《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 46


Draco's POV:

I was running as fast as I could towards the exit of the Ministry of Magic. I had to get to Elaine before she started to worry.

"Malfoy!" a voice yelled from behind me. I tried pushing past towards the exit, but whoever was yelling my name had grabbed the back of my shirt. "Why didn't you turn around?" Harry asked me. He was panting as he looked at me with worry. "I have to get home," I replied, very eager to go get Elaine. I knew she'd want her parents and Hermione to know she was in labor before anyone else, so I hesitated in telling Harry. "Well, I hope you're planning to come right back here...because I have news for you," Harry said, keeping the suspense between us at an all time high. "What is it?" I asked. I braced myself for the worst. "Your father is getting released from Azkaban very soon...they're deciding the date right now," Harry explained as I felt my heart sink to the ground.

"What do you mean they're releasing him?" I spat, feeling even more anxious than before. "I've tried talking to Kingsley about it, but he fully believes that your father is ready. Apparently Kingsley even used truth serum on him...your dad has had a change of heart....wants to meet his grandchild," Harry added. "How does he know she's pregnant?" I asked, now feeling very overwhelmed and even angry with all this information. "I don't know...I've checked every paper since you two have been married and there's nothing in there announcing it," Harry explained. "Please...just stall for me, okay? I have to go home," I said, looking at Harry pleadingly. "Is she-?" Harry asked, looking at my fidgeting hands. "Yes...she is," I said. Harry gave me a knowing nod, and I sped off back home.

I apparated instantly to Diagon Alley and ran up the stairs towards our apartment door.

When I walked in, I saw Elaine sitting on the couch. She looked very calm to me, but when she saw me walk inside, she panicked. Jason had just walked out of our bedroom. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked him as he stopped dead in his tracks. He had stuff piled on our coffee table...stuff she would need for the hospital. "I-I just," he stuttered, but I stopped him. "Just leave," I said. He looked at me, and then at my wife, and then again at me. "Sorry," he muttered. He made his way towards Elaine, kissed her gently on the forehead and wished her luck. Then, he left.

Elaine's POV:

As if giving birth wasn't stressful enough, of course Jason was still in the apartment by the time Draco got home. "I don't even want to know right now," Draco said as I was about to open my mouth and explain what Jason was doing in our home. "Are you okay?" I asked, noticing how tense he seemed. "My father's getting out...he wants to meet our baby," Draco yelled more at himself than at me. "Honey relax," I said, trying to stand up just as another contraction arrived. "How does he even know that your pregnant?" Draco asked. I avoided his stare, and he knew right away. "It was you...wasn't it?" Draco asked, putting his finger on my chin, forcing me to make eye contact with him. "He deserved to know, Draco," I said, preparing myself for Draco to yell and scream. "It wasn't your decision to make!" he yelled as I closed my eyes shut.


Back in the orphanage, closing my eyes was sometimes the closest thing I could get to privacy, and it sort of became a habit of mine whenever people yelled at me or I got bad news.

As Draco continued to yell and scream, he took my glass of water and threw it at the TV. Glass shattered everywhere and there was a huge crack in the television. I've never seen him so angry before as the TV screen shattered onto the floor.

In an instant, Jason came plowing back into the room. With one quick swipe, Jason had punched Draco's face and knocked him onto the floor unconscious. "Oh my god," I muttered, completely shocked at what just happened. "I thought he threw something at you," Jason said, grabbing my hand to help me up. "We can't leave," I said, trying to sit back down. "He's dangerous Elaine he could've hurt you," Jason said, placing a hand on each of my shoulders, looking intently at me. "Listen, we'll tell George that he's here before we go...but we really need to get you to the hospital," Jason said, motioning to Draco on the floor, and then helping me stand as my legs began to grow weaker. "He could've hurt you," Jason muttered as he supported me and walked me down the stairs. He also muttered many many foul words, ones I would never repeat.

As we both went down to the busy street of Diagon Alley, I made a b-line towards Fred and George's store. It was packed as I pushed my way towards George's office. Kids and parents alike were marveling at the many inventions found in the store, and none took notice of me struggling to walk past them.

