《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 41


Elaine's POV:

With the exciting news of Draco and I becoming parents, I totally forgot why I was actually in the hospital. When the doctor reminded me of putting cream on my wound, I suddenly remembered I had been stabbed. "Let's wait to tell everyone about the baby...we'll figure it out when we get home," I told Draco quickly before everyone came into my hospital room. Draco agreed just as everyone piled into my room, but he kept his hand on my stomach and rubbed it gently.

"Oh Elaine!" Mrs Weasley cried when she saw me all bandaged up. "Who did this to you?" Ron asked before anyone else could butt-in. "It was Pansy...she stabbed me," I said, trying my best not to shudder at the thought of her. It was one thing that she attacked me, but the fact that she could have hurt my child is another thing. "I'll send an owl to Kingsley right away," Mr Weasley said, bustling out of the room immediately. "Don't worry, we'll get her sent straight to Azkaban," Harry assured me. "Elaine, you're free to go. All your charts look good," the healer said, interrupting us as we talked about Pansy.

As I began to stand, Mrs Weasley made Draco and Ron help me up and into the wheelchair. Hermione grabbed my belongings as George cleared the way for me. "Really, I'm okay Mrs Weasley, Draco will be with me," I said to Mrs Weasley after she asked me for the fifth time if I wanted to stay at their house. "Either way, I'm sending George to your apartment early tomorrow to make sure everything's okay," she replied, patting my back.

When we reached the exit of St Mungo's, it was time to say goodbye to everyone. "Thank you, Georgie for saving my life," I said as we hugged goodbye. "Don't worry about it...and I won't come by tomorrow morning...just let me know if you're okay or not to work. I'm obviously fine with either," George whispered so Mrs Weasley wouldn't hear. "And Mrs Weasley I'll be coming by sometime this week for dinner with Ginny, I'm not sure if she told you," I said, hugging her tightly goodbye. "Of course...come by anytime," she replied.

Once the Weasley's were gone, it was Harry, Hermione, Draco and I left. "I'm gonna take Hermione home," Harry told us as we hugged him goodbye. "Thanks Harry. Hermione, would you tell mom and dad what happened...but tell them in a way they won't freak out," I added, laughing as she rolled her eyes. "I've got it covered," she assured me, waving goodbye.


When Harry and Hermione were gone, Draco and I apparated back to Diagon Alley. When we reached the safety of our apartment, I let out a sigh of relief. "So the baby explains why you've been throwing up so much," Draco said, sitting himself down on the couch. "Yea that explains it," I said, subconsciously putting a hand on my stomach as I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen. "What are we gonna do?" he asked as I sat down next to him. He put his arm around me as I snuggled in.

"We'll have to figure it out...but I think we should tell our parents," I said, sipping the water. "I'm not telling my dad," Draco said immediately. "Why no-" I started, but he cut me off. "Just the fact that you and I are engaged puts you at risk...I don't want the baby to be in any kind of danger as well," he said, and I knew he was right. If Lucius finds out about the baby, the second he steps out of Azkaban, the baby will be at risk. "Well we are telling your mother...I'll invite her for dinner this week," I said, writing it on a piece of parchment so I wouldn't forget.

"What about our wedding?" Draco asked. "What about it?" I asked back. "Do you want to wait until the baby is born? Or just get married sometime before?" he asked, placing a hand on my stomach again. "I can't wait until the baby is born...I'm too excited. And if we wait a few months to get married, I'll be fat by then," I laughed, leaning my head on Draco's shoulder. "So why not get married next month? I'm sure we can set something up," he said, kissing my forehead as I agreed.

I felt much better when Draco and I had a plan for our wedding, but I knew it was going to be stressful to plan a wedding in a month. After much more talk about our future, Draco and I decided it was time for bed. "Wake me up if you need anything," he said, cuddling up next to me as I rested my head on the pillow. I felt so safe falling asleep in his arms and I was soon fast asleep, dreaming about being a mom.

