《Heroine ϟ Marvel [3]》1.2


Keep The Family Close

- - - - -

For some reason, the day felt cold. The skies weren't a vibrant blue, instead a dull grey. People stayed indoors, and business was slow. Everyone turned to their tv's and watched as Tony Stark, the new Director of SHIELD, attended a press conference. He wanted — tried — to speak on the subject of his new team of Avengers. But the tragic passing of their nation's hero was still fresh in everybody's mind's, and questions about Steve were thrown Tony's way.

Ana was on a bus to Washington, sitting at the back in the window seat so she could lay her head on it. She hadn't left this world yet, because of the feeling in the pit of her stomach that prevented her from going back home. She was scared. Afraid of anymore unwanted surprises. She wasn't sure how much longer she'd stay, though she wanted to heal completely before leaving since her stomach wound was still a pain. There was a small tv at the front of the bus and it was like she was the only one paying attention to it. The other passengers were either sleeping or reading a book, and keeping to themselves.

"What about Captain America, Mr. Stark? How mighty can your Avengers be without a new Captain America?" A male reported questioned, almost harshly. "Doesn't America need someone to take up that mantle, fighting on our side?"

Tony looked directly to the reporter, and as the camera focused on him standing behind a podium, you could see the tiredness in his focus. "I've answered this questioned several times over the last few days, and nothing has changed. There will be no new Captain America. Steve Rogers was the finest man I ever met, and it's a national tragedy that he's been taken from us. So no-one else will wear his mask or carry his shield. Consider them retired. Next question..."

Ana let out a sigh and settled her head back against the head rest, closing her eyes. She wanted to visit the Smithsonian Museum for old times sake. Steve's uniform and shield would reportedly be apart of the Captain America exhibit. Years ago her attempt to see the exhibition was foiled by Hydra as they aided the Winter Soldier in trying to assassinate Nick Fury. While she was here she thought it wouldn't hurt to visit the museum.

"This seat taken?"

The familiar voice made her eyes snap open, and she looked up at Bucky. He stood with one hand resting on the overhead storage level while the other gripped the strap of his backpack. She did not expect for them to see each other again so soon, and judging by the look on his face, so didn't he.

Ana cleared her throat after a few seconds of staring at him and moved her shoulder bag that was open with a packet of potato puffs, laying it on her lap. Just being in his presence managed to send her mind into overdrive. She gestured to the now free seat and sent him a wry smile, "All yours, James."

Bucky nodded in thanks and slid next to her, dropping his heavy bag in-between his legs. By doing so, he accidentally knocked knees with her and mumbled an apology, to which she waved off.

"What's in Washington?" Ana questioned. She offered him her snack, and watched as he took a few in his gloved hands.

"Cap's shield. And I'm guessing that's where you're heading." He said, throwing the bites into his mouth.


"I've always wanted to see the exhibition. Thought now was a good a time as any." Ana replied, a soft smile gracing her features. "But there's no doubt the shield, and suit, are just replicas. No one in there right minds would unveil the real thing to the public."

"There's something different about you. I mean, every time we crossed paths, you were more... violent." Bucky said, surprising her. Ana didn't exactly have a clue as to how her alternate self acted in front of others.

She gave him a shrug, "Can't exactly be hunting people for two years and not have violent tendencies. Besides, I'm injured, and tired, and I know you wouldn't take advantage of that."

Bucky stared at her, calculated. There was a part of him that was suspicious. He was used to the woman who kept pinning him to the ground and threatened to take him in. She was hardheaded and strict. No where near the personality of the woman sitting next to him. She had a softer gaze, and there was always a smile on her face. And there was also the fact that she hadn't reacted badly from the last time they collided, when a whole building collapsed.

He concluded he liked this side of Ana.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to join you. Besides, with you we can just jump the line." Bucky told her after a beat.

"How?" Ana squinted.

"Didn't you used to work there? Fury said..."

"Oh, yeah." Ana quickly interjected, trying to play it off as if she had just recalled it. "Right. Well, I guess this is your lucky day."

"Luck has nothing to do with it." Bucky countered, looking into her eyes.

"Last stop!" The bus driver called, breaking the connection with Ana and Bucky when he stomped his foot on the brake. The both of them stood and filed out, stepping onto the sidewalk near the National Museum. Ana was surprised when a whole crowd moved out of the open doors of the museum, and frowned slightly when she saw a young boy clutch to his mother's leg, crying as he held an action figure of his hero, Captain America.

"Ain't that a sad thing..." Bucky said lowly, glancing at her quickly. He cleared his throat and offered his hand for her to take. "Come on, or I'll loose you in the crowd."

Ana let him intertwine their fingers together and walked beside him as he advanced closer to the entrance of the museum. When a security guard casted his eyes on Ana, a nod was sent her way and he guided them into the museum. She, along with Bucky, thanked him and went through the security check before entering the Captain America exhibition. Ana noticed how Bucky's metal arm hadn't set off the detectors, and pulled him aside to ask him about it.