I knocked twice on the door, despite it also being my office, and stepped inside. "Hey Elaine," George said, smiling at me. He turned his chair around to face me (he had been talking to Fred's painting). "I'm in labor...could you go and tell Hermione and my parents to meet us at St. Mungo's," I said, clutching my stomach as another contraction arrived. George, of course, said he would do just that as he wished me luck. "I'll be there in spirit," Fred yelled after me as I turned to walk out of the office. "Oh...before I go. Jason is taking me to the hospital....and Draco is knocked out in our apartment," I rambled. "Just make sure he gets to the hospital on time please," I said, watching George's face. He looked shocked, but was doing his best to hide it.

After making my way down towards Diagon Alley, I spotted Jason leaning up against the shop window. "I can apparate," he said taking my hand. I smiled at him, grateful that he protected me before. Of course, I never thought that Draco would hurt me before, but I've also never seen him that angry. Despite our little fights, we've only had a few bigger ones...but none like the one that just happened. He was so angry that he broke our tv and shattered a glass? That is not the Draco I knew and loved.


Jason's fingers intertwined with mine as we disapparated right into the entrance of St Mungo's hospital.

A healer approached us, and brought me a wheelchair to sit in as I waited. "Name?" the healer asked, filing out a form as Jason kept a hand on my shoulder the entire time. "Elaine Malfoy," I said. I noticed the healer take a glance at Jason, realizing it was not in fact Draco Malfoy. I suddenly began to feel really guilty leaving Draco back at the apartment. But then again, if I stayed who knows what would have happened.

"As in Elaine Granger?" the man asked, pulling me right out of my thoughts. "Yes," I replied. "You'll be brought right away to a private room," he said, hustling towards the front desk before I could respond.

When I moved to the private room (perks of being Harry Potter's friend), it also came with a female healer who never left my side. Luckily, Jason didn't leave my side either. He really had redeemed himself after what he did at my wedding.

About an hour after getting admitted into the hospital, George, Hermione and my parents walked in. My parents didn't even glance at Jason, and instead rushed to my side. My dad had a cup in his hand filled with ice chips, and my mom put a damp washcloth on the back of my neck. "Where is he?" I asked George as my parents pulled up chairs next to me. George didn't answer. His face turned to stone as he glanced at Hermione who burst into tears. "H-he t-told me he wasn't-t c-c-coming," she shuttered, rushing to my side as I looked at George to see if it was true. "We tried everything," George muttered, looking ashamed. "I swear to god I'm gonna kill h-" I began, but was cut off by a very strong contraction.

I yelled and screamed and cried until my throat burned. My own husband refused to listen to my sister....he refused to be at my side while I was giving birth...

Jason's POV:

I watched as Elaine tried to remain calm. She shut her eyes tightly...the way she used to when she needed privacy in the orphanage. My heart really broke when I saw her scream and cry. I wanted to kill him for doing that to her.

Besides Elaine and this baby, my thoughts continued to go right back to her shitty excuse of a husband. How could he do this to her? How could he look at her and refuse to be at her side?

Elaine's POV:

About three hours into labor, Hermione and I were the only ones allowed in the room. The healer felt that, with the current situation, it was best if there were less people in the room.

"Mum and dad are really proud of you," she said, trying to make conversation as she handed me another cup of ice chips. "What does this all mean 'Mione?" I asked. I felt tears start to, once again, trickle down my cheeks. "If he really isn't going to show up...I think you know what it means....and even if he does...he should've been here the entire time," Hermione said trying to remain transparent as she sipped her tea. "What made him flip out?" she asked as the healer rushed around the room. "He found out I've been visiting his father...and that Lucius knows about the baby," I explained, thinking back to how stupid of a fight it really was.

Not even a moment later did I finish speaking, then the doors of my room open to reveal Draco. He stood there, black eye and all, with a horrible look on his face. "No," I whispered to myself, feeling the tears start to well up. "Elaine," Draco muttered, walking up next to me. He seemed to be drunk as he swayed in place. He didn't smile or say hello...he didn't have flowers like I thought he might've brought if he decided to come back...he just said my name. And from that one word, I knew everything was going to change...

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