《Heroine ϟ Marvel [3]》4.8



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After an unpleasant journey out of the Devil's Anus, the Revengers inside the Commodore woke up in pain, groaning when they couldn't feel their limbs. Ana was slumped forward in the pilot seat with the seatbelt holding her up, mouth dry and eyes droopy. She lifted a hand to her eyes, shaking it around to get the sensation back. Once her body felt normal again, she craned her neck to check on her teammates. She saw Bruce in the co-pilot seat, drooling from the corner of his mouth. She grimaced, reached over and slapped his cheek, getting him to wake up. He darted up, eyelids half closed as he glanced around.

The ship was driving itself vertically towards Asgard, but the artificial gravity inside allowed them to walk around as normal. Ana got out of her seat, and tripped over when her legs felt like jelly. Valkyrie woke up just in time to see Ana face plant onto the floor. She started laughing, the sound alone getting Thor to open his eyes.

"Ouch." Ana mumbled to herself, standing up to raise a hand to her throbbing forehead.

"You alright?" Thor asked.

Ana nodded, "I'm fine. Guys, look alive. We're here."

The Revengers looked out of the windshield to the starry atmosphere around them. They were nearing Asgard, getting closer to the clouds above the realm. Ana sat back in her seat, not caring enough to buckle up. She observed the way the steering wheel in front of her moved on it's own as it navigated the ship towards their destination. The Commodore flew over the Observatory at the end of the Bifrost, and Ana removed the autopilot settings, boosting forward to the palace in the centre of the city.

Bruce brought up a holographic map of Asgard on the controls. It blinked as it loaded completely, and he sent Ana a nod, silently telling her they would have a better idea of where to go. Valkyrie's face dropped at the sight of her old home. Memories she wished to keep buried made themselves known in her mind. This time, she didn't push them away. She sighed gently, "I never thought I'd be back."

Ana looked over her shoulder to Val. It had to be centuries since she stepped foot in Asgard. From the look on her face, Ana could tell she felt that nothing had changed in that time. She had a look of nostalgia in her eyes. Ana pressed her lips together, and pushed forward on the wheel.

Bruce frowned at the city that was ruined. Fire was everywhere. Buildings and landscapes were destroyed. A whole courtyard of dead soldiers. Everything was different. And they all came to a harsh truth, that Asgard would never be the same again.

"I thought it'd be nicer." Bruce began. "I'm mean, not that it's not nice. It's just, it's on fire."

"I've got a bad feeling..." Ana gulped as she steered the ship.

"Funny, that's what Marcy always used to say before enemies stomped their way into Asgard." Valkyrie said suddenly, causing Ana to squint.

"That doesn't make me feel any better." Ana grumbled.

Val unbuckled her seatbelt and stood between Ana's and Bruce's chairs, bringing up the map of Asgard. She pointed at the red dot that flashed inside the mountain. "There, up here in the mountains. Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them." She explained when another dot popped up, indicating Hela's powerful energy readings.

Thor stood at Ana's side. "Drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away." He said.


Val and Ana both looked up at him, stunned. "And get yourself killed?" Val scoffed.

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard." Thor instructed. He peered down at Ana, noticing how she wanted to protest at the notion of him going at Hela alone. She figured they were stronger together, and a best bet at defeating the Goddess of Death. Before she could interject, he laid a hand on her shoulder, the gesture getting her to reluctantly nod.

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce questioned.

"I have a man on the ground."

"Hela's got watchdogs all over the place. Now, this ship don't have a weapons system, but I see a couple of guns on the ground below us." Ana clicked a button so that the ship would stay stationary in the air a few feet above the ground. She got out of her seat as Thor and Val opened up the doors on one side of the hull. "That one there looks in pretty good shape." She pointed at the broken off plasma cannon that had been previously attached to an Asgardian Skiff. Thor had stepped out of the Commodore and collected the cannon, planting it on the inside of the ship.

"Now the ship has guns." Thor commented.

