《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 43


Elaine's POV:

"Wow!" Jason said from behind Draco as I walked towards them. I noticed Hermione had shot a glare at Jason as I stood next to her, but I didn't think anything of it. He didn't seem to notice Hermione's glares either as he continued to stare and smile at me. "Are we all ready?" a man carrying a huge camera asked us.

The photographer probably took over a thousand pictures of us, but luckily it wasn't going to take long. I was starting to get nervous as we walked throughout the castle to take pictures.

"You okay, love?" Draco asked when he noticed how anxious I was getting. "Fine...just getting a bit nervous," I replied. "Don't worry Elaine I'll be there the whole time!" a voice said as Draco's arm wrapped around my waist. I turned and saw it was Fred. He was walking through every portrait on the wall to catch up with us and make sure he didn't miss a moment. "Oh I know Freddie," I replied, laughing as Draco laughed with me.

Even though there weren't going to be a lot of people attending the wedding, it was still quite nerve-wracking....I mean today was my wedding day how could I not be nervous?

When the photographer was done taking pictures of us, we all hung out near the front door of the castle as we watched the guests start to arrive. Of course, my parents and the Weasleys were the first. Then came Draco's mom, Brandy, and a few of his cousins who weren't shunning him from the family (the fact that he was marrying me really upset most of his relatives).

Ron and Harry had come up to the castle to hang out with us as well, which helped calm my nerves.

As we waited, Jason called me over. "Can we talk in private? It'll only be a minute," he asked, already leading me down a separate corridor. Once Jason and I were out of earshot of everyone else, he stopped and looked at me.

"What's up Jay?" I asked, smiling at him. I thought maybe he was going to give me a pep talk or something since it was such a big day...but I was wrong.

"Are you really gonna marry him?" he asked, making me extremely confused. "What?" I asked, trying to guess what he was about to say. "Are you really going to marry him?" he asked again, looking frustrated. "Of course I am...why? Jay what's wrong?" I asked, taking his hand. "Come on Elaine...don't play dumb here...you know exactly what's going on," he said, ripping his hand away from mine.

I could see he was getting very angry with me...but I didn't know why. When I didn't say anything, he looked at me long and hard. "I have been in love with you since we were ten years old...from the minute I fucking met you I knew you were it," he said, now raising his voice. "Jay what are you talk-" I started, but he cut me off. "Do you know how many fights I've gotten into over you? How many people I heard talking shit about you that I beat the crap out of? I have been there for you way longer than any of these other freaks have...and yes, Elaine, they're freaks!" Jason screamed as I watched him. "This fucking magic crap is bullshit!" he yelled, making me start to cry. "Jason," was the only word I could manage to say. "And...and the second we were gonna be able to leave that orphanage...we were gonna live together...and we were gonna get married and, even though it might not have been the best circumstances...it would've been all worth it because it was gonna be me and you together in the end...how it was meant to be, but ruined it," he said, looking absolutely defeated.


"Jason...please...stop...what am I supposed to say to that? I'm getting married in fifteen minutes!" I yelled back and pleaded, but I knew he already made up his mind. He looked at me with such anger and I knew how badly he was hurting. "You know I can't stay and watch you get married...you've known I loved you since we were kids and you really expect me to stay and watch you marry someone else?" he said, now yelling again.

And so, I watched as my best friend and my world walked away from me. He left me standing all alone in an empty corridor...and, just like that, he walked out of my life.

Draco's POV:

When Jason had called Elaine to talk to her privately, I knew something was up. He was acting quite strange beforehand...like he was trying to prepare for something.

When I watched her and Jason walk away, I followed them. "Draco...you need to go see where they're going," Hermione said. She must have sensed something was about to happen...or else she would've told me to give them privacy.

And so I listened as he screamed at her...on her wedding day. I would've interrupted and stopped him, but my legs seemed to have stopped working. I listened as he called her a freak, then told her he couldn't stay to be at the wedding, and then he turned the corner of the corridor to face me. Although he was much bigger than I was, I grabbed him by the collar and held up my fist to punch him...but then, I hesitated. I couldn't hit him. No matter how much he deserved it...he was Elaine's first family. I let his shirt go as he pushed past me to leave.

