《Forbidden | Carol Danvers》Chapter 13: Trouble In Town


'Ehm, V?', I said to her, looking at the cars that had just sped up to us. Following my line of sight, she sighed. It she thought the same thing I did. Turning back, focusing on activating her beacon for Yon, I watched the men carefully, making sure they were no threat.

One man in a nice suit and sunglasses on his face got out and walked to the front of 'Blockbuster', we crashed into. Standing in front of it, studying the broken window, he then turned around and walked to the guy in the car Vers talked to an hour ago.

He seemed to ask him something, because the guy pointed to where we were standing. Suit-guy then got his colleague, also in a suit, and made their way over to us.

While the short one stopped in front of me, the taller, dark-skinned man knocked on the glass of the phonebooth to get Vers' attention. Her head first went up from her arm and then she turned around slowly with one eyebrow raised, wanting to know what he wanted from her.

'Excuse me Miss, do you know anything about two ladies who went through the roof of that Blockbuster over there?', he asked her nicely, pointing to the building. 'Witness say she was dressed for laser tag.' I had no idea what that was, but it sounded like he depreciated our Starforce suits.

'Oh', Vers said, looking around. Pretending to have no idea what he was talking about and thinking if she had seen these women. 'Yeah I think they went that way', she said quickly, looking over the man's shoulder, and tried to walk towards me. But the man stepped in front of her, blocking her way. I didn't like the fact that he tried to intimidate her, so I came to stand next to her, the short suit-guy following me as I did.

'Ah, I'd like to ask you some questions. Maybe give you the 4-1-1 on late night drop-box.' I had no single clue what he meant with that. Also, the fact that he still ignored me and only talked to Vers annoyed me.

He held up a badge with his name and some weird logo on it. Like that somehow had to make sense to us and make him look more trustworthy. Vers also didn't look impressed with it, her eyebrow still raised. 'Could I see some identification please?', the man called Fury asked. And for the first time, he also looked at me.

'Commander Aayala. Kree Starforce', I answered him arrogantly. And he turned his head to look at me, studying my face. 'Vers. Also Kree Starforce', she added, nodding her head to me. The man turned his gaze back to her. 'We don't carry our identification on little cards', she announced sarcastically and tried walking off again. But Fury just didn't want to let us go.

'Commander Aayala. Vers. Starforce', he said almost mockingly, having a hard time believing our story. 'How long are you planning on being in town?' He looked back and forth between us, but Vers answered. She has always been a people-person, I wasn't. So I let her deal with him.

'Oh, we'll be out of your hair as soon as we track down the Skrulls that are infiltrating your planet', she said matter-of-factly, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of him. And she did.

He laughed. 'Skrulls?', he said unbelievably, like everything we said was made up.

Vers just looked like she couldn't believe these people didn't know of Skrulls and tried to maybe freshen up the man's memory by reminding him what Skrulls were. 'Shape-shifters?', Fury started smiling at that, like she was joking. 'They can transform into any lifeform down to the DNA?' He looked back at his colleague, laughing and trying to figure out if we were kidding.


'Oh boy', Vers said when she saw their interaction, 'You guys don't have any clue, do you?'

'I told you', I teased her. Referring to the fact that the people of Earth had no idea of alien life. She stuck her tongue out at me and tried to walk around Fury again. These people were clearly not going to be of any help and we had no time to lose if we wanted to find Lawson before Yon-Rogg arrived.

'Woah, woah, hold on', Fury said. Grabbing Vers' arm to get her to turn around, but he crossed a line with that, with me. I had allowed his mocking and intimidating, but he did not get to touch her. So I stood between him and Vers and said with a calm, intimidating voice to his face, 'Do not touch her.' He looked a little scared, but otherwise wasn't impressed.

Instead, he just looked at Vers when she put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me backwards. 'It's fine, Yala', she laughed.

'No, it's not', I said, still looking at the man angrily.

But he just looked at Vers over my head. 'Who did you say she was again?', he asked with a grin on his face.

He was making fun of me and if anyone liked making fun of me, it was Vers. So I wasn't surprised when she joined him. 'Just an overprotective girlfriend. Don't worry, she is actually very nice. Deep down, somewhere.' Fury's eyebrows went up at the word girlfriend, but he didn't say anything.

I glared at her, but I wasn't really angry. I could never be angry at her. Besides, this was the first time she had ever called me her girlfriend in front of someone else so I was mostly distracted by that. I huffed when she laughed even harder at my glare and pet me on my back.

'Right, but ehm, how do we know you are not one of those...shapeshifters?', Fury asked. Getting back to the conversation we were having.

'Congratulations Agent Fury. You have finally asked a relevant question', Vers mocked him.

'No, congratulations to you, Starforce lady. You,' he pointed to us both, 'are under arrest.' But I didn't hear the end of his sentence, as my instincts suddenly told me something was wrong. Vers picked it up not a second later and we both looked over Fury's shoulder at the roof of one of the nearby buildings. Our eyes widened when we saw a blond man leaning on the edge, holding a weapon that was clearly not of this planet. The purple glowy end of it pointing towards Vers and me. We were both frozen for a second, until we heard it powering up.

Vers pushed Fury into the phonebooth and I pushed away his colleague who was also in the line of fire. She didn't hesitate to aim her right hand and shoot one of her blasts at the gunman. When the explosion faded and the smoke cleared, the man had disappeared, so we ran in the direction he had probably ran off to. We couldn't lose him.

I heard Fury yell something to his friend, but I was too focused on catching our guy.

