《The Boy I Admire From Afar》Chapter Seven


He's nearby. I can feel his eyes, staring at me.

I looked around, and immediately, my eyes met his. My heart raced. Beating foolishly. He always had that effect on me. Making me weak.

I walked faster clasping my books tightly in my arms. "Claire." I heard him call out, but I ignored him.

I was avoiding Zion. Whenever I saw him approaching me, I would turn to the other side of the hall and evaded him. He was upset that I stood him up yesterday. I didn't want any confrontation with him. It was better to avoid him.

So that was the reason he'd play Romeo. He was catching up with his failing grade in the English subject. He was a smart guy—one thing that made me admire him. I wondered what just happened.

And now... I don't understand him. He was not taking the chance Miss Robinson gave him seriously. He blew it. Well, served him right. He even ditched me three times.


During break time, I was in the library between wide bookshelves, looking for books to borrow for my Science assignment, when Zion suddenly appeared behind me.


Although he said it in a whisper, I jolted at the sound of his voice. The book I was holding fell on the floor, creating a loud sound.

"Shhh..." The librarian glared at us.

Zion picked the book up and handed it to me. I mouthed the word "Sorry" to the librarian and returned the book to the bookshelf.

I walked to the end of the rows of bookshelves, and Zion followed me in haste that when I turned around to face him, we collided. But he was quick in stepping away from me.

But I already felt the current. The mere touch of him, the smell of his cologne, and the feel of his warm breath made me feel electrified. Just a sweep of his deep brown eyes created havoc to my system, turning me to liquid. I felt like I was hauled up to the sky... to the universe... and heaven.


Oh! I hated myself for being so weak. For having a stupid crazy heart.

"You stood me up yesterday." He said.

"I told you I wasn't sure." I turned my attention back to the books and continued looking for the book I wanted to borrow. But he wouldn't leave me alone, he still followed me.

"I'll see you later. Make sure to be there." He said firmly like ordering his servant.

I ignored him. I took a book and opened it, scanning the contents.

"Claire." He was looming at me, cornering me between two bookshelves. My back touched the wall when I moved a step backward. One of his hand immediately rested on the wall above my head.

"I can't. I have a lot of things to do."

"What things?" He frowned.

"School stuff... household chores."

"You're only making excuses. Why did you ditch me yesterday?" He said accusingly. His cold eyes sniped at me.

"Why did you ditch me last week? Not once, not twice, but three times. You're not even sorry." I countered icily.

I saw his expression darken with anger. Then he chuckled nastily. "What do you want me to do? Say sorry and get down on my knees and beg?"

Oh! The arrogance.

I licked my lower lip, managing to quell my anger. I met his eyes and with my head held high, I told him straight. "I don't want or need anything from you. Just leave me alone." I swiftly bent down and walked pass under his outstretched arm.


Late afternoon, I was in the school bus when I noticed that Zion rode with us. I was really surprised.

What's he doing in here? He lives on the other side of the area.

"Look, it's Zion." Rhea whispered, elbowing me at the same time.

"Yeah. I saw him." Who wouldn't notice him? He had this gorgeous, strikingly attractive look that girls wouldn't fail to notice.


"I wonder what happened to his car? His driver is probably sick or his wife delivered a baby." Rhea giggled.

"Maybe." I answered.

"But he doesn't live in our area, right?" Knowing Rhea, she wouldn't stop talking.


"Hmm... maybe he's visiting someone. Perhaps a new girlfriend?" Her eyes widened.

"Maybe." I smiled at her. "How's Andy?" I asked her to divert her attention.

"Oh... he's fine. He's in Greece." She replied. Andy was the guy in a mobile app. An imaginary boyfriend that Rhea got engrossed with this past few days.

Later, she went out of the bus, and I was left alone in the seat. My eyes collided with Zion and instantly, I looked away. I wondered if he was following me.

No. I don't think so.

My suspicion was right when I went out of the bus. He also did.

"Are you following me?" I asked him when I noticed him walking behind me. "You don't live in this area."

"You're right. I need your help, Claire. We need to practice the play."

"I told you I'm busy. I have a lot of household chores to do." I turned and continued walking home.


"Please stop following me." I took a mere glance at him then walked again.

"You know I can't. My grade is at stake here. I need to pass my English subject." He caught up with me, and we were walking side by side now.

"You should have thought of that when Miss Robinson tried to help you."

"I know. And I should have thought of that when I stood you up three times." He said, stopping me by putting a swift touch of gentle fingers on my elbow.

My heart instantly fell on the ground. I felt myself melt instantly. But I just stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry. I'll make up to you. Promise." His eyes clung to mine, and his gaze lowered to my lips.

I blinked my eyes several times. I was hypnotized by his compelling eyes.

NO. He would use his charms and looks to make me agree to what he wanted.

"Go home."

"I won't take too much of your time. Please, Claire. Just thirty minutes or an hour. I'll pay you. In money or in favor. Whatever you want."

"No. I don't need your money. Many are ready to give favors without asking anything in return."

"Yeah. Sorry for suggesting that. But I really need your help. Please, have mercy on me. I'll get down on my knees if I have to."

"No. Don't you ever do that."

He exhaled heavily, feeling so defeated. "What am I going to do to make you agree."

"Nothing. Ashley and my stepmom will be home soon. I have chores to do." We were standing in front of our house.

"I can help you." He offered.

"Please, Zion, leave now. My stepmom will get mad if she sees you. She'll think I brought a guy in the house."

"Okay... okay. So when are we going to practice?"

"We'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Sure?" His face brightened.

I realized I made a mistake. I gave him hope.

"How about later? I'll call you at eight?"

I wonder if he still has my number? Probably not anymore. I shrugged my shoulders.

He gave me a victorious smile. "Talk to you later." He smiled and finally left.


At exactly eight in the evening, he called.

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