《The Boy I Admire From Afar》Chapter Nine


"Hey, bro, what are you doing here. You're waiting for someone?"

I stood straight abruptly from leaning on the wall, suddenly going blank when I heard Izzy's voice behind me. I was out of words. "No... I'm just hanging around." I lied. "You. What are you doing here?" I asked him back.

"Waiting for Claire." Izzy replied, showing me the red rose he was hiding behind his back.

Damn it.

I was waiting for Claire at the hall near her classroom. I aimed to talk to her, to help me with the play. Having Izzy here messed up everything.

"It's our last year in high school. I have to work hard in courting Claire. Soon we'll part ways, and I'll be losing my chance with her." Izzy continued. He really meant what he said last week.

"Good luck, bro." I nodded but my eyes were on Claire who went out of the classroom. I couldn't approach her. Not now with Izzy here. "I'll go ahead. See you tomorrow." I tapped Izzy's shoulder and left.

"Okay, bro." Izzy replied.

I didn't go too far. I hid at the corner and watched them from afar. I saw Claire smile at Izzy when he gave her the rose. They were talking and laughing. It seemed like they were enjoying each other's company. She probably would give him a chance now.

I knew it was time to go. I went to the Theatre Rose Room. I was alone practicing my lines. I memorized most of it already. For two nights, I focused on it.

For the nth time, I looked at my watch. I couldn't help but hope for Claire to show up.

I opened my backpack and pulled out the Chocolate Kisses gift box I brought for Claire. I stared at it for seconds then looked at my watch. Thirty minutes have passed. She wouldn't show up.


Of course, she wouldn't show up. She was with Izzy now.

It made me upset. She was supposed to be here. I thought she didn't like Izzy.

I opened the box of Chocolate Kisses and ate some of it. I practiced my lines again, but I couldn't concentrate.

I let out a frustrated groan and flipped the pages of the script. I can do this on my own.

I was practicing my lines when the Rose Room suddenly opened.

It was Claire.

He's still here. I was surprised that Zion waited.

Zion's dark eyes never left mine for an instant when I entered the Rose Room. I cast my eyes downward. I couldn't bear meeting his eyes for too long. His stares made me feel so shy. My breathing quickened, and my cheeks became warm.

Actually, I was thinking of not coming. To ignore him and make him suffer for ditching me. He didn't deserve my help because he would only use me to pass his English subject. I should care less. It was his problem, not mine.

BUT... I'm not that kind of person. If I wouldn't help him and keep on playing hard to get, then that wouldn't be the real me. It was not my personality to ignore people asking for help. My parents, especially Mom, raised me to be helpful and caring to others. Zion was not an exemption. I was the only one who could help him with the play and depriving him of such help would make me feel like a terrible person.

"You came." He immediately stood up, holding a small box of chocolate.

"Yeah." I moved to a chair opposite him and put my backpack on the carpeted floor.

"You want some chocolates?" He held the box closer to me.


I nodded. Who would resist a box of Hershey's Kisses Deluxe Chocolate. I took the box and opened it. "Are you sure you want me to have this? There's only one left."

His face colored fiercely. "Take it. I must have eaten a lot of those. After school made me hungry." He scratched his head and gave me an embarrassed smile.

"Me too." I said and ate the last chocolate. I sat down across him and took the script from my bag. "Did you memorize your lines already?"

"Yeah, almost all of it." He sat down again and flipped the pages of his script.

"We can start at Act 1 Scene 5, where Romeo and Juliet met. Just say your lines, and I will help you put some emotions on it."

"Sure." He smiled again.

I really hoped he would stop smiling at me. I wouldn't be able to concentrate.

I tried to focus and relax as much as possible. I crossed my arms on my chest to prevent my hands from shaking. Being close to him was like a dream. I never imagined this would happen. Breathing the same air and being in the same room made my chest tighten. I felt like the room was shrinking. Breathing became so hard.

Keep calm. Keep calm, Claire. I said to myself repeatedly.

Zion cleared his throat and said his lines. "If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss."

"You have to say it with feelings and lock your eyes at Juliet."

"Okay. But you can't even stare at me." His eyebrows rose in a fraction.

Oh my God. Does he know that I like him?

"Of course I can." I denied and tried to look at him straight in the eyes.

Then he appealingly smiled at me. Making my defences melt away.

"You're blushing."

"No. I'm... not blushing." I stuttered.

"Yes, you are." He moved his chair closer to mine until our knees were just a mere inch apart. "And it's cute." He said and smiled again.

I need help.

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