《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》The Unexpected Part 1



Alexa's POV

I turned in his arms I couldn't help but admire the man in front of me. Even with his scruffy look going on. "Nate, I miss you so much... But you really need to shave caveman" I said bringing my lips to his. He chuckled.

"I haven't seen or touched you in days and that's the first thing you say" he said against my lips.

"I did mention that I missed you" I said feathering kiss on his lips. Nate kissed me back our lips moved together eagerly both wanting more of each other. He bit down on my bottom lip sucking it into his mouth, I moaned as that action alone ignited my libito. His tongue dipped in as we tasted each other leisurely. He picked me up off the floor and I wrapped my legs around his waist. When my back touched the bed I started to rip his t-shirt off never breaking the kiss. He chucked against my lips.

"Alexa... I want you more than anything right now but I think we should talk there are things I want to say to you and things you may want to say to me" He said as I stared into his smoky grey eyes. I placed a kiss on his nose. "Your right Nate and before we can move on we need put the past to rest" He nodded getting up from my embrace. "How about I run you a nice warm bath and fix you up a midnight snack?... Then we'll talk" he asked. My Nate always such a care bear to me... He's going to be a great father. I just hope he'll want a family with me.

"That sounds perfect" I said with a smile. He nodded and walked towards the bathroom. I could use a relaxing bath. I haven't hear my wolf since I was in the hospital. 'How are we holding up? Are you ready to take this step with Nate and his wolf?' I asked her. 'With what his wolf and him has bless us with I'm ready if he'll have me as his mate... I will protect our pups with my life they're doing just fine' she whispered to me. 'I hope so too' I said to her as Nate comes out the bath shirtless with his jeans low and his Calvin Kleins hugging his hips. I groaned I couldn't wait for him to take me and make me his forever. He made his way towards me. I couldn't help but ogle as his muscles flexed as he made he strides towards me. I licked my lips and squeezed my legs tight. I yelped as he bent and lifted me in his arms.

"You are making it very hard to control myself I could smell you all the way in the bath" I chuckled.

"I'm sorry but I can't help it your so deliciously handsome" I said batting my eyes he shook his head as we walked into the bath which was dimmed with candles around it and a lavender aroma lingering through my nose. I looked at Nate who was now in front of me. He cupped my face with both hands. "I want you to relax you've been through a lot I'll get you something to eat while your in here when your ready I'll be waiting" he said placing a light kiss on my lips and walked off.

I undress in front of the wall mirror I could see the light pink scars on my arms and the one across my neck it was very faint but it will always be there. I turned to the side and looked at my belly you still couldn’t tell, but I had a tiny lump forming in my abdomen. I put my hand on it rubbing softly. "Mommy will take care of you little ones I will try my hardest to do everything right" I whispered.


Once I was done I quickly change into silky pajama short set. The bath was just what I needed I feel much more relaxed. I made my way to the bedroom and found a freshly shave and clean Nate in but a pair of boxer briefs and a tray of fruit and yogurt. I smiled at him he gestured me over with a finger. I walked over to him and crawled on the bed next to him leaning my back on him. He wrapped me in my arms. "I never thought I'd feel you in my arms again" he said kissing the back of my head. I turned in his arms to face him. I looked at his beautiful face smoothing his frown line with the pad of my thumb his eyes closed at my touch.

"Nate I know what happen between us was the worst experience for me. When you left me I literally thought I would die" I said softly I could feel his body tense. "But then you came for me and I knew that we still had a chance and you never stopped loving me" I said as he looked away from me and laid on his back.

"I failed you Alexa... I failed you in every way possible. You could have been killed and it was all my fault." He said as jaw tightened. I had no idea why he would think such a thing. "I found my mate..." He whispered. Nick had mentioned this but it slip my mind... Maybe this wasn't going to work the way I thought... I turned away not wanting him to see the tears welding in my eyes.

