《The alpha broke me》Why they jumped


James pov

My eyes awakened to remember the things I did to Scarlett. That idiot! Nicholas (nick) was never one to trust.

His alpha Aeolus (A-oh-lis) had threatened our pack. He had witches on his side. Witches, vampires and werewolves.

Only I had to abuse Scarlett until she chose Nick. Which she did.

Scarlett jumped with Nick. To her death.

But little did she know, she was saved. Thankfully, maybe I could have another chance at her.

A real chance. But first the best news yet. We have taken the mermaids to our side. Yes the mermaids.

They are real people. Aqua Leela Angus saved Scarlett and Nick. She brought them to us. Aqua was a very pretty girl, but couldn't hold a candle to Scarlett.

"alpha James? My parents accepted." Aqua spoke with power and happiness.

"Excellent. Call in my beta." I demand Oran (my omega).

"Yes alpha." He said respectfully.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my omega but it's their job to do these tiny errands for me. Oran is like what humans call a butler. But our omega is treated like this.

I also got a new Beta. His name is Aaron. We have been friends for awhile but now we are best friends.

"Alpha?" He asked.

I look up to see Aaron standing their with a tiny smile on his face.

"Aaron how many times have I told you to call me James?" I ask with a smile.

"Thousands of times James." Aaron smirks.

"So you do it to temper me?" I ask with a raised eye brow.

He nods with a grin and I sigh at him. He'll find a good mate.

His other mate 'Annie' died a few years ago. His heart broken along side with her death. I brought him back alive though. I told him to stand up and live for Annie with every breath he takes.

"Is there something you need James?" Aaron asked seriously.

"Wanna come with me to go check on Scarlett and Nick. I need you to tell them the truth with me." I say with a tad bit of anger in my voice.

"Yeah. I don't have much to do anyway." He replied smiling slightly.

He was actually hurting inside of himself.

"Do you mind if we meet Aqua there? You haven't met her yet have you?" I ask.

"No not really.. But I can go meet her any way. Plus I don't think you would take no for an answer." Aaron smirks.

I chuckle and we walk off towards the doctors office that was in our Pack house.

"Hi Sarah. Can we go check on Scarlett Breigh and Nick Loser?" Aaron asked with a big grin.

"Yeah. They're in the same room. Nick loser is awake." Sarah giggled at his silliness.


"Thanks. See ya." I smile and drag Aaron with me.

Room 314. I open the door to see Scarlett talking to nick. I growl and nick sneaks a smirk at me.

"Alpha?" Scarlett asked surprised.

"Scarlett I-" I stutter and suddenly I feel something throughout my body.

Sudden Hatred towards her.

"Scarlett I- how dare you run away and try to die." I growl.

Aaron looks at me surprised and suddenly 3 of our best fighters held me down.

Aaron pov

"Look Scarlett this might sound like jiberish but you gotta listen." I say pleadingly.

"I'm listening." Scarlett said with such fear in her eyes.

"Nicks pack... His alpha Aeolus had witches and vampires in his pack. Nick wants you back badly and from the looks of it, he succeeded. But the witches are casting spells on James from the very day he abused you. He never remembers that he abused you, I remind him. He tried to stop but the curse or spell is getting stronger." I explain quickly but boldly.

"Wait! Nick.. Is this true?" She asked a bit hurt.

"I- no of course not.. Witches really?" Nick looked nervous and stuttered a lot.

"Aaron.. Get him out of here." Scarlett growled and another 2 pack fighters grabbed him out of his hospital bed and ran with him.

Scarlett Broke into tears and I sigh a bit upset too.

"They want to kill us, and get you and Nick together." I try to end it off there but one last detail remained.

"So.. What can we do?" She said terrified.

"Scarlett they did something unforgivable. They.. Killed them. Abyssynthia and Nick (son) is dead."

1 week later

Scarlett pov

"So we take 3 quarters of the pack fighter with us to kill that pack and the others stay back to protect. And James can't come for a while?" I recite the plan.

"Yes Scarlett. Are you ready?" Aaron asked.

"I believe so Aaron." I say with confidence and power.

"Then lets go." He smiled and we all shifted. All of the wolves ran and felt the gusty breeze.

You witches... Wait for me. I'm coming for you.

"Hello?" A voice startled me.

I turn to see a girl with blue hair standing on the side. A human? No.. Impossible!

I shift back and cover my body up with one of James's shirt.

"Yes? Who are you?" I ask.

"Aqua. The mermaid that saved you. We mermaids are helping you destroy the Vampires, Witches and evil werewolves." Aqua spoke calmly and kindly.

