《The alpha broke me》Ending 1


Scarlett pov

I walk through the forest, following the scent to where the house was.

It was meant to be this way, I had to be with him.

"Hey." I say casually, the moment I see the clearing.

His head perked up and a tear is rolling down his cheek the moment he sees me.

"You know.. I was scared that you would actually leave me!" He cried.

"You were there with me. I needed you. I still do. Promise! But, letting you go, would be the mistake of the lifetime." I say smiling at the shy boy ahead of me.

"So you actually want to be with me?" He asked.

"Not surprisingly.. You were there went I needed you to be at the moment. Plus I had kids with you! Why wouldn't I want you?" I exclaim excitedly.

"I still can't believe it!" He smiled brightly.

"Neither can I." I reply shortly.

"I love you Scarlett." He said.

"I love you too... Cato."

"But I still don't get it.. After all that I was still always there with you. But you came back for James and Nicholas." Cato said upset

"Cato I- they are my mates too. I will always have a spot for them in my heart but you covered the rest of my heart. And.. I didn't make my decision immediately, it took me months... Years..." I say with joy yet sadness.

"I see.. So I'm your number one guy?" He winked.

"Of course. You always have been.. I just needed to clear everything up." I say calmly.

"Well I'm glad that was all cleared up." Cato said with joy and pride.

"Your the best!" I grin.

"I get that often." He smirks back.


I giggle and run into his open arms. Being in his embrace felt right. I would have never met him if it wasn't for James and Nicholas. They'll always be in my heart but never could they fulfill it. I love all of the boys.

But mostly Cato.

5 years later

Abyssynthia and Nick have finally lived with their mates! They're actually moving out. I can't believe it! It's like.. Yesterday when she was so young. Both of them actually!

Any way I'm going to tell you what happened in the last 5 years.

I actually got Cato into becoming friends with Nicholas and James.

James found a new girl. Alessandra Anika. She's stunning and totally a perfect Luna. She is one of the coolest people I have ever met.

Then Nicholas, he went to a gorgeous girl named Danielle. She's a dancer and quite shy. But I love her so much, she's so adorable.

And me and Cato.. We'll always be together. We were meant to be with each other, after everything that happened. I'm glad he was my third chance.

After all, I had the chance of a lifetime.

There is no point of dwelling what happened in the past, as what happens in the past is sometimes better to happen then and not in present day.

I love my life.

Oh did I mention. I'm in a rather... Weird situation right now.

I'm at my..

"Stop spacing out! Scarlett.. We're done!!" Danielle squealed.

I look up to see my image in the mirror. I see a girl. A beautiful one. One filled with joy, hope, and love. That girl was me. Today was my wedding day. I would be married to the man I loved.

"Thank you.. Celine, Danielle and Alessandra. Your all too kind of this." I say blushing but saying rather softly.


"Your absolutely welcome angel. Now lets see a smile on that dolled up face." Alessandra said with such.. I don't know how to put it. Every time she talked, she gave me such hope.

I smile at her and I think about the future with Cato. A happy family.. I think we agreed on no more kids. After all I'm 36 years old, and I already had 3 kids. One was sent for a different and loving family though.

Maya. She found her mate.Caleb and Stormy was with maya every step on the way.

"I love the smile Angel. Now lets get moving." Celine grinned.

I loved my best friend so much. She's my favourite of all the 3 girls. She was always there with me. Celine found something in me. To make me happy and proud of being WHO I AM.

I sigh and realize its time. Finally time for my marriage.

(Now I would make it so detailed and everything but I'm not.. Well I don't do those kinds of weddings. I'm a Muslim, not a terrorist if that's what your thinking. Any way, our culture doesn't follow your wedding style but I do know about the vows and I do's and like walking with some guy and blah blah blah. So I'm just going to skip to the 'you may kiss the bride' moment. I'm sorry if I disappointed you but if anyone can send me their own wedding they would put in this book.. It would be great cuz I would add it to this instead. Sorry once again)

"I love you." I whisper to Cato so quietly.

"I love you too." I hear him whisper back giving me a big smile on my face.

"And I announce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest spoke with such holy behind his voice to make it extra special.

I quickly lean in and smile.

Nothing could be better then my life now. I'm married, have kids, and all my friends are happy. Is that the gift of being kidnapped for 16 years?

No I do not believe so. After all, doing what is right, will lead my life in a better direction.

Follow your heart as it will lead you, to your correct desire.

This is my story. My life with Cato.


























































Wait! But the question actually is.. Did I make the correct decision? Yes it feels right but so wrong at the same time.

How do I know that?

Because one guy is still lurking in my head.

I guess I just ruined the chance of a lifetime.

Authors note

So a weird story but maybe Scarlett made the wrong choice. It's just that in the end, Scarlett would have to deal with the fact that she chose Cato and would have to seriously learn to live with it.

So obviously I'm sorry for all of you Cato fans but it was meant to be this way. This is not the real ending, as it's sort of a bitter ending to deal with. Now I really am sorry but Cato was the lucky chance mate.

Thank you for everyone who read this. I saw i had 1.2k readers and I was really happy. But if I have that many readers why wouldn't I have any comments or votes? That doesn't make sense.

I'm sorry but I want feedback and comments about by story. It's nice to see many readers, but no voters or comments? Ouch it sorta hurts me.

Anyway that's my rant! Love ya'l.

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