《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》We Wait...
Song for this chapter. Usher-what's a man to do
Alpha Nicholas's POV
I was killing wolves left and right until I felt a sharp pain on my neck. The only thing that could mean was Alexa was hurt. I ran towards where Nate had called for help. As I was getting closer I was horrified. Nate stood froze watching Alexa fighting for her life as one of Julius's trained fighting wolf claw at my mate as she howled in pain I kept running I knock Nate out the way locking my jaw around the wolves neck snapping it in half. I quickly looked over Alexa's limp body there was so much blood. My wolf was shaking with worry he howled in pain. I couldn't shift my wolf had to make sure she safe from danger. Once I was sure I shift I grabbed her in my arms.
"Alexa can you hear me?" My voice quivered. She didn't respond I took my shaky hands to check to see if she had a pulse. I could feel a light pulse. Her wolf was so badly wounded she wasn't healing quick enough. I linked to anyone who could hear me. 'I need the pack doctor here NOW!' I didn't care who did it first but I needed Mary here.
"Alexa... Please stay with me... Please" I whispered as I rocked her in my arms. I silently prayed to the moon goddess... 'please let her live, she doesn't deserve any of this she deserves to live a happy life. Take me in her place... Please'
I sobbed for what felt like forever with my head on her bloody coat. I looked up after I heard some ruffled movements Nate had the yellow colored wolf who had attached Alexa in his arms with Addison holding a sheet in her hands with a man standing beside her. What the fuck is going on? I saw my Yukon driving up the lawn it stop in front of me. Mary came rushing out with her medical bag in hand.
"Alpha... I need you to let her go" she said timidly as I growled under breath I knew she was right but my wolf didn't want her out of his sight.
"Alpha please I need to check her" she asked more firmly. I nodded and move away giving her space to do her job. I watched Mary's every move I didn't register what was happening around me till I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder. I looked up to see Adam's face masked with sympathy as he stared down at Alexa. 'I know the truth man... and I am sorry, but if you don't want people talking you need to sober up' I looked around as the men of my pack were making their way towards me I looked back to Adam. 'I don't give a fuck who knows anymore she's my fucking mate and she's dying right in front of me while the man she loves is hovering over the very wolf that did it!' I growled at Adam I couldn't stand being there any longer I wanted her at the pack hospital.
"Mary... What going on?" I questioned.
"Alpha... She has a heartbeat but it's not strong she's lost to much blood and her wolf has gone into shock from the trauma... We need to get her out of here and into a sterile environment" she said grabbing a needle from her bag with a little jar of liquid. I watched as she filled the syringe with clear liquid.
"What is that Mary?" I asked.
"It's a stabilizer for her wolf once I inject her she will shift to human form... So you might want to grab that gown I have in my bag" she gestured me towards her bag. I quickly grabbed the gown. I looked around and gave an order to my men.
"Look away!" I growled once that was done Mary had already injected Alexa who's body started to convulse.
"Mary! What the fuck is happening!" I yelled dropping to my knees in front of her. "She is fine Alpha it will seize" She said and I gasp when I saw her in human form with her neck sliced open and claw marks open on her chest on top of that she was bruised and beaten.
"I will use some stitching tape to hold the wounds closed until we make it to the hospital" Mary said as she got to work. Once covered I placed her delicate body into the truck. Once I closed the door I looked over to where Nate was and he was gone so was the wolf.
"Adam... Where Julius?" I growled I wanted him dead.
"I was taking down one of his men when he ran into the house. Last I saw was a silvery wolf follow him inside. Most of his men are dead. We lost a few of our own" he said looking down.
"I'm going to head to the hospital with Mary and Alexa. Finish settling things here if any of you see Julius... Kill him!" I hissed. "And when you see Nate you tell him I want a word with him you know where I'll be" he nodded and I got in the truck driving off full speed.
Once we made it to the hospital Alexa was quickly rush into surgery. Mary had said she had to have her neck stitched the proper way in order to heal since her wolf wasn't able too. I sat in the waiting room in what felt like hours. Slowly her friends showed up. Christine and Gemma came running through the doors frantically.
"Oh my god... Nick how is she?" Christine cried.
"I don't know they haven't came out yet" I said as I let my head lean against the wall.
"Nick... I just want to prepare you Hannah's on her way" Christine whispered. Shit! She is going to be pissed when she gets here. I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Why don't you go home before she gets here. We'll call you with any updates" Gemma said giving me a sad smile.
"I will call her she doesn't need to be down here" I said walking outside I sat on a bench I mind-linked Hannah.
'Nick what's going on someone said you were in the hospital, are you okay?' She asked worry in her tone.
'Yes Hannah I'm fine... You don't have to come out here, stay home and rest' I said in a tired tone I was exhausted to the max.
'Nick... You sound like you're the one who needs rest, come home baby. Anyways, I couldn't get a ride. I hate driving your big truck.' she whined.
'I'll be home soon, I'm just waiting on some information'' I said. Hannah never questioned me about work. I hoped that's what she thinks I'm doing.