The next morning, I woke up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Morning sickness was not my best friend by any means, but I knew it would be worth it in the long-run.

After getting sick, I managed to eat apples with peanut butter for breakfast before I got changed to go to work. "You just got stabbed yesterday sweetheart, are you sure you should be going to work?" Draco asked as he got himself ready for the day. "Of course...I would lose my mind if I sat inside the house all day," I replied. "Before I forget, I'm going to my mom's today, so I'll invite her for dinner...is Wednesday night okay?" Draco asked. "Yea Wednesday works...that means we can go to my parent's house tonight to tell them the news," I added, beyond excited to tell my family the great news.


Later that day and after work, Draco and I went to my family's home for dinner. My mom looked so relieved to see me safe and under her roof again. After Hermione told them I was attacked, she said that my mom sort of freaked out.

"So everyone...Draco and I have news," I announced right when we finished eating. My parents, Hermione and Jason all looked up at us. "When I was in the hospital yesterday...the doctor told me about something very serious that I think you all should know," I said, pausing for dramatic effect, "I'm pregnant!"

My parents, sister and Jason all screamed with shock and happiness. My mom immediately rushed up to me, putting a hand on my belly and my dad hugged me tightly. "We're gonna be grandparents!" my dad exclaimed to my mom as they hugged each other. I think the idea of having a baby in the family really excited them.

Jason and Hermione practically tackled Draco and I. "You two, of course, will be the godparents," Draco said without even telling me. I looked at him with such love, because I knew he chose Jason and Hermione for me.

'How far along are you?' 'When will you know the gender?' 'When's the due date?' 'How are you feeling?' were just some of the many questions I had to answer as we ate dessert.

After a very successful dinner with my family (and lots of food to bring home that my mother insisted on us to take), I was only getting more excited to tell everyone else, though Draco and I wanted to wait until after our wedding.

The next day, Draco and I had his mother over for dinner. I was excited to tell her, but I was nervous about how she would react. Of course I knew she loved Draco, but it seemed to me that he didn't get a lot of affection from her.

Draco and I waited until we were finished eating (I had food delivered from the Leaky Cauldron) to tell her. Narcissa did seem really excited about our wedding and she offered to help us plan. "So, mom, Elaine and I wanted to tell you something," Draco started and she looked up from her plate. "Elaine's pregnant," Draco said. Narcissa seemed to hesitate for a moment, perhaps she was trying to see if we were excited or not, but then she squealed with excitement. Narcissa immediately stood up and hugged me, putting her hand on my belly to feel the baby. "How far along are you?" she asked, feeling my tiny tiny bump. "Only five weeks...Draco and I found out two days ago," I said excitedly. "We could really use your help planning the wedding...we want to get married next month before everyone knows about the baby," I added, and watched as Narcissa's face broke into a huge smile. "Well of course!" she said, immediately listing everyone she knew who could help as well.

Everything seemed to be going great until Draco mentioned his father. "Mom I don't want dad knowing Elaine's pregnant okay?" Draco asked seriously. Narcissa's mood completely changed. "Okay...fine, I won't tell him. But he does deserve to know...it's his grandchild," she said, rather upset. She suddenly left afterwards, making me feel very guilty about what happened. "You didn't have to take that tone you know...you could've asked much nicer," I said to Draco after his mother disapparated. "She needs to realize that my father can't know about the baby," Draco said, frustrated. "He'll find out eventually," I replied, walking off to the bedroom to get changed.

The next day, Draco was still in a bad mood about what happened with his mom, but he still made me breakfast before work. "What are you doing today?" I asked him as I sipped my tea. "I'm going to go ask Kingsley for a job...reckon he could use some help finding Pansy," Draco said. "That reminds me...if I do get the job, I'll probably be out until past dinnertime...are you gonna be okay on your own?" he asked, placing his strong hand on my back. "I'll be fine...I'm going to the Burrow to have dinner with Ginny anyways," I replied, finishing my toast and putting the plate in the sink.

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