《The alpha broke me》Plot twist 1


Scarlett pov

"I couldn't ever let you go." I say with all seriousness in my voice.

"Scarlett.. I know but I realized something." Cato replied to me with guilt.

"Wh-what can stop our love?" I gasp.

"A girl could. My mate could." Cato looked away.

"But I'm your mate." I say, believing to state the obvious.

"Scarlett.. Sapphire your sister.. She never died. It was a set up. Remember Shannon? She wanted me to be with Sapphire, even if I caused her own death, she wanted you to be in pain." Cato said... No trace in his eyes with regret.

"So you don't want me?" I ask hurt and broken.

"Yes Scarlett.. I love Sapphire not you." He said it like he had recited it all night.

Memories came back to me from the very moment we met. The day that he became my mate. The days we smiled and loved each other. The day he lost his memory. The war. The day I left him. And the day that I left to protect him and the pack.

"Cato?" I ask sobbing.

"Scarlett?" He asked back.

"Your love.. Was that all a lie too?" I asked.

He froze. Staring at me and tears in his eyes.

"Scarlett.." He trailed off.

"I hate you Cato. Have fun with my sister." I snap and walk off.

He never knew what he missed out on.

3 years later

I sit on the cliff. Looking at the sunset.

"Thank you.. For being with me." I smile at the boy beside me.

"I would always be there with you. I'm sorry for before." He smiled back at me.

"Your amazing." I smile and look into his eyes.

"Scarlett?" I hear a voice from behind us. A voice that I wouldn't ever thought to have heard again.


"Yes... Cato?" I ask.

I turn to see his broken face. Me sitting beside the love of my life.

"My love... It was never a lie." Cato spoke looking into my eyes.

"I'm sure Cato! You came back to ruin my life again because I'm happy with someone else!" I scream.

I was finally happy.

"He threatened me." Cato spoke the words with venom.

"This is my mate! And he wouldn't threaten you." I growl.

"He did." Cato tried to reason.

"I am a stronger beta then you. I am better, and more loving then you. Cato you let her go. Where's your mate now?" My mate had replied growling.

I love this guy.

Nick is the one. I know it. I'm not cut out to be a Luna.. So I told James we would be friends still. And after I introduced him to a girl named Alexa, he fell in love with her. So me and James are like brother and sister. And Alexa is my sister.

"So nick did you actually threaten him?" I ask with amusement.

"Oh yeah totally." Nick rolled his eyes.

"Cato, where is Sapphire?" I ask.

"I- I can't tell you." He said with guilt.

"Oh really?" I ask.

I look at Nick and he nods. Nick picked him up by his collar and punched Cato.

"Where. Is. She?" Nick asked between punches.

"I- I became- I ki- I she committed suicide." Cato stuttered out.

"English?" I ask confused.

"She committed suicide." Cato breathed in.

I froze. I hated Sapphire. But she killed herself.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because of one reason." Cato looked Away chuckling.

After he told us.. He left me in peace. Cato promised to leave me and Nick alone forever.


The only thing I can't believe is that..

Cato's love for Sapphire.. Was a lie all along..

Just because of my mate.

Authors note

You are probably very confused of the end.

Nick ❤ Scarlett was the ending for this plot twist.

Cato's love for Sapphire happened to be a lie all along.

But why? They were mates..

Nick had actually threatened Cato. Nick had no chance compared to Cato.

Cato wanted nick and Scarlett to be happy so he never said anything. But Scarlett knew.. But she forgave him.

But Cato's love... Would never be filfilled.

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