《The Royal Ice Princess》Chapter Three


Chapter 3

It takes nothing to join a crowd.

It takes everything to stand alone.

He was sitting in the dean’s office. The Dean was running a little late, not that he minded. The view from the office was amazing. There were French windows on the side as well as behind the Dean’s desk. You could see the garden from behind his desk and school entrance on one side.

There were lot of people waiting outside. Granted, it was the first day but the bell was about to ring.

Shouldn’t they be in class by now? He mused. It looked as if they were waiting for somebody. And it wasn’t just the girls; the guys were right beside the girls, waiting.

This whole school is a cliché. He thought. There were plastics, Barbie’s, fake’s, jock’s and nerd’s everywhere. But all were dressed not for school but for a fashion week in Paris.

He scoffed.

He was wondering if there was some kind of event going on here. He did see someone put up a banner at the entrance. Maybe it was just the reopening after the vacations that got everyone going crazy.

Bridgeton High was known for catering to the richest and the smartest. That is why his father sent him here for his final year.

He ran his hands through his dark hair. Where is the dean? Aren't they supposed to promote punctuality? He thought.

Suddenly he heard a commotion outside. He walked towards the window to see what the hubbub was about.

He could see everybody standing near the entrance looking towards the gates as if waiting for someone. The silence was deafening. In the distance you could hear some cars driving.

Then suddenly, the crowd started screaming and shouting as 5 cars pulled in, one after the other. All sports cars.


They all parked in the 5 empty spaces, which looked like they were specially allotted for them, because he saw many people come in before them but everybody steered clear of those 5 spots.

Then the crowd went wild when 7 people got down from their cars. Two blondes. Two redheads. Three brunettes.

All the guys looked muscular and the girls beautiful.

Kinda cliché. He thought. He couldn’t make out their eyes as they were all wearing sunglasses but they all had a smile on their face.

The driver of the first car hadn’t stepped out yet.

Must be the leader, waiting to make his grand entrance. He thought.

Then the door to the first car opened and out stepped the most amazing girl he had ever seen. Her long legs, going on for miles and miles. Her midnight black hair reminded him of the night in the desert.

Her face was half hidden behind her ray-bans. Then they all took off their sunglasses and started walking towards the entrance in an unspoken formation. The girl walking in the lead.

The students outside were screaming and cheering, trying to get these people’s attention. Other guys and girls behind her just smirked but she kept on walking with an emotionless face, almost as if she hated this all. She didn’t pay attention to anybody and then disappeared from his view when she reached the entrance door.

He sighed and went back to sit in the chair by the desk.

One thought that kept him eating inside was, where does she seem familiar? Have we met before?

Then the door opened and the Dean walked in with a handful of papers in hands, which he was intently studying, so he didn’t even realize that there was someone sitting in his office.

He cleared his throat loudly to get the Dean’s attention.


He looked up from his papers, a bit startled, then recognition crossed his face and he said, “Ah! You must be the new student. My name is Theo Hemsworth, the Dean. And you are Mr …?”

“My name is ……”

How jobless of them. She thought again.

It was like this every time school re-opened after vacations.

All of them entered the main lobby, where the receptionist was seated.

Zoe turned to her friends and said, “I have to go see Mr Hemsworth.”

All of them raised their eyebrows at her in question.

“There is a new student in school today and I am supposed to show him around. I think.” She explained.

“How much is your babysitting job paying you?” asked Sam with a cheeky grin.

“Probably more than your bl— “

Kaiden was interrupted with a smack on his head from Kiara.

“Don’t you dare finish that statement Kaiden” warned Kiara.

While they were arguing, again, Lily walked over to her and asked, “Do you want us to go with you?”

“Nah. It’s nothing serious anyways.”

Xander and Julia were in their own world. Sam, Kiara and Kaiden were shouting at each other.

Max was standing on the side, watching all this with an amused look on his face.

“What is all this commotion?” Mr Hemsworth came out of his office, holding a few files and papers.

He finally looked up and said, “Oh. It’s you all.”

He looked at Sam and said, “Why do I always find trouble and you in the same room?”

“Hey! That’s not true. Kiara gets into lot more trouble than I do,” exclaimed Sam.

Mr Hemsworth just shook his head and motioned for all of us to follow him into his office.

Hmmm maybe he wants all of us to help out with the new student. How rich is this kid, that Mr Hemsworth wants all our help? Zoe mused.

Max touched her shoulder and pulled her out of her musings.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing. Actually I was thinking about this new kid. I mean Mr Hemsworth initially just asked for my help but now he wants all of us to help out.”

“Jeez. This kid must have a big bank account or his dad must be a big bully,” said Xander, joining their conversation.

“Ya, let’s see which category that kid fits into,” said Zoe.

She looked towards Julia, thinking why she didn’t give her opinion. Julia was busy staring at the 3 musketeers aka Sam, Kiara and Kaiden.

Kiara leaned into Sam from behind and spoke in his ear, mimicking the voice of the crazy killer guy from that Scream movie, “I get into a lot of trouble, but I make sure I don’t get caught after doing bad deeds. Cindy.”

Sam shrieked like a girl and ran after Mr Hemsworth yelling, “Wait for me, Mr Hemsworth. Wait for me.”

Sam hated horror movies.

Everybody just laughed at the ridiculousness of Sam.

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