《love drought | kth.》one


After Taehyung and I met for me to sign the divorce papers its been a month since I've been avoiding him. He would send me texts everyday to make sure that I was fine and taking care of myself but he knew that we both needed space. I've been staying with my sister, Taylor, my family were way too overprotective over me. I guess they didn't want another miscarriage and neither did I.

"Mom and dad are coming over to visit, are you okay with that?" It made no sense for her to ask me now since they were already coming.

I shrugged before laying back on the couch, "It's fine, did you tell them about Taehyung and I divorcing?!" I didn't want my parents to know that. They loved Taehyung and they loved me with him which was rare because my dad wasn't the easiest to crack. All they know is that I'm pregnant.

"No they don't know," she set the table up before sitting right by me, "you should tell them though. I think they'd love to know why he won't be here for dinner anyways."

I was already approachable in a loose sweater dress and I had on my knee socks. One thing about my sister's house was that it was always cold for some damn reason.

"Do you need help with anything?"

"Girl, you're pregnant! Sit your ass down and just wait for them to come!" She hissed at me like I was her child but that was less work for me anyways.

"Just because I am pregnant doesn't mean I can't do anything," I sat down at the end of the table, "I still work and I still can be myself."

"Well, when you're with me, you will not be overworking." She placed the three pots of food on the large dining table accompanied with spoons. "I made a New Orleans classic jumbo, fried chicken, and potato salad."

"Moving to New York is perhaps something you regret, isn't it?" Taylor loved New Orleans, that's where our childhood was. Everything we knew was built there but after Hurricane Katrina things quickly changed and we had to switch suits to Georgia then New York.


"Of course but I love it here." We continued our small talk until the doorbell rang and that's when we saw our parents walk in with gifts.

"There goes my sweet potato pop!" My mother cooed as soon as she saw me. "I got you and Taehyung gifts and the little baby a gift!" She excitedly dropped the gifts on my sister's sofa before I got up and hugged me. I still didn't know how to tell them about Taehyung and I's divorce.

"Aw, mom thank you. I love you so much!" I felt myself tearing up. I haven't seen them face to face in months and last time I did I was a emotional mess.

"And of course my pumpkin patch," my mother cried out in excitement as she squeezed my sister, "I missed you both!"

Shaking my head at how extra my mom was I hugged my dad, "Hey pops, how are you?" Although I was very close to my mom, I was a daddy's girl and had no shame in it.

"I'm good sweetheart," after we both stopped holding onto each other for dear life we all got seated, "where's Taehyung? I miss that young man." Taylor made eye contact with me, sighing. I guess she was the only one who can tell that I was shaking due to me being nervous.

I cleared my throat before lifting my fork up, "Um, he couldn't be here with us today." My parents' smiles turned into scowls, it was unusual for them to hear about not seeing Taehyung with me.

My mother frowned, "What?! Is he okay?"

"What happened to that boy?!" My dad chimed in, pulling out his phone from his pocket. "I'll tell you what, I'm going to call him and invite him over here."

Taylor's eyes widened then she reached over to take his phone, "Pa, I don't think that's necessary."

"Why? He–"

"Taehyung and I divorced, we're done." I broke the ice causing everyone to stare at me. "Taehyung and I didn't work out and that's fine because I can move on. So can he."


My mom took a deep breath before looking over at my dad who looked as if he saw a ghost, "Well, we should just eat. Shall we?"

"Yeah," Taylor muttered, "we should." Despite that, the dinner was absolutely amazing but I can tell they wanted to know what went wrong. Shit, I wanted to know too. After we finished eating and Taylor and I cleaned up we sat at the front of the house since they were going to leave soon.

"What went wrong?" My dad blurted out then he covered his mouth. "I'm sorry, excuse my behavior, that was rude."

I assured him with a hand on his shoulder, "I wish I knew what went wrong too but we'll be fine–" I paused to take a deep breath so I can control my emotions, "I hope we'll be fine." I was thankful my mom was in a deep conversation with Taylor so she didn't hear this. She would freak out because she swore up and down that Taehyung and I were "soulmates".

"You know, your mother and I, we had a rocky relationship too." He sighed before looking back at her. "I think you and Taehyung will get over whatever you're going through and if you don't then I'm sure you will find someone else."

"Thanks." I smiled at him. "That means a lot, I know if mom was hearing this she'd tell me that I'd never find someone like Taehyung."

"You won't," my dad carelessly said, "i'm sorry but baby girl, what you and Taehyung have is something beautiful maybe the divorce is something that'd make you stronger."

"It's a divorce, pops." I chuckled. "There's no more of me and Taehyung."

"Oh," he inhaled before shrugging, "then I mind as well take back the gift that your mother and I gotten him, right? I don't know if you'll feel comfortable giving it to him." I knew my dad so well that I knew that he really wanted Taehyung to have whatever the hell he gotten him. It was probably something as silly as a watch.

"No, I'll give it to him."

He slowly started to smile before squeezing me in his arms, "Thank you, sugar. Please take care of the baby and don't over stress." As I was about to walk away he said something that made my eye twitch. "Although, you and Taehyung are divorced that baby is all you two ever wanted. Don't mess that up over your issues."

Taehyung's house wasn't too far from where my sister lived. It was about twenty five minutes the least but if it was traffic then roughly thirty six. I was driving to Taehyung's house.

I was actually going to see him after our incident but it was only – only for the gift. There would be no arguing, no crying, and no needless conversations. R&B music made the ride over to his apartment less nerve wrecking. I parked badly because all I wanted to do was drop the gift off and dash.

After knocking on the door, Namjoon answered it with a smile. "Graycen! What's up?! Are you here for Taehyung? I–"

"Just give him this," I handed him the wrapped box, "it was nice seeing you, Namjoon."

"It's always a pleasure, Graycen. Take care!"

I could've sworn that I was ready to face Taehyung but I wasn't and that's why I just handed him a gift indirectly. I hated being weak and low but if that's what I had to for myself and for my baby then that's what it'll be.

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