《Me and You: The Beginning》35.


Jamie's POV

"The whole gang is here!" Sid looked at Gina and Alex, "Wait. Are you all a thing now?"

"We are," Jamie nodded.

"How amazing!" He said excitedly, "I can't stay long because it's pretty late and my parents might freak out. I just came to check on you Jamie. I know I've been a bit AWOL lately but I hope all is well."

"I'm fine," Jamie said, "Thanks for checking in." I hugged him.

"Do you have anything planned?" He asked.

"I'm not sure what I'd like to do yet," I looked away.

"If you need help with anything," he said, "Don't hesitate to let me know." I nodded and he gave me one last hug. He waved goodbye and he left.

Something was troubling about that visit. It seemed pretty odd and short. How did he even know where Jamie was living? I decided to put the thoughts away for another day. We huddled on the chair to watch a movie. Alex fell asleep and Jamie was still up.

"Are you okay?" I paused the show. I know people don't usually like to be asked that, but I had to.

She sighed, "I'm not, but I will be."

"Do you want to talk about anything?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure I want to talk," she murmured. She grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs into the room. She shoved me against the wall, but I stopped her when she tried to kiss me.

"Jamie," I said softly, "Angry sex is not the way to solve anything."

"It's not angry sex," she tried to kiss me again.

"It is," I stopped her, "Jamie I know this hurts, but throwing yourself into sex isn't going to make it go away."

"I don't want it to go away," she looked away, "I just don't want to think about it right now."

"After sex you'll still think about it Jamie," I pulled her to the bed and we sat down.


"That's fine," Jamie said defiantly, "In this moment, all I want is to think of something else. I don't see anything wrong with that Gina!"

"Is everything okay?" Alex asked entering the room, "I heard shouting."

"Jamie is trying to have sex right now," I looked at Alex, "Tell her it's not a good idea."

"It really isn't," Alex said, "but what harm would it bring? I'm up for some rough sex." I shook my head is disbelief.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically to Alex.

"Hey," she crawled into my lap, "Crying doesn't make everyone feel better. Neither does talking. If sex is her method, then we are here to support her." She's right. I guess I was thinking about it in a different light.

"I just want Jamie to be okay," I said softly.

"I will be," Jamie touched my arm, "but all I want right now is my girls." I smiled at her and nodded.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, "I can't argue with you anymore." Alex pushed me down gently and climbed on top of me. She stared into my eyes for a moment before smashing her lips into mine.

I was taken aback by the suddenness of her actions, but wrapped my arms around her. She kissed me passionately, her tongue playing tag with mine. She grazed my lip with her teeth and I pressed her even closer into me. I've missed them so much and it hasn't been long since we made love. Alex broke our kiss to remove her top and I stared at her wide eyed. She was so beautiful. Jamie came up behind her and unhooked her bra. She wiggle the double sided dildo with an eager look in her eyes.

"Are you ready for this?" She smiled wickedly.

"Always," I smiled. We removed our clothes and Jamie positioned the double sided dildo between the both of us.

"You'll control the vibrator Alex," Jamie handed her the switch.


"Come on top me," I grabbed her and she turned around, putting us in the 69 position. She licked my clit and I moaned. Oh fuck. Jamie started to move gently pushing the dildo in and out. I could barely concentrate on Alex's pussy but I started to lick her clit and she moaned against my clit.

"Oh fuck," I whimpered. My mind was going insane. Alex turned on the vibrator and Jamie cursed.

"OH FUCK," she cursed loudly. This felt beyond amazing. I wasn't even sure that I was pleasing Alex but she was moaning, so I guess I'm doing something right. I could only focus on Alex's tongue on my clit and Jamie pushing the dildo into me more and more.

Alex reached out her hand to rub my clit while I slowly moved in and out of the dildo. I felt such immense pleasure it was driving me crazy. I placed my hands on my nipples, lightly pinching them, creating more pleasure for me. Gina and Alex were moaning along with me and I loved to hear them moan. I loved that every time I smashed my body together with Gina she would moan even more. Alex turned the vibrator up to four.

"Oh fuck, Alex!" Gina and I cried together. She continued to lick Gina's clit and play with mine.

"Gina you need to fuck her better!" I yelled.

"I can't concentrate!" She yelled back.

"Get on top of me Alex," I said to her and moved. Her pussy was wet. She was clearly turned on by everything but Gina left her hanging. I began licking her clit and she moaned loudly. Gina began to push in and out of the dildo as well, and it was driving me fucking insane. I moved Alex a little and pushed my finger inside of her. I took my thumb and massaged her clit, while moving my finger in and out of her.

I love my fucking girls. And I love fucking my girls.

I couldn't wrap my head around anything.

"You need to leave," I pointed to the door, "I need a moment to think about things."

"Okay," Leonardo stood up, "We will see ourselves out." They got up and left. My mind was in shambles. How could this be possible? This was crazy. There was no way what he said could be true. But he looked so recognizable. It had to be him. The doorbell rang. Who the fuck is it now? I opened the door to Grayson. His eyes lit up as he saw me.

"Hi," he breathed.

"Hi," I smiled. Why did he have to be so handsome?

"I just wanted to see if you were okay," he explained, "I know you had the meeting with the boss and -"

I silenced him with my lips and his arms quickly wrapped around my waist.

"Aurora," he said against my lips, "We shouldn't."

"Why not?" I looked at him.

"The boss said you're off limits," he whispered.

"Well," I looked at him, "I don't give a fuck about what he thinks." I pulled him inside and he pushed me against the wall. He kicked the door shut with his foot, his hands laying on my hips. It was one of the most passionate kisses I had ever felt, and I could feel a fire ignite inside of me. I could feel the passion in each kiss and the desire in each touch. I wanted him so badly but we needed to take things slow. I wanted to enjoy this moment and I wanted it to feel fucking amazing.

"Do you think she bought it?" Sofia asked as we pulled up at our house.

"It's hard to say," I glanced at her, "We will know for sure by her next action. Grayson will do a good job of keeping tabs on her and steering her in the right direction."

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