'Okay then, I'll see you... I love you' she whispered.
'I love you too' I said shutting my link to her. I walked back into the waiting area where I found Mary talking to Christine and Gemma. They were crying and holding each other. All the blood in my body drained. The worst possible thought came to mind. I took long strides towards them. They both looked up at me when I stood beside them.
"What is it?" I asked in a voice that wasn't my own. Mary looked at me nervously.
"Alpha... well everything went well with the surgery... But she hasn't woken up yet" she stated. My emotions ran through me in that quick second, but she didn't give a clear answer.
"What do you mean she hasn't woke up?" I asked.
"She's gone through alot Alpha, she's weak and fragile. Her body physically couldn't handle anymore so I had to put her in a coma" she said sadly... A coma.
"How long?" I choked out the words.
"I don't know... It can be hours, days, months, even years. It all depends on her and her wolf" she said sadly.
"Can I see her?" I questioned.
"Of course Alpha" she said looking towards the girls who nodded. I wasn't sure what private conversation they were having all I cared was seeing my mate.I walked down the hall with my head low and my hands in my pocket I followed behind Mary who came to a stop in front of the door that separated me from my mate. I looked at Mary she gave me a reassuring smile.
"You can talk to her she may hear you. She'll need all the support she can get especially from her mate..." She said. I looked at her with widened, she knew... was it that obvious? She placed her hand on my arm.
"It's none of my business Alpha, just know she doesn't need anymore stress right now. So try to just be with her." she padded my arm before walking off.
I took a deep breath turning the knob I walked in her scent mixed with sterilizing scent filled the room. The beeping from the machine echoed off the walls. I gazed at the tubes connected to her delicate body my heart broke to see her like this. I walked beside her bed grabbing her cold hand in mines. She was beautiful even like this.
I brought my lips to her forehead and let them linger there for a moment enjoying the feel of her skin on my lips. I pulled away leaning my forehead on hers closing my eyes silently letting the tears flow down my face.
"I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I didn't wait for you... I'm sorry I hurt you by starting a family that was meant to be yours... I'm sorry for being a selfish asshole" I cried. "Just please wake up... I love you... I will leave everything for you. I'll figure something out with the baby. I'll be the father I'm supposed to be but... I need you... damn it!... I need you" I choked out the words because I do love her she is my true mate. How could I love Hannah as well as Alexa? My heart hurt because I was damned if I do and damned if I don't. Someone in this situation will ended up heart broken.
I don't know how many hours pasted, but it felt endless. I looked up and the sky was dark. There was a light knock at the door.
"Come in" I said in groggy tone. In came a Julius's mate and a little boy. She had tears in her eyes and was holding the little boy for support.
"Why are you here? you have no right after what your mate has done!" I growled. She walked towards me and narrowed her eyes.
"That bastard was never my mate he killed my mate Alexa's father, I am her mother I have been kept forcefully against my will by Julius. He tried to get away with my son, but I killed him before he hurt another one of my children." she sobbed hugging the boy. I looked at the little boy who looked about eight years old. He looked back at me then to his crying mother. I didn't know how to respond. I looked up at his mother; this whole situation was so fucked up.
"How is she?" Alexa's mother asked walking towards the other side of the bed.
"There hasn't been any changes she in a coma... We just have to wait it out" she nodded. I used this opportunity for me to go home and rest. I think it was time for me to head back home. He mother looked like she needed to be with her.
"Will you be staying for a while ?" I asked her.
"Yes I will stay as long as you allow me too" she said. I nodded and walked out towards Mary's office I knocked lightly.
"Come in" Mary said as I entered she was sitting behind a stack of charts.
"Mary I'm heading home if anything changes with her call me immediately either you or your staff" I said to her.
"Yes Alpha I will let my nurses know" she said. "One more thing have another bed put in the room with her. Her mother is there with a little boy who looks like he can use some sleep" she nodded and I walked off. As I made my way towards the exit I heard some commotion. When I walked out I came face to face with Nate who looked like he has had one too many. I could smell the liquor coming off of him. Adam and Marcus were trying to keep him at bay, but they were struggling.
"You!... What the fuck are you doing here?" I snarled I was so fucking pissed at him I could rip his throat out. If he would have moved his ass maybe Alexa wouldn't be where she is right now.
"I came to she her!... What the fuck do you think!" He slurred.
"Oh that's fucking great! Now, is when she matters! You come now after you left her to get ripped apart by that fucking crazed wolf!" I growled back at him. He had some fucking nerve.
"You don't know shit Nick... So fuck off" he yelled and pushed passed me. I quickly grabbed on to his arm and slammed him against the brick wall.
"Your not going anywhere near her... Your going to go home and pull your shit together. Maybe then I will let you see her" I said using my Alpha tone which he didn't like. He pushed me off making himself stumble.
"You have no right to her Nick! You rejected her..." He said looking into my eyes. He was right, I did rejected her because she asked me too, because she loves him more then me, and that hurt.
