《The Boy I Admire From Afar》Chapter Two


"Why can't I have my own car now? Izzy and Harry drive their own."

"I told you to wait when you're eighteen." My dad, Eros Petrakis, said. He drops me and my twelve–year-old sister Emerald off to school every morning on his way to work.

"I'm going to be eighteen next month. What's the point of making me wait when you'll give it to me anyway?"

"Just be patient. You're lucky that someone drives you to school every morning. Look at that girl, imagine her waking up early in the morning to catch the school bus."

I looked at the girl who dad referred to. It was Claire Olsen. I studied her appearance. She looked pale and tired, as always. Her long black hair tumbled carelessly on her back, and her thick bangs fell across her forehead as she looked down at her shoes.

"DUH! I'm not even complaining that I have to wait six more years in order to get my own car." Emerald said, rolling her eyes.

"Of course. You're still a kid."

"You know I'm not anymore." Emerald rose her voice an octave. Yeah, I knew what she meant. She's really impossible. She celebrated her first menstruation with her female friends and cousins. I knew girls do not usually do that.

When I went out of the car, I was greeted by my buddies Izzy and Harry.

As usual, my sister opened the car window and waved at Harry. She still did not get over her crush on him. I did not like the idea that Harry made her fall for him. I was afraid she would get hurt someday.

"Hi, Harry." Emerald called out through the window.

"Hello, Emerald. You're getting prettier and prettier every time I see you." Harry replied, giving her that wink again.

"Stop doing that. She's my sister." I warned Harry.

"Why not? She's cute."

"She's still a kid." I drew Harry towards the school lobby as dad drove the car away.

"Hey, bro. Congrats! Alex said you're still number one on the Who's Hot List this school year." Izzy teased me. He knew how I hated being on that list.


"That stupid list again." I frowned. "We should talk to them to stop making that list. It's a form of bullying to the ones included in the Who's Not."

"It is, and they always include my girl." Izzy said, referring to Claire.

"Hey, Izzy. Look. It's Claire." Harry said, pointing at Claire who just passed in front of us, walking in a hurry with her head bent.

Izzy's eyes gleamed in an instant. It always made his day if he saw Claire. For years, he was into Claire. Fantasizing about her. Then, he courted her. He did everything to have her as a girlfriend. But she always turned him down.

The problem with Izzy, he would not give up on Claire.

"Hi, Claire." Izzy called out.

Claire stopped and hesitantly faced us. She was always avoiding Izzy and that included us, Harry and me. She was our schoolmate since grade school but there was never a chance to talk to her. She was a shy girl and lacked confidence, just contented with sitting in the corner and doing her stuff. But she was a very smart girl, always made it in the Top Ten Honors List.

Finally, Claire left, and Izzy got to relax again.

"Come on, let's ask Mr. Garrett if we'll have practice tomorrow." Harry said. Mr. Garrett was our football coach.

"You go, guys. I'll see you in class." English was our first class, and I did something terrible. I failed in my last exam. It was the easiest subject, and I took it for granted. I did not study for it and focused on my other subjects. I was afraid my parents would find out, especially dad, he would get mad. To think that it was my last year in high school.

"Okay sure. I'll see you later, bro." Izzy tapped my shoulder before we parted ways.

I saw Claire when I passed by the bulletin board. She was looking at something, and I realized it was the Top Ten List of Who's Hot and Who's Not.


Damn list.

I knew it was upsetting her, always being on the Top Ten List of Who's Not. I didn't understand why. She was not bullied in school. She was admired and regarded highly by teachers for always being an achiever. I guess, her being on the list had something to do with her stepsister who was one of the activists.

I stopped behind her and said. "Stupid list."

I was caught off guard when she suddenly turned around, and our faces came so close. We held eyes for a second. I've never been this close to any girl since I broke up with Maddie a year ago, and the feeling was strange.

She stepped back, avoiding any contact from me. But I continued to stare at her. I realized her eyes were hazel brown not gray, as what Izzy thought. It had a burning pain, far away look in them. Her faint smile even held a touch of sadness.

I decided to leave before I embarrassed myself for staring far too long.


I was talking to my English teacher, Miss Robinson, after class. I was asking her a favor: to give me assignments, so I could improve my grades.

"If you want to get a good grade, you have to play the role of Romeo."

"What?! No way, Miss. I'm not good at acting." I raked my hair with my fingers, feeling so agitated.

"Do you want a higher grade or not?"

"Of course. Is there any other way aside from that? Maybe help you check test papers or... mow your lawn or set up your Christmas tree? I can be your household helper for one week."

Her lips twisted and one eyebrow rose. "No. My husband can do those things, Mr. Petrakis." She said on point. "If you want to pass your English subject, then do it my way."

"Okay fine, I'll do it." I had no choice but to agree. Dammit. My friends would mock me once they find out, especially Izzy and Harry. If possible, I wanted to keep this a secret.

"Do I have to play the lead role? Can I play minor roles instead? I swear, I'm not really good at this."

"Our Romeo backed out. He got chickenpox, and we need someone to replace him."

I was instructed by Miss Robinson to go to one of the Theatre rooms backstage—the Rose Room—to get the script, so I could study it. There was not enough time anymore. The play would be presented a few weeks after the holiday break.

I was heading to the School Theatre when Ashley Farris blocked my way. "Hi, Zion. We're going to have a party this weekend at my house. Wanna join us?"

"Thanks, but I'm busy this weekend." I said.

"Awweee, too bad. Maddie will be there."

The mere mention of Maddie's name made my temper rise.

Almost everyone in school wouldn't stop connecting my name to Maddie. Although Maddie and I broke up a year ago, they still thought that I haven't moved on. That until now, I was still hoping for us to get back together. They thought that my world stopped the moment we broke up.

If they only knew the real reason why we broke up.

"Excuse me. I'm in a hurry." I spun around and left.

The School Theatre was empty with students. The lights were dim except for the center stage where Mr. Francisco, one of the school janitors, was cleaning.

"Hello, Mr. Francisco. How's your day?"

"I'm fine. What are you doing here, Zion?"

"I'm going to get something in the Rose Room." I answered, walking towards the side of the stage.

"Ah... the poor girl is waiting for you for almost an hour already." He answered.

The poor girl? I wondered who was waiting for me.

I entered the Rose Room, and there she was. Her arms were on the table, pillowing her head—sleeping soundly.

I moved closer to her and softly whispered her name."Claire."

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