《The Royal Ice Princess》Chapter One


Chapter One

If a man’s mind is filled with hatred,

Then he does not see merit in others.

The New Year’s Eve party at the headquarters of Blackthorne Empire was in full swing. The ballroom was lit up like a Christmas tree. People were dancing; champagne was flowing. Soft music was heard above the din of crowd.

Everyone who was anyone was present at the party. Men in their expensive suits and ladies dressed in the most expensive glittery, evening gown.

But the cherry on the top was the man standing in the middle of the ballroom, surrounded by the elitist group of New York.

Jack Blackthorne.

In the late 60’s, he still carried an aura that demanded respect wherever he went. At 6 foot, he already towered over people; add to it his steely grey eyes and jet black hair with silver lining near his temple, made the man look all the more intimidating.

People hung on to his every word and were drawn to him like a moth to a flame because of his power. He was one of the most influential men that there is. He brought down empires with just a bat of his eye.

All the people who claim they are close to him say that they have never seen the man give a genuine smile. Ever. The man was a cold hearted son of a gun.

Jack politely excused himself and walked towards the balcony, which gave an amazing view of a starry night. But Jack was not interested in it. He was fuming with anger.

“One thing I ask of her. One thing. But does she listen? NO!” seethed Jack.

He was furiously tugging at his tie so he could breathe. He kept on cursing under his breath.

“For an old, sophisticated man, you sure talk a lot like a sailor,” a voice said. “And you never ask. You order.”

Jack turned towards the far side entrance on the balcony saw a figure in the darkness. He narrowed his eyes at the figure, knowing from the familiar voice, the identity of the speaker.


“You are late.” He said angrily.

The figure moved into the light, and he saw the face of a young girl in her late teens.

She looked quite beautiful in a blue dress. Her long black hair, tied in a one sided braid with pearls stuck on it. Long diamond earrings dangled from her ears, which in turn enhanced her long neck, as she wore no necklace. Her eyes a rich blue were emphasized by the right amount of liner. All in all, she was eye-catching.

“At your age, this much anger is not good for your health.” The girl said mockingly.

“Why are you late? I sent specific instruction about your arrival time, even then you disobey me?” fumed Jack.

“Okay. One, you make me sound like a plane. Arrival time? Seriously? Two, it is called being fashionably late,” said the girl holding up two fingers. She slowly moved towards Jack.

“And three,” her playful voice slowly turning hard, “why do you care? Why the pretence? Everybody knows the truth. Doing all this just proves how much of a hypocrite you are.”

Jack slammed his fist on the balcony railings and spoke, “I don’t answer to you or anybody. You will do as I say. Now let’s go inside.”

The girl didn’t say anything. She just moved forward, re-adjusted Jack’s tie, hooked her arms with his and started leading him back towards the party. Just before entering the room the girl turned towards Jack and spoke in cold tone, “if she weren’t already dead, she would die, if she saw you today. I hate you, grandpa.”

“Just walk, Zoe.” Said Jack in the same tone.

Zoe started walking towards the door, but her grandfather’s voice stopped her. She turned and Jake said, “Don’t call me grandpa. Call me sir.”

Zoe stared at him with hard eyes and then, squared her shoulders, pulled herself to her full height, put on a smile and walked hand-in-hand with her grandfather into the party.

Jack kept quite all through it.



Zoe mingled among the guests. Her charming personality attracted people towards her, unlike her grandfather, who only attracted people because they feared him or his power.

Jack silently watched Zoe moving from group to group, talking with them, and making contacts. Her personality was one which paralleled Jack.

People liked her because she was witty and had a smart mouth. She was highly opinionated and was not afraid to voice them. People sought her out for this very reason. At times she was brutally honest.

Zoe was talking to the CFO of Blackthorne enterprises, having a very serious discussion on the recent threat of economy collapse in Europe, even gathering a crowd to listen to both of them, when someone tapped her on her shoulder, causing her to pause in mid-sentence and turn towards the source of it.

Standing there was her grandfather’s oldest and most loyal friend Mr Hemsworth. He was wearing a tuxedo, which made him look at least 5 years younger. A smile graced his face and the brown eyes made him look much kinder.

“Now I know how you score so well in economics,” laughed Mr Hemsworth.

Zoe smirked and replied, “You should know, I am your student.”

Mr Hemsworth was the dean of the school Zoe studied in. Even though with immense knowledge, he was content with teaching and sharing his knowledge. He was never ambitious.

Maybe that’s why their friendship stuck for so long, thought Zoe, thinking of how long Mr Hemsworth and her grandfather have been friends.

The other guests dispersed leaving the two of them to talk.

“So bored out of your mind yet?” asked Mr Hemsworth jokingly.

“You have no idea,” mumbled Zoe.

“Come on. Everybody seems to love you. They can’t get enough of you,” said Mr Hemsworth.

“Pretentious old snoots!” Zoe muttered under her breath.

“Zoe, people come to talk to you because they like talking to you. Only few people are power hungry.”

“Well, the joke’s on them,” said Zoe bitterly.

They kept on walking in silence towards the food table, where a variety of food was kept.

“All this food is a waste. None of the stick ladies will eat it,” said Mr Hemsworth. Zoe cracked a smile at that, knowing it to be true.

“So, why did you seek me out?” asked Zoe.

Mr Hemsworth said in a more serious manner, “Actually Zoe, I know this is not the place but I have a favour to ask. See- ,”

Zoe interrupted, “Look Mr Hemsworth, if you are going to, once again, ask me to cut him some slack then forget it. I will not sit by and let him talk to me like that—“

Mr Hemsworth placed his hands on Zoe’s shoulders and stopped her mid string and said calmly, “I didn’t come here to talk about it. I stopped interfering between the two of you long ago.”

Zoe calmed down and asked, “Then what is it?”

“Tomorrow a new student will be joining our school. I want you to show him around. Now Zoe, listen, I know you don’t want to do it but if it wasn’t important, I wouldn’t be asking this of you. This student is important. I can’t give you all the details right now but you will receive all the necessary information tomorrow. I don’t trust anybody with this job. Please say you will help me,” said Mr Hemsworth pleadingly.

Zoe looked at the man, who has been more of a grandfather to her than her real one. If he is pleading to her then the student must be pretty important. She nodded her head.

“Thank you, Zoe. Now go mingle, your grandfather is getting antsy,” said Mr Hemsworth.

Zoe looked back over her shoulder at him and said mockingly, “Monsters are always antsy.” Then she turned and walked away, before he could reprimand her.

Great. Now I have one more thing to worry about. Being a babysitter to a rich brat. Just great. Zoe thought wryly.

Zoe kept mingling and the party went on.

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