"You killed my fucking mate!" He growled. So this was why... he was bonding, he couldn't fight his mate who he clearly couldn't see she was pure animal.
"Nate... listen I don't wanna do this now. That wolf she had no humanity, and you of all people should've known that. Couldn't you see that? She was killing her!" I said he looked down.
"You took my fucking mate can't you understand!" he yelled. Guess karma's a bitch. I looked dead in his eyes so he could she I knew what that hurt felt like.
"And you took mine..." I hissed at him and that was all it took for him to go crazy. I stumbled back from the blow I received to my face. I rubbed my jaw as I straighten myself I wasn't going to fight him. I wasn't going to waste my time. I turned away from him and looked at Marcus and Adam.
"Get him out of here" I growled to both of them who stood there shocked.
"Nick we have bigger problems to discuss. We have a pack with no leader and your Beta is here intoxicated." Adam said.
"We'll figure it out tomorrow I don't want him here. Take him home or where ever the hell he wants to go, but he is not to stay here are we understood?" They both nodded and I walked off. All we could do is wait, and when she wakes up both Nate and I will get some answers. Then I'll figure out what's my next move. Things were only going to get more complicated.
Nathaniel's POV
After Nick walked off I made my way towards the entrance of the hospital, but was quickly stopped.
"Oh no you don't..." Marcus said walking in front of me. I growled at him.
"Move" I said narrowing my eyes at him.
"I can't do that sir Alpha's orders" he said crossing his arms over his chest. I knocked him out with one hit. Now his was out of my way, but Adam came in front of me.
"Dude! Don't do this! Come back tomorrow when you've sobered up" he said in a pledging tone.
"Adam I need to know how she... its killing me man" I said. He shook his head running his fingers through his hair.
"Nate... She's..." He looked over at Marcus who was pissed now walking towards us.
"She's what?!" I growled. My heart was thumping in my chest.
"She in a... Coma Nate." He said sadly.
Each word was blow to the gut. This was all my fault. I did this she's fighting for her life because I wasn't man enough to save her. She'll hate me when she finds out what happened. I turned away from them and shifted I ran home. I couldn't face her guilt washed over me. When I made home I put some shorts and walked inside. I was trampled by a frantic Dahlia.
"Where is she Nate? Tell me she's okay?" She cried as I looked into her pleading eyes as she waited for an answer. I looked over at Mason who was ready for his mate. She was going to need him to help her get clam. I looked back at her and swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat.
"Dahlia... She was captured and tortured, and attacked. She's in a coma" I whispered as she fell to the floor.
"Nooooo!" She screamed as Mason wrapped her in his arms. As she continue to scream 'not my sister no' I flinched. My chest tighten, Mason looked at me a nodded. I walked up to my room closing the door behind me I leaned against the wall and cried like a baby. How could I have let this happen? My mate who I knew nothing about overshadowed the girl I came to love as if she was my own mate. I hated myself I started to take my anger out on the wall till my fist were bloody.
*Earlier after the attack*
I thought back to what happen. Seeing my mate fall to the ground if physically hurt me my wolf. We had lost her in a matter of seconds. I howled in pain walking over to her brownish yellow wolf and knelt down beside her. Giving my wolf time to mourn his mate. I heard footsteps behind me. I looked up to see Addison with her mate hand in hand.
"I know she's your mate Nate, and I'm sorry this is how you had to meet her. Lets cover her up and bury her" Addison told me. I don't know what got into this girl, but right now I was thankful for her support. I looked to the dude behind her when he nodded. I picked up my mate and walked around through the trees I set her down and I was handed a shovel. Once I was done I placed her into the ground and covered her. I stood there looking at the spot I just laid my mate to rest.
"I never knew her as a person, but she was never in touch with her human side. Even if she was alive she wouldn't have cared that you were her mate. She was trained to kill... If anything she's in a better place now then the hell she lived her" Addison's mate said.
"Nate we will leave you now... Things have gotten crazy and Bryson wants to take to Alpha Nick" she said I nodded as the walked off. That's when everything that just happened dawned on me. If felt as though someone had poured a bucket of ice water on me. What have I done? That's went a ran back to the front of the house and saw Nicks Yukon driving off full speed. I shifted and ran after them but he was gone. I went home trying to figure out what I was going to say to her how was I going to justify my actions. I was so stressed I chugged done some whiskey.
I needed to see her and explain what happen. When I asked Adam through mind-link her told me she was taken to the pack hospital.
I was brought back to reality when there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I said in a horse voice. Mason came walking in. I walked to bathroom to wash my blood hands.
"Nate what the hell went on while we were gone? Dahlia had this bad feeling she wanted to leave but I keep telling her no until I couldn't take her pleading anymore. So we came home where she found out about Alexa being in the hospital. No one could give her an answer, well until you got home. I got her to go to sleep, but I want to know what happen with you and her?" he asked looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.
After telling Mason everything that had happened. I washed up and went to bed missing Alexa as I prayed she would pull through and be okay. Tomorrow I was going to see her whether Nick liked it or not. I was seeing my girl.
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