"How'd you get past the metal wanding?"

"The arm's got a jamming device. As long as my sleeves are down and I'm wearing gloves, I'm just another civilian." Bucky informed her.

"That's neat." Ana commented.

They walked into the wing and Ana awed at the beautiful layout. Bucky though headed right for the large display case that had a mannequin wearing Steve's suit and shield. He stood in front of it, stone faced and quiet.

"That ain't Cap's shield." Bucky clenched his jaw. "Stark says no one else will carry the shield or wear the mask, but he can't be trusted." He said as Ana joined him. She realised there was only four or five people allowed in the exhibition for security purposes.


"Why say that?" Ana questioned with furrowed brows.

"Because they'll wait a year or two, then they'll say the public is crying for a new Captain America. Maybe Stark'll even clone him like he did with Thor."

"Thor was cloned?" Ana repeated, eyes wide. She scoffed lightly, placing a hand on her chin. "Man, that's just crazy. It's impossible to put all that muscle and blond hair into a fake LMD."

"As long as they have Steve's shield, they won't just be able to let it sit on a shelf. Not for long. And I'm not letting anyone else carry it. No one else is worthy." He took one good look at her and changed his words. "Well, maybe except you. But you're Russian and cosmic, and that kinda defeats the point."

"So what, you're just gonna steal the real thing? You don't even know where it is, Buck. How are you gonna find out where they're keeping it?" Ana asked, fiddling with her hair. She noticed how Bucky's lips quirked upwards in amusement.

"I'm not. You are." He stated. "What do you say? Wanna turn the tide and work with me for once? Who knows, it could be fun." He wagged his brows for affect and earned a shove to the shoulder by Ana.

"And how will I get the information?" She asked him. Ana still wasn't sure who and what Earth-616's Ana worked for. Though she supposed SHIELD was an ideal answer.

Bucky smirked down at her, crossing his arms. He tilted his head as he replied, "Your parents are SHIELD royalty, my princess. I'm sure you can figure it out."

And there it was. The words Ana so desperately wanted to hear without realising it. Her parents were alive in this reality.

Ana gulped. "Oh, goodie..."

- - -

The first thing Ana did when she excused herself from Bucky and went into the ladies room, was scream behind her palms. Then she broke the sink, cursed a little, before composing herself once more. This was her chance to really meet her mom and dad. She didn't care at all that they were alternate versions of themselves. They were still Lillian and Marcus Michaels. Her blood. The reasons she had superhuman abilities. She was more anxious than excited, but that was to be expected. Maybe they'll figure out she wasn't their Ana, and it will all blow up in her face. But, she should at least try.

Bucky stood outside the ladies bathroom, pacing in front of the door. He heard the sink break, even chuckled when he could hear her curse in Russian. He was nervous when there wasn't anything else after that. No noise. He was seconds away from entering the ladies room, but the door opening stopped him, and he let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

She looked a lot paler than usual and he assumed she felt sick. "Look, if you're not up for paying your parents a visit to do me a huge favor, I'll understand..."

Ana stood opposite him and wrung her hands. "No, no. I... I'll do it. You wouldn't happen to know where they're based, would you?"

"The SHIELD Helicarrier over New York." He stated.

- - -

Lillian looked like an angel.

Those were Ana's first thoughts as soon as she found her mother. Bucky had taken her to the place the Helicarrier floated over, and all she had to do was inform the SHIELD agent on the ground that she wanted to see her mother. A helicopter had taken her to the deck and she was left asking for directions to Lillian's office. Lillian was alone at a desk, writing on a few documents, with glasses on the bridge of her nose. Her hair was an ageing blonde that was pulled back into a neat low bun, and she wore a smart blue pantsuit. She had this respected aura around her, and her accomplishments such as medals and awards were hung on the wall of her office.

Ana forced the tears at bay, knowing it wouldn't be smart to start balling her eyes out in front of her mother. She suddenly felt like a kid, and after a huge intake of breath, she entered the office. Lillian looked up when her acute hearing sensed footsteps, and a wide smile adorned her face at the sight of her only child.

"Katiana! What a surprise!" Lillian hopped off her seat and walked around her large desk to approach Ana. Ana noticed the strong Russian accent, and her heart raced rapidly when her mother's arms opened for her to step in. "I thought you were stuck in your assignment."

"I, uh, I'm still working. Just needed to stop by and see you..." Ana spoke in a small voice, and froze up when her mother embraced her tightly. "...Mom."

Lillian's scent was warm, and it reminded her of home. She clutched her mother a little too hard, vision getting blurry from the tears building up over her eyes. The door to the office opened, and another Michaels family member entered. Marcus wasn't his usual happy self because of the recent passing of his close friend. A friend he consider like a brother. He was still saddened by Steve's assassination, and tried to keep busy by helping the search for his killer.

When he looked up, and saw the brunette crushing his wife in an embrace, his mood switched, and a hearty laugh escaped his lips. Ana pulled back and turned so fast a human would have snapped their neck from the speed. Her heart felt like it had doubled in size and it made it hard for her to breath.