"Alexa... Look at me baby" he said gently. I shook my head but it was no use he jumped off the bed and kneeled before me. Just then a tear had fallen down. He wiped it away with the back of his hand. "She's gone... She was the one that almost killed you... Nick had got there just in time to kill her first... I wanted to move to help you but my wolf wouldn't let me... I'm so sorry baby..." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his head on my lap. I didn't know what to say... But I didn't want to think of what would have happened if Nick wasn't there. I can't blame him for his actions it was something he couldn't control. The moon goddess has set our paths... Which lead me right back to the man I love. I ran my fingers through his damp hair I felt him take in a shaky breath.

"I forgive you..." I whispered lifting his head in my hands to stare into his clouded grey eyes. "For everything I love you Nate, for all that you are, all that you have been for me, and all that you are yet to be Nate" I smiled placing a light kiss on his lips.

He kissed me back this time with all the love he had for me. I crawled back on the bed pulling him with me he started to feather kisses down my neck. I moaned as he passed my marking area running his tongue up and down my body turned to him. He slipped his finger into the waist part of my pants and slowly slid them off I was bare to him from the waist down I stared into his eyes as they turned a lustful dark shade of grey. I whimpered as my core throbbed in anticipation. His large hands slid up my legs slowly just passing my entrance I gasped as he ripped my shirt open causing buttons to fly everywhere.


"Nate..." I said breathlessly. He growled in approval as he looked down at me completely bare to him. His lips met mine again feeling the gentle touch of his tongue as it grazed across my lips. I moaned giving him access. As our tongues tasting one another his hands wandered over my body giving me the attention I needed. His lips moving there way down the center of my chest as a firm hand cradles one breast massaging it tenderly my nipples perked as he captures one in his mouth. I moaned heavenly as I called his name.

"Ohh... Nate please take me..." I whispered needing him inside me.

I brought my legs up hooking my toes in the waistband of his boxers and pushing them down he was free his harden erection rubbed against my core. As he kept his attention on my breast. I was over the moon and moaned in pleasure. Like a puzzle piece he slid into me I gasp as his monstrous erection was gracefully in me our bodies as one he was soft and warm like silk. His groaned generating more and more fluid. I shutter in ecstasy and breathe deeper savoring his beauty consumed by the powerful rocking motion of his hips. Pressing hard and deep as he entice me within his essence I was caught in a place of passion and release as I stare into his stormy grey eyes. He grabs my hips pulling me harder and harder against him yearning for release to flood his passion inside me. I screamed his name as pressure built in my head traveling down my spine settling deep in my core. He nuzzled his nose at the curve of my neck and inhaled deep as I felt his canines graze my marking area I shuttered I want him all of him I was his forever.

"Mate me Nate take me as yours forever" I whispered as I felt my breath cease as he bites down taking me to a blissful high that ignites through me. His rhythm increases sending waves of sweet pleasure to every thought I've ever had. His thrusting becoming deeper and deeper, his hips longingly

embracing me calling me forth. Our bodies move willingly I lost control. Feeling our bond grow strong between us. Blissfully lost within his arms. We laid there panting our bodies glistening with sweat. I looked in to my mates eyes that shined with pure love and adoration.

"I love you Alexa I vow to protect you with all that I have I will be the best mate to you and maybe if you want we can look into adopting pups so that we can have our own family... I would love them like my own even if they didn't come from us" he said sadly caressing my arms with his fingers. 'Are we okay to tell him... He is now our mate his wolf has accepted us completely' I asked my wolf. 'Yes, he has shown me love from the beginning now as his mate I plan to show him mine in return I will carry our babies for our mate' she whispered happily.

Nathaniel's POV

"Nate... We don't have to adopt any pups... Because I'm already carrying them"

I stared back at her I was in shock... Did she just tell me she was carrying my baby a pup of my own? This night is too good to be true.

"Alexa..." I choked out moving away so that I can look at her belly. I couldn't tell yet. So I laid my head on her stomach using my wolf hearing to listen. I felt her fingers comb through my hair. As I heard a heartbeat... Wait a minute two heart beats. 'We're going to be fathers' my wolf growled happily. I laid there just listening to the two heart beats that were music to my ears I've never heard something so beautiful in my life. I felt tears of joy roll onto Alexa's belly. "You okay baby" she asked gently. I wiped my face and kissed her tear stained belly.