Ana looked down at her jeans and removed her belt, utilising it to strap the cannon to the bottom of the ship, knowing it would be tricky to man the blaster when it would constantly shake as it fired it's rounds. Thor finally realised what she was wearing, and shook his head.

"Ana... you're not going to fight for Asgard in ripped jeans and a leather jacket." Thor said, smiling slightly.

Ana frowned down at her attire, "What's wrong with my clothes?"

Valkyrie clicked her tongue and tugged at the loose fitting shirt Ana had on. "Well for one, you lack protection for your body. What would happened when an enemy of ours stabs you in the front?"

Ana shrugged. "I stab him in the face."

Valkyrie chuckled at that. "That would be very entertaining to see. Here." She reached underneath her cape, and removed the slim bag on her back. She opened it up in front of Ana and reached inside to pull out a rolled up suit. Ana immediately recognised the colours, and knew it was the suit she was supplied with to fight in the arena on Sakaar.

Val nudged it towards Ana, and she took it, unrolling the suit so she could hold it up. "Hey, the blood is gone." Ana pointed out.

"I made sure it was washed before I took it." Val said. "Every warrior needs armour in battle. It's not only for protection, but it also represents who and what you're fighting for. Your father told me that the day I became a Valkyrie. He handed me and my sisters our armours and Dragonfangs at the ceremony."

"Marcus was your..."

"Teacher. Mentor. Friend. Role model." Valkyrie listed. "Take your pick. It was difficult for the both of us when I became the only Valkyrie left standing when we failed to contain Hela. Marcus had to help Odin banish her, and when he got back to Asgard, I was gone. I left without saying goodbye. And it's been a big regret that I've carried for all these years." She looked down, guilt-ridden.

Ana lightly nudged her, getting her to look up. "I'm sure he understood why. I mean, you lost your sisters. I can't imagine what that must feel like."


Valkyrie pursed her lips. "I didn't just lose my sisters. Among them was a woman I loved."

"I'm so sorry." Ana reached out and placed a hand on Val's shoulder. The older woman stiffened briefly, before relaxing. She knew Ana was only trying to be comforting, and it would take some time to get used to having friends again. People she can trust.

Thor had left during their little talk, and came back with another rolled up suit, this time for Valkyrie. The gold and white fabric made Valkyrie stare at it, as if he was giving her a bomb. He handed it to her, managing a small smile. "I found this in the armoury."

Ana could tell Val was hesitant to take it, and sent her a pointed look. "Take your own advice and suit up. We've got a big job to do, and making sure the civilians get to safety is our number one priority."

Bruce smiled at his spot in the co-pilot seat. He realised how much Ana sounded like Steve in that moment. He could see how she had changed, or more so grown, into a leader.

"Good luck." Thor wished them all.

Before Thor could leave, Ana quickly spoke up, grabbing his attention. "Thor, Amora's out here somewhere, and she could be under Hela's influence. I've seen her sorcery up close, as I'm sure you have also, so please, be careful."

"She means don't die." Valkyrie added.

Thor nodded, and headed towards the palace while Ana took her place in the pilot seat and lifted the ship off the ground. Bruce manned the controls beside her as Valkyrie stood in-between them, hands on the back of their chairs. Her suit was slung over one shoulder, and Ana peered up at her when she realised she was still standing there.

"Don't worry, we won't look." She chuckled, facing the front. "Get back there and change. I wanna see it on."

"What about him? Doesn't he have a suit?" Val pointed to Bruce, who nervously smiled in response.

"I don't have a suit." He replied.

Ana eyed him slyly. "Yeah, he prefers being shirtless in a fight."

Bruce sent her a flustered look as she snickered to herself. Valkyrie made her way to the hull and started to change into her suit. Bruce brought up the map of Asgard. "Hey look, the civilians are on the move. But there's something else..." He squinted when another dot popped up on the map. The indicator that represented the Asgardians showed them that they were heading for the Bifrost, and the mysterious dot was hot on their tail.

Ana sighed. "Assume the worst. Could be Hela's henchmen. Could be Amora. Either way, the people aren't safe."

Bruce looked at her suit that was folded on her lap. "Shouldn't you suit up also?" He questioned.