"Sweetheart, you're back!"

Marcus was across the room in an instant, collecting his daughter in his arms and spinning her around. That was when Ana let herself cry. She wrapped her arms around her father's torso and squeezed. Marcus smirked at Lillian over Ana's shoulder, and returned the embrace with double the strength.

"Careful!" Lillian sung, smiling broadly.

Ana was placed on the ground and Marcus placed a kiss on her head, exaggerating the sound. He grinned down at her, "If another day had gone by without my little girl, I would've told — no made! — Stark pull you out of the silly assignment."

"Tia's a big girl, she can handle herself perfectly fine. After all, who taught her everything she knows?" Lillian placed her hands on her hips, glancing at Marcus expectedly.

Marcus blinked. "Me!" He exclaimed, "Besides, she likes coming to work with her dad in space more than being Stark's lackey. Isn't that right, Tia? Tia..."

Marcus and Lillian simultaneously frowned when their daughter was nowhere in sight. They glanced at each other, confused, just as the sliding door to the office shut.

Ana ran. She couldn't be there any longer. The misery she felt when she realised she didn't have a family like this in her world smacked her right in the face. This wasn't her life. So she should stop trying to make it like it was. Marcus was just as she imagined. Strong, carefree, and anything you'd expect a fallen god to be. He found his love, married her, and they had a baby. A baby that wasn't Ana, instead another version of herself. That single fact made her angry. How is it that in her world, her parents were dead, and everything other reality they were alive?

It wasn't fair.

- - -


Ana harshly wiped at the tears streaming down her face with her sleeve as she stalked through a parking lot to a hotel in the evening. She knew where she was, and knew she would find a small park where she could be alone. She jumped over the gate and landed on soft, dewy grass. She walked towards a bench that overlooked a fountain and huffed, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

She rubbed her palms over her eyes and held her breath, before exhaling slowly. Her heart was hammering against her rib cage. Her mind was hazy. She wanted to go home. Ana had to suck it up, and if she finds that more species par humans are after her, she would have to face them head on. She didn't want to be in this lie. Such a sweet lie.

A male jogger made his way through the park with his headphones blasting out his favourite songs. He didn't see the weeping woman at first, but when his song was in the process of ending, he heard her sobs. Rick Jones changed his course, and when he noticed it was Ana, he joined her, brows furrowed with concern.

"Tia? Hey, it's Rick." He ducked his head, trying to catch her gaze, and offered her a small smile when she dropped her hands from her eyes. She sniffled, wiping her cheeks.

Rick rested an arm on the back of the bench and whispered, "What is it? Do I have to punch someone?"

Ana scoffed out a laugh, before shaking her head. "It's nothing, Rick... I'm just, well, you wouldn't understand." She said simply.

"Try me." Rick waved his hands and straightened up with a serious expression.

Ana shrugged. "Alright, fine. I am not your Ana. I'm not from this world. I fell here because I was attacked in my own home in my own world by a thing that hated my father who is dead along with my mother and since then I have acted like everyone's Ana and I thought it would be a good idea because it would get my mind off the fact that I'm being hunted and there's a bounty on my head. Today I spent my morning and afternoon hanging out with the guy I like and I can tell he knows there's something wrong with me but I didn't acknowledge it because I really like being around him and I didn't really care that he wasn't my Bucky. But just now I've seen my parents in the flesh and they're old and amazing and I know I can't have that so I started crying and ran here."

Ana inhaled heavily and slumped back into her seat. That was probably her biggest ramble and she hadn't taken a break in-between her sentences, which humoured her. Rick, on the other hand, was jaw dropped and frozen.

When he composed himself, the only thing he had to say was this: "You like Bucky?"

Ana wasn't at all fazed by his response. "Yes I do. Very much. But don't you worry, I'm sure this world's Ana likes you."

"Wait a second... you're being for real? Like, you've been acting like Tia in front of everyone?" Rick was slightly offended that a woman who looked, well was an alternate version of the person he loved, acted just like her.

"Sure." Ana nodded.

"Are you a Skrull? Or a mutant? Or maybe just crazy?" Rick questioned.

"No, no, and no." Ana shook her head sternly.

"Holey moley... this is some Doctor Strange shit." Rick murmured, running his hand through his damp hair.

"Speaking of," Ana quipped, standing up. She removed the Sling Ring from the chain around her neck and slid it on her fingers. "Now is about time I leave and go back home. Rick, if anyone asks, say I went back undercover."

"Got it..." Rick whispered, still freaked out. Ana's gaze lingered on him for just a moment, before creating a portal while she thought of Peter. As she stepped through, she mumbled to herself,

"I'm so adding this realm into my no-go list."

- - - - -

And here you go! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me what you thought. Ana finally gets back home and we'll begin the phase of the book. I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, but there was a huge family crisis and I had to be there for them, I hope you all understand.

Q- If you were to jump in an alternate realm, where would you go? MCU FOR ME!

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