《Baby boy ~~Larry stylison》"Please daddy "


Louis p.o.v

Ever since the fight I feel like I had a weight lifted of my shoulders like I've been ready to fight this bitch Taylor for years now believe it or not we used to be best friends in middle school but that all changed in high school when I told her I liked harry and she started dating him right after then she became a cheerleader and stuff like that but anyways now I'm a cheerleader and I'm captain which made her mad and she tried to make me fall off the top of the pyramid and let's just say we have a lot of people on the squad so I was up high ,Taylor became popular before I did but that was because she was in a higher grade than me so when I started high school I became more popular anyways enough about Taylor .......................

My mom said I should stay out of school today because she didn't want me in anymore fights and zendaya is staying with me because her mom said she could for the same reason so me and her were laying on my bed right now just talking and painting each other's nails basic white girls I know

" hey zen how are you and gray ?"

"Great I love him so much and he loves me , but I can't stand these stupid bitches eyeing him like he is some fucking snack which he is but only my snack " she said

" girl you fine as fuck no bitches can top you especially in grays eyes "

" thanks Lou so how are you dealing with your crush ?"she asked

" well I guess there ok but you know I think it's time to get over him and get a new hottie "

" ohh girl I know just the thing let's go to that new club that just opened " zen suggested

" yeah but we have to go shopping I have nothing to wear "

"Ok let's go cause I don't either "

We put on some clothes and went downstairs

" hey momma jay " zen greeted my mom

"Hey baby are y'all bout to go somewhere?" My mom questioned


" yeah I was gonna ask if we could go to the mall if that's ok with you cause I wanna go out tonight and we have nothing to wear " I explained

" yeah sure baby just don't spend to much here is my card " she handed me her card me and zen kissed her on the cheek and went to the mall

The mall ....

"Zen what should I get "

"Idk but you gotta look sexy " she said

"How about this " I asked holing up a black dress

"No that's ugly we need to show off your curves "

" ugh ok " I sighed

"How about this Lou you'd look sexy in this " she said holding up a nude ribbed two piece dress with matching heals

"Omg it's perfect "I squealed

"I know cause I picked it out " she flipped her hair

I smacked her shoulder "come on zen we gotta find you something"

"Ok !! Let's go " she said too enthusiastically

"Zen why don't you ask gray what to wear " I suggested on the way to Gucci store

" oh yeah he might get mad if I wear something to revealing I call him " she said calling gray

" hey babe what do you want me to wear to the club me and louis are going you can come if you want ,......ok ,........ I look for it I bet I'd look cute in it to ,alright bye babe love you too " she ended the call with kissy noises I made a gagging noise she glared at me playfully

" oh shut up tommo you just jealous " she said flipping her hair

"Me jealous nooooo" I sarcastically said we both laughed

"So what did gray say "I asked

"Oh he said I can't wear anything that I was thinking I was going to wear because it would be to sexy and only two things would happen with that he would be aroused the whole time we were there and people would try to hook up with me and he said he was coming " she said out of breath I just laughed he was so protective over her


"Ok then what are you going to wear " I asked

"Oh he said he wanted me to get this sweater dress that really cute he sent me a pic " she said showing me the pic

"Oh I saw that the other day come on " we walked out of Gucci to another store where the dress is at

We bought the dress and left it was 2:00 and we were leaving at 7:00 so we had to get ready

Harry's p.o.v

We I got out of school I was so relieved no Taylor around honestly I don't like that bitch and come on you have to know I'm gay like I don't like pussy oh no it's like some fishy ass slime like the fuck I rather put my dick in Louis' ass not some Slimy pussy but I can't cause my dad would kill me and my mom would be disgusted cause they're some homophobic ass people but the only way I can get into college Is by their money so I have to wait one more year and you better believe I'm counting down the days ..................................i think I need to celebrate I called Grayson and we are going out to a new club with zen today he didn't say anybody else and that's odd seeing zen and Louis are like sisters

besides Lexi but she would never do the things Louis does cause she is a goody two shoes any ways I'm about to get ready it's around 6:00 now and it takes forever to style this hair I pulled something out my closet and threw it on

Grayson texted me and said he was outside I grabbed my stuff and ran outside oh but much to my surprise Louis was sitting in back seat I internally smiled cause it was Louis "you didn't tell me he was gonna be here " I faked a groan trying to keep myself from getting hard from the little amount of covered skin oh this would be a hell of a night zendaya turned on the radio and this song started playing I've heard it before but I don't know the name of it Louis and zendaya looked at each other and squealed then they started singing " I cut off all my bitches only thing on my mind is you and whenever I'm hittin it I'm thinking bout spending my life with you " they sang really loud me and Grayson looked at each other and started laughing zendaya turned the radio off and looked at us " what are you two laughing at " she glared " you " me and Grayson said in unison "how about you shut the fuck up or zen won't give you nun " Louis pointed at Grayson "and you need to shut the fuck up before i kick your ass " he pointed at me I just laughed "oh yeah like your tiny ass could beat me in a fight " I rolled my eyes because face it Louis is thick as hell but tiny as fuck " I could you dip shit wanna try dumbass " Louis glared " sure darling hit me with all you got come on" I challenged then he hit me in the face my head whipped to the side I have to admit he has a good hit but it didn't phase me I laughed and tackled him to the seat "omg harry let me up " Louis whined "nope you punched me " I said with a smirk "ughhhh you told me to that's not fair " he pouted trying to wriggle out my grip but I only tightened it " harrryyyy " he whined I wasn't letting up " zen help " he said "I can't Lou this is to funny " zen laughed breathless I just now noticed her and gray were laughing the whole time "harry let me up " Louis said looking up with pleading eyes " what's the magic word baby " I whispered in his ear I could feel him tense and shiver "please " he looked at me "nah uh what's the word baby" I whispered again so gray and zen won't here me " please daddy " Louis gulped

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