutes did pass and right when I was about to leave the door swung open and struck my face.

"I am so sorry that I am late," she hurried in m and sat down in the chair that was a bit distant from mine, "sorry about your face." She apologized but she didn't look at me she was looking at the counselor with a fake smile on her face.

"It's fine, at least you're here!" The counselor grinned, "Taehyung, come take a seat. We're making process and close the door while you're at it." After closing the door, I took a seat then took a moment to take a deep breath. The tension was thick in the atmosphere and it made me feel as though I was going to pass out.

"So, we all should know that having both parents play an active role in their children's daily lives—is the best way to ensure all your kids' needs are met and they are able to retain close relationships with both parents, right?"

I nodded in agreement then turned to look at Graycen who was putting her thumb's up.

"Okay, so for us to do that we're going to take a trip down memory lane because I feel like I can only help you two if you guys clear out the dirty laundry.

"Memory lane?" I questioned with my eyebrow up. "Why? I thought we were just here to discuss joint custody and things of that matter."

The counselor cleared her throat before speaking again, "For some reason, I feel that it won't work unless you both clear out this tension so Taehyung, since you want to question my abilities why won't you tell us how you met Graycen."

"We're going all the way back?" I asked again this time causing Graycen to grunt. Obviously, I was annoying her so I just got over it. "Okay, so I–"

"– stand up and tell us." I shot up from my seat so I wouldn't hear no more, honestly, this was suddenly aggravating me.

"I met Graycen when we both were in high school." I sighed, playing with my rings on my fingers. It was something I did often when I was nervous. "I moved to Brooklyn from Daegu and the kids at our school were bitches. They always picked on me to make them feel cool then one day, she–"

"– who is she?" The counselor asked with a smirk and her pen to her notepad.

"Graycen, it was Graycen. She helped me through that time and we started to become friends."

"Okay, you can sit now. So it seems like you two had a good relationship as friends back then?" She asked, looking over at Graycen who was busy kicking her legs back and forth. She stayed silent so I just sighed.


"– I'm not talking about you, Taehyung." The counselor snapped. "I am talking to Graycen, so Graycen it seemed that you both had a good relationship."

"We did," she finally spoke up, "as much as I helped him, he helped me. I was very depressed and torn down because my mother was going through a miscarriage and her marriage between my father was falling apart. They literally had a divorce and Taehyung and his mother were there for me." I looked down at my rings and continued to mess with them. Her situation with her parents was so similar to ours and that itself made me feel shittier.

The counselor nodded her head and wrote some things onto her notepad, "So, our time is up because we had limited time today due to Graycen. For now on, my rules for you both is to not talk to each other. You both are now at the hurting step. There will be three steps which are the hurting, the healing, and the loving. Taehyung, you can send texts and continue to check up on her but you guys aren't allowed to be around each other physically unless we're here. Understood?"

"Alright," I bit down on my lip while Graycen on the other hand just nodded.

"Well, I have work to do then a doctor's appointment." She gotten up and grabbed her purse. "See you later, thanks for the session."

"I hope you have a good appointment." I mumbled before she left out the door but I don't think she heard me.

"Don't worry, she heard you." The counselor commented and grinned. "Let me do my job and I promise you that you both will be fine and the baby."

I looked up at before standing up from the chair, "Yeah well, that's pretty hard for me to do."

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