"I'm Scarlett. Very nice to meet you aqua." I say with a slight smile.

It's hard smiling these days. Abyssynthia and Nick are dead. My own children are gone. They hadn't even left us for long. Their mates couldn't save them. Marine And... Who was her mate again? Umm well I know marine died along with nick and.. Oh yes Corday! Abyssynthia and Corday died in each others arms. All 4 of them were kidnapped and killed the moment they woke up. Who knows this? Mermaids that are spies.


"Well Scarlett may you shift back? It seems a lot of the pack is waiting for you." Aqua giggled.

I turn and blush. Oops..

"Ride on my back." I say and quickly shift.

Aqua hops onto my wolves back and we run with the pack. I felt so respected and happy. Feeling free like this but knowing my children are dead.. It's unbelievable.

An unbearable pain shot through my body but we kept running. I suddenly stop in pain.

My wolf flopped to the ground and the pain increased.

I automatically shifted back and Aqua jumped away from me.

My wolf is too weak.

Aaron shifted back too but told the pack to stay back.

"Are you okay Scarlett?" Aaron asked softly.

I laid on the grass holding my head. A throbbing pain went through it. Then my stomach began to hurt. Everywhere was hurting.

Aaron cradled me in his arms and I cried in pain.

The pain was burning and suddenly I felt okay. Nothing hurt.

I look up and see James holding my hand softly as I laid in Aaron's arms.

"James. Alpha.. I'm sorry." I say weakly.

"Why are you sorry?" James asked worried.

"Because I'm a failure." I reply softly.

James looked at me sadly.

"Your better off without me. Scarlett you don't need me. I'm the failure. I can't fight back of that spell. I don't know how I am now but.. I hurt you again." James said in pain.

"James.. The pain is gone." I sigh.

I noticed Aaron hand me to James and he smiled apologetically to me.

"Thank you Aaron." I smile.

The other pack members were lead by Aaron and ran off.

I stood up on my own but flinched when James tried to hug me.

"Sorry alpha! It's just that-" I stopped speaking when James looked scared.

"What?" I ask.

"Don't be afraid of me.. Please! I just managed to get you back. This spell! Why? Why me?" James yelled in agony.

I stood there frozen and a wolf came from behind.

He shifted to human and ran to James. It's the third in command. His name is Andy.

"Andy!" I gasp.

He hugged James tightly and James shook uncontrollably.

I Stand and look at James and Andy. I smile slightly and shift to my wolf. We all shift and run towards the pack.

Aaron pov

We arrived at this hideout.. I wouldn't really call it that though. Considering its a castle.. But it's pretty deserted. But probably still not well hidden.

"Okay. I go first. When you get the cue come in." I demand.

They nod and I smash the door down. A grinning man came face to face to me.

"And you are?" I ask.

"Ron. I kidnapped Scarlett for about 16 years." The guy smirked.

"What! Your him! The leader of the rogues." I exclaim.

"Yeah. Now lets make a deal." Ron grinned.

"Okay?" I say questionably.

"I let all of my prisoners go free. But you have to work under me." Ron smiled at his work.

I think and sigh.

"Lets see the prisoners." I say unsure.

When we entered the jail cell I noticed they only had one prisoner.

She's a beautiful girl with long cascading Brown hair. She had hazel eyes and stood at around 5'6.

'Mate' I whisper.

The girl looked up with a frown and then she had a spark in her eyes.

"Are you here to save me?" Her angelic voice quietly rung out.

"I.." I tried to speak but I was petrified.

"Sorry little girl. This young man has a deal to make." Ron laughed.

"No! Please save me." The girl begged me.

I felt a pang in my heart. She's my mate. This beautiful girl. I can either betray her, or my pack and alpha. My pack is my family, my best friend and alpha James, my little sister Scarlett (not little sister but looks at her like that). But my mate is my world.

"What's your name?" I ask the girl.

"Penelope Dennis." She replied quietly.

I sigh thinking of all of the possibilities.

"Ron you got yourself a..."


I decided this book will not go on for a long time. It'll go on for a few chapters and I'll wrap it all up. I can continue the base of this book if you want me too.

For example a sequel idea could be about Scarlett's experience with Ron for 16 years. Or another might be about a time vortex. It brings them back 16 years but everything that happened has actually happened. So AKA they become younger...

Which I must include that Scarlett is 24 years old and the guys are all 27 years old.

I know they do not add up, but I didn't want to write it in a 36 year old lady. I wanted to bring it back further but I did not.

Thanks and I love you all :)

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