I looked at my now mate she was more beautiful than ever before.

I pulled her onto my lap kissing my mark. "I'm more the okay I'm the happiest werewolf alive. And you are to thank for that. What you've given me I thought I'd never have a beautiful mate and two pups to go along with it." I said placing a kiss on her lips. She moaned and pulled back. "Nate... I'm extremely hormonal just seeing you makes me want to hump you all day... Dr. Mary gave me some things to care for myself throughout my pregnancy and told me sex was a plus... So we can have sex over and over" she said straddling. I chuckled as she feathered kisses down my neck. "Alexa how about you eat what I brought you and you look tired baby... I'll be here I'm not leaving anywhere" I said holding her beautiful face in my hands and kissing her forehead. She nodded I got out the bed walking over to my closet dresser pulled her out one of my t-shirts and I quickly throw on some shorts. When I came back she had the bed sheet wrapped over her while eating her yogurt. I walked over and sat beside her on the bed I pulled the T-shirt over her and cuddled next to her. I still have to tell her about about me taking the Alpha position for Silver Moon Pack. Maybe I'll wait till tomorrow she looks drained. After she had finish her snack she snuggled up to me. "What's on your mind Nate? I know that look..." She said while yawning. "Nothing just tired lets get some sleep we'll talk tomorrow" she nodded with another yawn while her eyes slowly closed. I stared at my mate while rubbing her belly. I smiled to myself... Not one but two pups... I don't know what I did to deserve this... "Thank you moon goddess" I whispered closing my eyes.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I panicked I jumped out of bed. "Alexa!... Alexa where are you?!" I ran downstairs looking everywhere. 'You need to relax... Follow her scent' my wolf growled. I did as he said it lead me back to our bedroom when I walk in I see her coming out the bath with a towel on her head. I breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at me worriedly.

"Nate... You okay you look like you saw a ghost?" She questioned walking towards me. I pulled her in my arms.

"I'm sorry but my wolf and I are a little overprotective of you now... When I woke up and didn't find you in bed I panicked" I said sheepishly she cocked a brow.

"Nate you better not be one of those mates that has to make sure everything is secure... Like the bathroom or closet?" She questioned me, deep down the answer was yes but I didn't want to hover over her.

"No! Of course not..." I said kissing her full lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck laughing.

"Sure... Big guy" she said pulling away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I question as she swayed her ass in the closet. I follow behind her I leaned on the frame of the closet door.

"I'm going to make lunch since we sleep passed breakfast and call my friends from back home to let them know we're going to have dinner here tonight along with my mother and brother" she said pulling on some shorts and a tank.

"Have you talked to Dahlia... She's not to happy about the reunion with your mom and she's super pissed at me about what happened" I informed her she shook her head.

"I'll handle Dahlia she can be stubborn" she said as braided her hair. I came up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist. Placing a kiss on my mark... I groaned she smelled delightful she shivered in my arms letting out a moan.

"Nate... I told you I'm hormonal you can't keep turning me on like this I'll never make lunch" she said turning in my arms to face me she leaned in pulling me down while on her tippy toes. I could feel her breath tickling my ear. "You bad boy..." She whispered making me twitch in my pants. "Need a shower you smell like sex..." She said as she pulled away chuckling to herself. I groaned pushing myself down... Oh how I missed her little jokes.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed being mated to someone is the best feeling I thank the moon goddess every minute for giving me a second chance at a mate. I know last night Nick felt his bond with Alexa break as soon as I marked her. I would have expected him to come over at that moment but he didn't. I'm thankful for him for stepping out of the way. I know in someway this has changed our friendship. He will forever be a brother to me no matter what. He did what was best for his family and his pack he is a true Alpha.

I made my way downstairs when I heard yelled in the kitchen. When I got there Dahlia was yelling at Alexa. I walked over and slammed my hands on the counter island.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled somebody had to put this she wolf in her place. Dahlia narrowed her eyes at me.

