《The Boy I Admire From Afar》Chapter Ten


"Hi Zion."

I came to an abrupt stop when I heard a very familiar voice. I turned around and saw Maddie, holding a clear plastic box of cookies.

"I made this for you." She extended her hand to give me the box. But I did not take it. She knew I loved cookies. She made it as a peace offering.

It was easy to forgive, but to forget... it was hard. The thought of her and Cameron kissing at the boy's toilet was still so vivid in my mind.

"No, thanks. I'm not hungry." I said and continued walking in the hall heading to my next class.

"You can eat this later at home." She insisted and walked beside me.

"I said no. Give it to your boyfriend." I said, walking fast so she couldn't catch up.

"You're my boyfriend. It's only you, Zion. I told you I lost in a bet. Kissing him was the consequence." She was half running, following me.

"It didn't look like a consequence to me."

"Why won't you believe me? I love you. I still do."

"We're over, Maddie. Just accept it."

"I miss you... Don't you miss me?" Her voice was fragile and shaking.

I stopped and stared at her. Then said. "No."


"Miss Lim won't be here." Izzy said when I arrived in the classroom.

"That's good news. I can sleep for an hour." I sat down beside him. He was so engrossed writing something. "Do you have an assignment?"

"No. I'm writing a letter for Claire." Izzy answered.

Not again.

"I think I have a chance with Claire now." Izzy continued.

That surprised me.

"Why'd you say so?" I asked him.

"I can feel it, bro. The way she looks at me." He said eagerly. His eyes brightened. "She's concerned when I told her I had a stomachache last night."

"Really? I'm happy for you, bro." I leaned back on my chair and closed my eyes. Too many things running in my mind.


"Bro, can you help me with my letter for Claire? How do you say that she's pretty, and I like her a lot. I find it hard to put my feelings into words." Izzy said.

I continued to close my eyes, thinking. "Tell her that she's so beautiful, and you can't stop thinking about her..."

"Okay... okay..." Izzy said.

"In the morning, when I wake up, you're the first thing that comes to mind and the last when I sleep at night.


"I love your eyes. Every time you look at me, my heart races rapidly... And when you smile...you leave me breathless. I just want to be with you all the time..."

"Wait...wait. I can't catch up. Slow down." Izzy complained.

We were interrupted when Harry arrived.

"Hey, bros. What's up? Let's go to the library and sleep there." Harry put the plastic box of cookies on my desk. "Maddie said this is for you."

I let out a frustrated groan. Maddie wouldn't give up.

"You can have it, bro." I pushed the box away from me.

"Izzy can have it. I'm not fond of cookies." Harry transferred the cookies on Izzy's desk.

"Thanks, bro. I love cookies." Izzy opened the box and took a big bite of a cookie.

"What's taking him so long?" I looked at my wristwatch. Five minutes have passed already but still Zion wasn't in the theatre.

I was agitated. I'm going to wait five minutes more, then I'll leave if he doesn't show up.

The door suddenly opened. It was Zion, bringing a big paper bag and two cans of soda.

"Hi." Zion said, staring at me. He was sweating and catching his breath.

"Hi." I was dazed. I inhaled deeply to keep all my nerves relaxed. The impact of seeing him again was so overwhelming.

"The line in the cafeteria was so long. I brought burgers and fries. This won't keep us hungry." He smiled a little and put the food on the table and his backpack on the floor.


"I'm hungry. Can we eat first?" He asked.


He gave me a burger and a can of soda.

We were eating silently, facing each other. It was really awkward. I was so conscious every time I took a bite of my burger. Then suddenly, he laughed.

"What's funny?" I asked him. Maybe I have smudges of tomato sauce on my face? Or meat between my teeth.

"Nothing." He shrugged his shoulders.

I laughed.

"What's funny?" He asked.


Then we started laughing for no reason.

After eating, we practiced our lines. He was improving and memorized most of his lines. I kept my eyes on the script. Looking at him still made me melt.

I was caught off guard when he suddenly asked. "Are we going to have a kissing scene?"

My eyes widened.

"Nope." I answered abruptly. "That is not allowed."

"Oh. I see." He flipped the pages of his script and asked me another question.

"Do you like Izzy?"

I braced myself to keep me from falling off my seat.

"That's a personal question." I answered shyly.

His eyes went up and studied my face. "You can ask me personal questions too if you like."

Should I?

"Um... Are you... um... never mind."

"I'm single." He said.

I looked at him with amused wonder. "That's not my question."

He laughed richly. "I know. Okay ask me anything."

"Are you happy to play the role?" He asked back.

"Hmm... Yeah. I think I am now. No regrets." He smiled. That tantalising smile again.

"What's your favorite colour?" I asked him.

"Blue. You?"

"Umm...I like any pastel colors."

He nodded. "What makes you smile?"

I looked down, thinking of things that made me happy. When I raised my eyes, I found him staring me.

"Simple things." I answered. "A text message... happy thoughts, a book, memo pads, a pair of socks... anything nice. How about you, what makes you smile?"

"Well... same as yours. A text message from someone special. I like being with my family and friends. What's your favorite movie?"

"The Choice, The Notebook, A Walk To Remember... I also love action movies like The Avengers, Harry Potter Series, and Hunger Games."

"Same. I like the Maze Runner series and Star Wars."

"I haven't seen Maze Runner. Is it good?"

"It is. You will love it."

The tension between us slowly faded as we got to know each other better. We talked about the things we liked and disliked. I realized I didn't know much about Zion before... and now, I learned to like him even more.

I stood up and put my script back in my backpack when the letter that Izzy gave me fell on the carpeted floor. Zion picked it up before I did. "A letter from your admirer?"

I was embarrassed and snatched the letter from him.

"You're blushing."

"No. I'm not... not blushing."

He dipped his head closer to mine and said. "You are."


I woke up early the following morning feeling so inspired and happy. I made an effort of blow-drying my hair. My bangs were long that it covered my eyes already. Instead of cutting it, I put it to the side and clipped it with a bobby pin. It looked nice. I decided to stop having bangs and embrace my new look.

During break time, I met Zion at the hall. He was with Izzy. Izzy said hi but Zion just ignored me. As if he didn't see me.

I felt so bad. I thought we were getting closer now as friends after yesterday. I went to my locker when I received a text message.

"Hi, Claire. I love what you've done to your hair."

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