Vers and I ran over the sidewalk next to the shops. Her extra strength made her a little faster than me and I had to do my best to keep up with her. She suddenly stopped when she saw the guy run up some stairs and I looked up to where he was going. A vehicle that looked a lot like the underground trains we had on Hala pulled up to the station. Meaning it transported multiple people. Meaning the Skrull could hide better. We needed to keep him in our sights, but he was too far ahead.


So making a quick decision, Vers turned a sharp left and chose another way onto the elevated platform. She jumped up against the fence on her right and launched herself to the one on the left, which was higher, and then pulled herself up. Climbing another few rails, she found her way onto the train platform. All the while she did this, I just stood there, staring. She really was something.

When she stuck out her head over the railing she had disappeared over and saw me standing there, staring up like an idiot, she yelled my name. Right, I had to get up there somehow.

Peering around me quickly, nobody was watching me, so I used my wonderful air element and pushed myself off the ground. Landing with a nice soft thud, I noticed she had already stalked off again, looking for the man.

Jumping over the check-in gates and up the stairs, she was just in time to see the doors of the train close and it driving off. She bumped into an old lady when she frantically looked around. I caught the woman before she could fall over and apologized for my girlfriend's behavior.

Vers looked through the windows of the train to find the man we was after, and when she saw him, she started running after the vehicle. I caught up with her, knowing what she was planning to do when I saw her focussing on the back of the train. We jumped at the same time and hang onto the roof, trying desperately not to let go.

I broke the window with my fist and swung in, landing on the floor of the train. Vers followed me, her moves looking way more graceful than mine, and kicked open the door to the first wagon. I was just about to notify her of the fact that the door had a door handle, but shut my mouth when everyone's eyes were suddenly on us. I mean, we did just jump into the train from outside and were wearing weird spacesuits. I guess I would stare too.

Blowing her hair out of her face, Vers started walking through the wagon, carefully scanning everyone. I just followed her, something I had been doing all day, and made sure she didn't miss anyone. Clearing the first cabin, we moved to the second one. She looked at me when she explicitly used the door handle, as if she had guessed my thoughts earlier. I just rolled my eyes at her.

People looked at us weirdly when we passed them. Looking at our uniforms. I glared at them when they did. Suddenly, Vers stopped and walked backwards, almost into me. And I quickly realized why.

The old lady she had bumped into on the platform was now inside this train. That was impossible because the train was already driving when I caught her. She looked up innocently and smiled a big smile. It was very believable, if you didn't know better.

Vers waited a little, as if to make the Skrull believe for a second that she didn't recognize him. But then, she swiftly hit it with a perfect right hook to its jaw, exactly as I had taught her. The force of the blow made its head snap to the right. It's a good thing she never hit me like this in training. She would have blown my head off.

Of course, Vers' hit didn't go unnoticed by the passengers. They all looked very shocked. To them, it just looked like a 28-year-old woman hit an old lady. The Skrull presumably chose this form for that reason, because people started to interfere with the fight.

It slowly turned its head back to Vers, thinking about its next move. It came in the form of a nice round-kick and hit Vers in her stomach. She was blown into the opposite wall of the train with a loud bang. She stumbled a little, so I decided to go for a hit. Grabbing the lady's hair, I rammed her face-first into a metal pole. However, the pole got more of a hit then the Skrull, bending around its head.

So I picked up the Skrull again and threw it against the ceiling. Sneakily throwing in a little bit of my air powers to make it even more powerful. However, this also didn't seem to hurt it, cause it just got up and ran away. One of the passengers tried to restrict me, but I jabbed his stomach with my elbow, making him let go of me.

Meanwhile, Vers had gotten up again and ran after the creature. But she received another kick to her stomach when it suddenly turned around, making her stumble back. That was when she started getting really pissed. Flipping the Skrull over when it charged for her, she crawled on top of it and started beating the life out of him.

However, three passengers dragged her of the lady and held her tightly. She just watched when the 'lady' ran away and through the door. My gaze went from Vers to a purple crystal on the floor of the cabin, definitely not of this world. The Skrull must have dropped it in the fight. I picked it up and then followed Vers out, who had thrown off the three passengers as if they had weighted nothing.

Stopping just before another door, I saw over her shoulder that the Skrull had taken yet another form. This time of another passenger. Vers narrowed her eyes at him and he jumped up, out of a hatch in the ceiling, so she quickly followed him up. He had predicted that however, and kicked her away as soon as she was out. This Skrull really had something with kicking people, didn't it?

She flew backwards on the roof of train, but knowing she could hold her own, I immediately climbed out and ran after the man. He hit an electric pole and was thrown backwards by the shock, giving me time to catch up to him. However, I slipped when I tried ducking under a punch and fell down on the roof, so Vers took over from me, trying to get him off the moving vehicle. But it didn't go according to plan when she was the one being kicked off the roof, just hanging on by her arm and throwing a piece of metal on the road below.

I quickly looked in front of me, seeing the Skrull running off but also seeing a tunnel come closer rapidly. Knowing the Skrull couldn't get off in time, he had to go back into the train to not get hit by the tunnel, I turned my attention to Vers, who was having a hard time getting back up on the roof.

I laid on my stomach and wrapped my hands around her wrists, pulling her up with little effort, thanks to my handy dandy air powers. She nodded a thanks and I gave her a brief smile before I gestured at the tunnel that was stil coming closer. 'We may want to get off this roof', I yelled to her over the wind.

She answered by blasting a hole in it and jumping down. 'Right', I said to myself, following her down.


Writing action scenes is really difficult, but I did my best. I followed the movie on this one.

Thanks for reading!

(2464 words)

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