It was, of course, my first instinct to follow him and kick his ass until he couldn't walk right, but I knew Elaine needed me. I quickly peered around the corridor where Elaine was. She was staring at the wall with tears in her eyes. "Elaine, darling, come here," I said as she ran right into my arms. "It's okay," I said, gently rubbing her back. "I'm not going to cry...it was his choice to leave...and-and there's nothing I can do about it," she said, with her lip quivering as she spoke. I knew how upset she was, but, surprisingly, she was holding it together pretty well.

"Listen...I'm gonna have Ron or Harry be my other groomsmen...we'll take a few extra pictures and it'll all be okay," I said, quickly fixing the issue of not having a second groomsmen now. So, I grabbed Elaine's tiny hand and walked her back towards the front door of the castle.


Elaine's POV:

"Jason...you didn't! Do NOT Leave!" Hermione screamed as I watched Jason walk out of the castle. "Fuck off Hermione," Jason said somewhat calmly, but everyone else's reaction to him cursing at my sister was anything but calm.

Draco kept a tight hold on my hand since I was about to lunge at Jason. "Do NOT talk to her like that," Ron and Harry both yelled in unison. Ron stood up, immediately towering over Jason and punched him in the nose. Jason fought back, and tried to strangle Ron in the process. Even though Draco had a hold of my hand, I could still scream.

"JASON!" I screamed, drawing all the attention on me. "Leave...right now," I yelled, hoping everyone gathered on the lawn couldn't hear what was going on in the castle. "You really chose these people over me...over the person who's been there for you since you were ten? Who's dealt with all the ups and downs?" Jason asked me after Ron let go of his neck. "Yes," I replied instantly. There was no hesitation in my answer, and Jason knew that...so he left.

Surprisingly, I was holding it together pretty well. I watched Jason walk down the lawn and disappear behind the trees.

"Oh crap!" I said, quickly covering my mouth at I ran to the nearest bathroom. I puked, not knowing if it was from the baby or the fact that Jason leaving me made me feel so sick. "Come on, Elaine," Ginny's voice said, helping me stand and handing me a piece of gum. "The ceremony starts in five minutes...Draco's gone down to the lawn," Ginny said, fixing my dress and hair.

Ginny and I walked to the front doors of the castle where my dad was waiting to walk me down. "Sweetheart...you look beautiful," he said, hugging me tightly. "Easy on the squeezing, this baby doesn't want to cooperate today," I said laughing, though my stomach did feel queasy.

As my dad and I walked down towards the lawn, the only person my eyes were focused on was Draco standing there. I watched as Blaise whispered in his ear, making him start to tear up as his eyes landed on me. Harry was on his other side smiling as he watched me, and Hermione and Ginny were on Draco's other side, both crying slightly.

When I reached the end of the aisle, everyone stood to face me and my dad. Every thought about Jason and everything else bothering me quickly disappeared.

I slowly started walking with my dad's arm linked in mine. I looked at the crowd and saw Hagrid crying in his handkerchief, George patting his mother's back as she cried, and my mom standing at the front with Narcissa Malfoy (both who were beaming at me).

When I reached Draco, my dad lifted the veil from my face. "Take care of her," my dad said, shaking Draco's hand before kissing me on the cheek and taking his seat next to my mom.

Professor McGonagall told everyone else to sit as Draco and I stood to face each other. Although we didn't hire a minister, Professor McGonagall acted as one for us just to keep the ceremony on track. First, Draco and I read our vows. Because the wedding was planned in a month, Draco and I read the standard wedding vows to each other. And though millions of people have used the same vows before us, I felt so special reading them to him, and hearing them read to me. Then, we exchanged rings. My ring slipped on my finger like it has been there my whole life. It fit perfectly and I smiled as I watched Draco put it on my finger.

"And now, by the power vested in me...I pronounce you husband and wife," McGonagall said. Draco immediately pulled me towards him and kissed me as the crowd around us cheered. "I am so pleased to introduce to you all...Mr and Mrs Malfoy," McGonagall said as our kiss ended. I took Draco's hand and we walked back down the aisle towards the castle.

I was officially Elaine Malfoy.

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