Ana smirked at him, and raised the material. Stephen would always switch from causal clothes to his mystical robes within seconds, and Ana did so too in front of Bruce. One second, she was in her ripped jeans and leather jacket, and once the suit was swung over her shoulder, it appeared on her person. Bruce's eyes bugged out of their sockets.

"How did you...?"

"My doctor taught me."

Ana could hear the plasma cannon being loaded behind her and assumed Valkyrie had dressed into her suit, and looked over her shoulder to see the finished ensemble. Ana whistled at Val when the woman placed her hands on her hips, showing off the suit.

"Damn, that is cool."


Bruce pointed at the crowd of Asgardians that were trapped in the middle of the rainbow bridge with a large wolf guarding the Observatory, Fenris, and Hela's army of undead soldiers lead by Skurge. Amora was nowhere to be seen. Ana flew the Commodore closer to the Bifrost, recognising Heimdall at the front of the people, gripping his sword. She gave all of the controls to Bruce, trusting him to fly the ship while she went to the ground and helped.

"What? No, no! I can't!" Bruce began to argue when he took control of the wheel.

Ana kneeled next to him, and raised an eyebrow. "You can, and you will. Just keep it steady, Bruce. Come on, bud." She patted his arm as he suppressed a groan, and nodded reluctantly.

"Alright." He whispered, levelling the ship when it tilted at an odd angle.

Ana's hand went to her hip for her sword, and when she felt nothing but her empty belt, she shut her eyes, remembering who had the Sword of Light. She shook it off, and approached Valkyrie who was standing at the plasma cannon, eyeing Fenris. Ana rested her hand on her shoulder, and gave her a smile.

"You're gonna make a lot of people happy by showing up, y'know?" She chuckled.

Valkyrie smirked. "As long as we all don't die. What are you going to do?" She asked as she watched Ana stand at the edge of the ship. Ana looked down at the Bifrost, and swallowed thickly when she saw the crashing waves beneath it.

"Say hi to the Asgardians. Fight against bad guys. Try and keep that overgrown dog from using me as a chew toy. Same old, same old. See you on the other side." Ana saluted Valkyrie, before jumping out of the Commodore.

Heimdall looked up at the unfamiliar ship when he could sense a figure dropping from the sky. His golden irises followed the woman as she landed safely on the ground, knees bent and arms tucked at her sides. Ana straightened up, and flicked the short strands of her hair away from her eyes when the chilly wind kept on pushing them in her face. Whispers of concern and hostility travelled throughout the Asgardians that huddled closely behind Heimdall when the woman arrived. Heimdall silenced them with a nod, silently telling them she was trustworthy. Ana stopped in front of Heimdall, and gave him a tight lipped smile. He smiled back, relieved that help had arrived in the nick of time.

"Warrior, it's a pleasure to see you, this time, face to face." Heimdall greeted, lowering his sword.

"Wish it weren't in the middle of a battlefield. How's everyone holding up?" Ana asked, voice becoming soft when she could see young children in the sea of Asgardians. They were clutching at their mothers and fathers, cheeks damp with tears that had been shed minutes ago.

"Asgard is strong." Heimdall stated. "We won't let our enemies get the best of us. Even the little ones are eager to defend."

When the words left Heimdall, a young girl with dark hair and piercing blue eyes stepped away from her mother's side, and lifted a small sword, eyes painted with determination. Ana's smile grew slightly at the sight of the young girl, and she kneeled down in front of her, offering her hand. "What's your name?"

"Solveig." The girl replied, taking Ana's hand with her small one.

"Well Solveig, I see you carry a fine sword, but are you ready to fight?" Ana questioned, tilting her head to the side.

Solveig's grip on the hilt of her sword tightened and she raised it over her head. "Always. Asgard is home to many fighters, men and woman alike, and I've grown up hearing of their tales of battle. I want to be just like them. I am ready to fight." She stated, a grin spreading across her lips when Ana chuckled affectionately.

Ana winked, "Damn straight you are. You'll make a fine warrior. I can easily tell you have the heart of one."