"This is none of your god damn business Nate." She growled while I heard Alexa gasp.

"Dahlia!" Alexa yelled.

"You listen and you listen good... I will not tolerate disrespect in my house and most definitely you disrespecting your sister you will show my mate respect if you have an issue with me or anyone for that matter so be it... But don't take it out on Alexa while she's carrying my pups!" I growled I was shaking with anger. Until I felt Alexa's arms wrap around my waist I relaxed to her touch.

The stared back at Dahlia who was now in tears. Then heard my brother barge through the door rushing to his mate.

"What happen are you okay babe?" Mason asked as he looked towards me and Alexa.

"I'm fine Mase... And I'm sorry Nate for being such a bitch to you I know now that you are the source of my sisters heart...I'm just really emotional with this pregnancy" she said. I looked at her then my brother who smiling like Cheshire cat. The little shit knocked her up after I talked to him but I know now the joy of becoming a father. "Congratulations to both of you... No worries Dahlia we're family now... You ain't getting rid of me that soon." I said pulling her and Mason in a hug.

Dahlia pulled away and walked over to Alexa and pulling her in a hug. "Congrats to you big sis... I'm going to be an auntie to twins!" She sang excitedly. Mason wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Dude congrats... Your the man two at once that's fucking awesome" he said I laughed and everyone seemed to be okay for now and I hoped that how it stays. I turned to Alexa who was making sandwiches and a salad. When the doorbell rang. "I got it" I said walking to the door. I open it up to find a very stressed Michael he looked like shit. "What's up Mikey? What the hell happened to you?" I questioned gesturing him to come in.

"I need someone to talk to." He said in a low tone I nodded. "Lets go to my study." I said walking down the hall. 'Hey baby I'm going to be in my study with Michael' I mind linked Alexa. 'Okay, I'll bring your lunch to you in a minute' she linked back. I sat in my chair facing him.

"So what's going on?"

"It's my mate... She doesn't want me bro... I don't know what to do anymore." He said putting his head in his hands.

"Did she reject you?"

"No! Not yet... But she won't let me near her the last time I saw her was when I left the hospital after I kissed her and told her I wasn't chasing after her no more... That was less than twenty four hours ago I want to go to her so bad but I've gave my all now I was hoping she'd come to me but she hasn't" he whispered the last words.

"Well my dude... Alexa's invited them over for dinner tonight and now I'm inviting you. You'll get to see her but you have to try and control yourself and ignore her. Your her mate she'll come she won't hold off to long especially over a long dinner. Do little things like pass her something while gently touch her hand. Or walk by her where you have to squeeze by put your hands on her as you do while whispering excuse me in her ear... That's all I've got I'm sure you can think of the rest... You'll get your mate Mikey... She seems like a tough cookie." I said he nodded. "Tough isn't even the word bro" he said with a smile as he got up from the chair. "Alright Nate I appreciate your help." He said as he slapped me up. Just then Alexa walked in with lunch.

"Oh Michael you leaving already I made you a sandwich." She said. "Ah... Yeah but I will take it to go if you don't mind? It looks to good to pass up on." Michael said to her as she smiled. "Of course I don't mind here you go she handed him his sandwich wrapping it in a napkin. God how did I get so luck the face of a goddess and a heart of an Angel. "Thank you Alexa... And Nate I'll see you tonight." Michael said as he walked out the door.

Alexa walked over to me placing the try on my desk and sitting on my lap. "What was that about?" She asked. "Nothing just thought I would invite a friend over tonight for dinner..." She crossed her arms and raised a brow. "Hmm... Really you sure it doesn't have anything to do with the fact his mate will be here as well?" She said knowingly. I smiled because I couldn't get anything by this girl she knew me oh to well. "No... I forgot all about that... What a coincidence... Won't this be a surprise for both of them." I said sneakily. She giggled wrapping her arms around my neck. "Nate your such a bad liar..." She said giggling I laughed.

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