《The alpha broke me》My mate betrayal


Scarlett pov

"You-your boyfriend? Nick?" I ask.

She nods with a big smile on her face.


I felt so heartbroken and betrayed for some reason. He killed my sister and her boyfriend. Is he out of his mind? Then again Shanon also was part of this.

Then I looked up and saw Shanon smile sadly towards me. And she was gone.

She ran away?

Okay. I guess it's hard to take this all in.

"Alpha Raven come quickly," I mind link him.

All of a sudden Raven barged in with a worried expression.

"Raven sit down." I pat down a chair.

I see Celine and Cato walk in worried as well. I shut the door and begin to tell them everything.

After my story they all reacted.

"Your mate nick? And his girlfriend?"

"What is wrong with them! They deserve to die!"

"Sap-sapphire I-is g-go-gone?"

The first was raven and the second was Celine. And of course Cato was last. He felt pain and it's because of the mate bond broken.

"I'm kicking them out tonight and having war." Raven spoke.

"War!" We all yelled.

He nods and leaves dragging Cato along with him.

"Cool war! I'm going to fight." I smirk.

"Yeah! But I hope it's a really small death war." Celine frowned.

"Ahh the Luna is worried." I giggle.

She rolls her eye and we hear yelling in the distance.

"WAR! Are you out of your mind!" I hear Tyler scream.

A huge argument went on until I see the moonlight pack leaving.

That escalates quickly.

"Alpha James will you help us and be our allies?" I ask.

"Of course. Forever Scarlett." He smiled.

We need to get ready for our war.

"Raven when is the war?" I ask.


"A year from today."

1 year later

I wake up from crying of my little daughter. Little Maya Annie Breigh.

She's 9 months old. Your wondering how's that possible if you just skipped one year!

Well beta females are only pregnant for 3 months! Sucks to be you humans!

She's adorable but I'm keeping her away for the war.

"It's okay Maya! Sleepy sleepy sleepy time. It's nighty nighty nighty time. Go to sleep, Count the sheep. Wake up and play all day. Sleepy sleepy sleepy time. It's nighty nighty nighty time." I sing. (Lullaby- sing as twinkle twinkle little star tune)

Then she fell asleep. Aww she's so cute.

I pick her up and I open the front door.

"Ready Cato?" I ask.

He nods silently as we drive towards the RockVille pack.

2 hours later

"Thank you Caleb and Stormy. For taking care of Maya." I say sadly.

Caleb looked at maya and frowned at the name.

"Are you okay Caleb?" Stormy asked.

"Stormy I'm sorry I always think about maya. I must be a horrible mate if I'm always thinking of a different girl." He said sadly.

"Caleb your not! You're just broken and I was too but you took care of me. I was heart broken after I was rejected and you helped me out!" Stormy soothes.

"Bye guys! Thanks again." I say smiling.

They wave us off and I look at our little princess for the last time.

The war will finally begin. I'm scared. Very scared.

"Are you ready Celine?" I ask the moment we are back.

"Yeah." She said nervously.

I shut my eyes and opened it to See I'm in human form in the woods. Here we go.

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