《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 45


Jason's POV:

I stood in Elaine's doorway as she stared at me with her mouth wide open. "Hey Elaine," I said, as the look of utter shock had quickly been drawn across her face. "Can I come in?" I asked her when she didn't speak. "What are you doing here?" she asked, suddenly moving aside to let me in to the apartment. "I needed to see you," I replied as I walked over to the couch. I honestly wasn't sure what made me come see her today...I just needed to. I watched her struggle to walk and sit down on the couch next to me. She was, after all, very very big. "You look great," I said and she rolled her eyes. I put a hand on her stomach and for a second, I thought she was going to slap my hand away, but instead, she put her hand over mine. "What happened Jay...where did you go?" she asked, looking directly in my eyes. "I went back to the orphanage," I said and heard her gasp slightly. "You-you did?" she stuttered as if what I said was the worst thing she's ever heard. "Mrs Burke let me come back...she told me as long as I helped her out, I could stay as long as I needed," I explained. "Why did you leave my parents? They were devastated when they got back to the house and saw your stuff was gone," she said. I knew she was going to ask that.

"I couldn't face them...not after what I did at your wedding," I explained. Her hand still rested on mine, and I tried to take a mental picture of that moment. I didn't know if she was going to forgive me...and even if she did, I knew that her husband wouldn't. I was glad he wasn't here right now...he would've kicked me out for sure.


"Why are you here?" she asked, and I noticed tears were in her eyes. She was looking at me with such hurt in her eyes and I knew it was because I had brought up what I did at the wedding. "I came to apologize...Elaine, you need to know how sorry I am," I said, squeezing her hand tighter as she tried to pull it away. When she did pull her hand away, she was fully crying now. "You can't just show up randomly and expect everything to be okay...Jay you ran out on my wedding day. You cursed at my sister and broke my parents' heart," she said, her voice was getting louder with every word. "I know...I'm sorry," I said, standing up now and smoothing out my shirt. "I think you should leave," Elaine said, but as she pointed to the door, she grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it hard. She let out a groan of pain as she held my shoulder tightly. "Oh my god," she muttered, holding on to her stomach as I helped her sit back down on the couch.

Elaine's POV:

Of course....of fucking course. Just as Jason was about to leave, I have a contraction...my first contraction. I was officially in labor, and I was scared out of my mind. I knew that Jason wasn't going to leave this time...not like he did on my wedding day...and I was sort of relieved that he was here. "Jay I think I'm in labor," I said, trying to stay as calm as possible just as another contraction arrived. The great thing about Jason was how calm he remained in panicky situations like this one. I doubled over in pain as he looked around my apartment. "What are you looking for?" I asked as he walked into my bedroom. "Telephone," he said. Of course...he was trying to call for help. "We don't have one...the owls right there," I said, pointing out of the window to Draco's owl that sat outside on our windowsill. "Of course," he muttered, but I ignored it as I tried reaching for a coin that sat on the coffee table. The coin was one that Draco had given me a while ago. We each had a coin, and when one of us wrote on their coin, the message would show up on the others'. It was quicker than an owl, I just hoped Draco had the coin near him.


Draco's POV:

I watched Pansy being shoved into a cell in Azkaban. She screamed and carried on at me as the dementors shut the cell door and sealed it. "Thank you," I said to my coworkers who had informed me of her arrest. I was so glad that she was going to be behind bars now, especially with a baby on the way.

As I made my way through the Ministry and towards my office, I was pulled in every direction from fellow Ministry workers, all of whom where asking about Pansy. When I finally reached my office, I sat on my desk and put my head in my hands. Although I loved my job, it was overwhelming at times...I didn't deal with stress well. It didn't help knowing that my wife was home by herself, pregnant. That was when I saw it. The coin I had sat on my desk and I watched as a message was being scribbled across one side of it.

I'm in labor! Come home!

I read the message before quickly grabbing my wand and coat and rushing outside.

Elaine's POV:

I threw the coin back on the coffee table. I just hoped that Draco would see it. As more and more contractions arrived and went, Jason rushed around the apartment, gathering a bag of things for me to take. A pillow, blanket, clean pajamas, and snacks were just the few things I watched him set in a pile. "Jason you don't have to do that...Draco will be home any minute now," I said, trying to stay calm even though my mind was racing. I was about to push a human out of me and I was absolutely terrified.

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