《Your Guide to Writing the Perfect Story》The Pressures of Updating


I started writing this story to help you write better, but part of becoming a better writer isn't just about dealing with the elements of your story, but the mental parts of writing a story. Like pressure, for instance. Or stress and disappointment. I am also here to help you deal with these emotions. I already have for some of them. This chapter is about being pressured to update. I think all authors deal with pressure to update, both from themselves and other people, at one time or another. Hopefully this will help you deal with that.

Sure, I get it. I've eagerly awaited another chapter to a story I enjoyed as well. But does that mean I have the right to push them to write when they don't want to, or when they have a diploma exam coming up? Absolutely not. And should the person on the receiving end feel like they need to do whatever will please their readers? Again, absolutely not.

The thing is, if a reader is really enjoying your story, it won't matter how long it takes for you to update: they will keep reading. you have the upper hand in this situation; you control the story. Not them. Instead of doing what they ask, just leave a nice comment saying when you are updating if you know, and if you don't just say that you are "working on it". Even if you aren't, that last comment should somewhat satisfy them. Make sure to thank them for commenting. It will prevent further backlash.

Another reason you may feel pressured to update is because you've gained some popularity and you want to keep it there. This is a real bugger of a situation because if you stop updating regularly, you'll probably lose some reads and votes, but if you do keep updating, that will require more of your time and create stress. Here's a simple rule to follow: if that popularity matters that much to you, fine. But don't put writing a new chapter above something more important. Don't throw away your social life or studying for an important test. To me, that comes first and writing comes second. Also, don't beat yourself up if you miss a day that you were planning on updating. Your numbers aren't going to drop dramatically if you slip up one time.


I mentioned this in my chapter I wrote about dealing with criticism and I think it's something very important. Always write for yourself. Don't write because someone wants you to. Don't write because it will make you more popular. Write because you enjoy it and you want to do it. Write because it is your passion, because it makes you feel things, because it takes you away to a place you can't go in reality. Don't write because of pressure -- the quality will suffer if you do. Your best work is the work that you enjoyed writing because it is genuine, not forced. As soon as you stop enjoying writing is the time that you no longer deserve that popularity. Why? Because you don't care about the work you produce, you only care about the fame. The moment that you stop caring about the quality of writing is the moment it's charm will start to falter. Never forget these words.

Now that I've drilled that into your brain, let's wrap this up. The usual: leave comments and thanks for reading!

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