《Baby boy ~~Larry stylison》I hate you ,i love you


Three weeks later

Louis p.o.v

I hate Harry but I love him at the same Time and I don't know what to do

I hate that he has this effect on me that I can't control

I hate that he can have everything he wants and I can't have the simple thing I want . Him.

But I love it when he kisses me

I love it when we cuddle

I love that I can make him go weak with one word .daddy.

And I love him in general

But I HATE that I LOVE him !!

because if I came down to it I know he would pick Taylor I would be left high and dry and I don't want to be hurt I want to be his and I want him to be mine. thats why I previously stated that I hated him and Taylor the most which is partially true .

I was cut out of my thoughts by the devil himself

"Mm good morning beautiful" harry groggily smiled I smiled back at him

"Good- ,I ran to the bathroom everything I ate from the last 24 hours exiting my body " are you alright baby" harry asked concern laced in his voice

"yeah" I said back "I'm fine I just probably ate something bad" I said standing up laying my head on his chest he rubbed my back "you wanna take a bath then grab some breakfast" harry asked kissing my head "yes that sounds nice but can you get in with me" I asked "anything for my baby" he said making me smile he's such a sap. Harry ran the bath water also adding a few bath bombs . We both stripped down naked harry climbed in first, me following after I leaned into his warmth




"Im gonna take you to the doctor ok, just to make sure it actually is something you ate" Harry said

"Ok" I responded

Later that day

Third person p.o.v

"Louis Tomlinson" the nurse called Louis , harry and jay walked to the doctors office. Jay knew about what louis and harry have been doing she didn't like the idea and she still doesn't but Louis told her Harry makes him happy and she wants nothing more than her baby boy to be happy so she had no other choice than to let it go on

they walked into the room the nurse following after "so louis what has been going on" the nurse asked grabbing her clipboard and pin

" I've been having stomach pains and I've been throwing up here lately" Louis explained

"How long has this been going on" the nurse asked

" um since last week" Louis explained

"Ok so we are gonna give you and ultrasound and if everything is clear on that then we will give you some nausea medicine because there isn't much we can do for the stomach bug Louis nodded laying back on the be the nurse raised his shirt and squirted some cold gel in his stomach louis squirmed uncomfortably the nurse rubes the gel around with her tool thingy (I have no idea what it's called 😂) she gasped

Louis looked at her " um this is rare but not impossible louis your 3weeks pregnant" the nurse explained louis ,harry ,and jay's mouths all dropped "what how is that possible I'm a boy I can't get pregnant!!" Louis shouted the nurse sighed " see when you were born you was born with a uterus which mean you can get pregnant but you have male parts"

Louis wanted to cry he knew Harry would probably leave him Harry on the other hand was shocked and didn't know what to do so he got up and walked out that made louis cry jay got up and hugged Louis she was happy and excited she gets to have a grandbaby

This was short and crappy but I wanted to update and I had this idea 💡 What do you think the baby should be ?

Do you think harry will be ok with it ?

Do you think he will leave Taylor?




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