"As do you, Lady..." Solvieg trailed off, not sure of her name.

"Ana. Just Ana." Ana responded. She straightened up, and let go of Solveig's hand.

Just then, another woman's voice appeared, this time full of malice and fury. Ana recognised the voice, and turned around, eyes narrowing at the sight before her. Hundreds of Hela's undead soldiers stomped along the Bifrost, following the lead of Skurge, and Amora. The Enchantress looked different under Hela's influence, and instead of her usual green one-piece suit, it had changed into a dark red, tight fitting garment. Her once blue eyes were glossed over with black, sending a chorus of gasps throughout the crowd.

"Warrior!" Amora called, stopping at her end of the Bifrost with Skurge at her side.

Heimdall gripped Ana's elbow before she could confront Amora, and held her back to say, "She isn't acting of her own free will. Hela has meddled with her mind. Tread carefully, Ana." He warned, giving her a nod.

Ana sighed. "I've seen this before. All you need to shake the brain is a good ol' knock to the head. Cognitive recalibration." She recalled the way Natasha had hit Clint so hard when he was under Loki's influence, that the mind control over him had vanished. Ana figured it was the same situation this time around, and all she had to focus on was bashing Amora's head until she saw and thought clearly again.

"Yes, Enchantress?" Ana replied, tone light.

"Surrender and hand over Hofund, the sword that will grant us passage to and beyond the Bifrost. Or die a foolish girl along with the last of the Asgardians that cower behind you." Amora threatened, raising a hand and opening it up, allowing a fiery red ball of magic to manifest.

Ana's gaze flickered behind her to the Asgardians, and to Solveig, who simply nodded at her, before turning to Amora. "I think you'll find that we won't go down that easy. I'm not the only warrior on the bridge. There's a whole crowd right behind me, and believe me, they're ready to fight for their lives. I'm sure you would understand just how strong a motive like that is." Ana raised her voice.

Amora let out a melodic, vicious laugh that would've made Ana shudder if she wasn't so sure about her position, in front of people who were ready and willing to fight. "Yes, but I have an army of Berserkers that don't fight for nothing except the need to see blood splatter and bodies fall." The Enchantress announced, motioning to the resurrected army of ancient Einherjar Guards around her.

"But it will be their own blood and bodies doing just that." Ana struck her hands together, sliding her forearms across each other before pulling them back, spelling Mystic Runes on her closed fists. The golden circles glowed brightly, and she smiled at the Enchantress.

"Come on, Amora, you know you want to."

Amora growled running forward with Skurge and the Berserkers. Fenris broke out into a run then, snarling as he charged towards the Asgardians stuck in the middle of the Bifrost. Valkyrie shot at the monstrous wolf, but the plasma bullets seemed to do nothing. Heimdall ran with Ana as they all clashed with their opposition. Swords knocked together as bodies fell. The space between Fenris and the Asgardians grew smaller with every passing second, and Ana could feel panic settle within her.

Before Ana could spell a shield to ward off Fenris, Amora launched a hex sphere similar to Wanda's - though they stung a lot more. Ana fell forward onto the bridge, back sizzling with pain. She gritted her teeth and pushed the agony out of her mind, and sprung to her feet, spinning around to interject Amora's dive towards her, slamming her foot into her stomach. Amora flew metres away, disappearing off the bridge.

A thunderous roar belonging to the Incredible Hulk made Ana smile. As Hulk fought against Fenris, Ana went hunting for the Enchantress. Berserkers shrieked as they stabbed and slashed their way through Asgardians, and they screamed even louder when Ana's dark red metallic bands took ahold of them. She threw them in Valkyrie's line of fire as she shot down at the army of the undead.

Amora remerged, this time with daggers pulsing with fire. She tackled Ana into a small clearing on the bridge where the fight wasn't as harsh, and sent a dagger down to her head. Ana moved out from underneath her before the blade could puncture her skin, and used the Eldritch Whip to wrap around Amora's ankle. Ana's hands were overcome with another spout of fire when Amora spelled another hex.

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