《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 40


George's POV:

After Lee and I brought Fred's painting out into the party, my mother screamed so much that she forced me to go put it back. Of course, I wasn't going to go all the way to Hogwarts at 11pm to put his painting back, so I decided to leave it at my shop.

I apparated to Diagon Alley and walked into my store. I quickly carried Fred's portrait up to my office and made sure my office was locked and that no one else would take the painting.

As I locked the front door of my shop, I looked to the left where Elaine's new apartment was. I planned on checking to see if she was okay since I knew she had been feeling sick.

My heart dropped to the floor when I saw someone lying on the ground in what looked like a pool of blood only feet away from Elaine's front door. "Elaine!" I yelled, immediately bending down next to her. I looked and saw a huge wound on her side...she had been attacked. After quickly checking her pulse, I knew she was still alive...but she needed help immediately or else she would die.

With my heart racing, I took my jacket off and wrapped it around her waist so it could apply some pressure to her wound. "It's gonna be okay," I told her, holding her tightly and apparating directly to St Mungo's Hospital.

"HELP! I need help!" I yelled once I landed in the hospital. Nurses and healers immediately rushed to my side, taking Elaine from me and lifting her on a stretcher. "Sir what happened to her?" a nearby nurse asked me. "I don't know...I-I found her in Diagon Alley...she was attacked," I stumbled, trying to keep up with Elaine who was now being rushed to a doctor. "Sir, please we can't let you inside...we'll update you if anything happens," a healer told me, blocking the entrance to where Elaine had just gone.


Feeling hopeless, I did the one thing I could do...tell Draco and Elaine's family what happened. I quickly pulled out my wand, and a patronus erupted from it's tip (message via patronus was much quicker than sending an owl). "Elaine's been attacked...rushed to St. Mungo's," I spoke to my patronus (which was a magpie: the same as Fred's). The magpie nodded and disappeared, making it's way to the Burrow.

Hermione's POV:

As the party slowly came to an end, it was soon just the Weasleys, Brandy, Harry, Draco, and I left at the Burrow. Mum, dad, and Jason had left shortly after Elaine did, since they had a long drive home. And so, we sat around a makeshift fireplace that Ron had made for us as we laughed and drank.

We were suddenly interrupted when someone's patronus appeared right next to the fire. It was a magpie, so I knew immediately it was George's. "Elaine's been attacked...rushed to St. Mungo's," George's voiced boomed from the patronus. All of us looked at one another, and one by one, we all apparated to St. Mungo's.

George's POV:

"George!" a voice from far away yelled. I turned and saw my whole family, Harry, Draco and Hermione running towards me. "Oh my god," Draco said as he swore under his breath when he saw I was covered in Elaine's blood. "What happened?" Hermione asked me immediately. "I don't know! I didn't see what happened...I was at my store putting Fred's painting in my office, and when I finished locking up, I saw someone was lying on the ground," I explained, running a hand through my hair. "She wasn't conscious when I found her...but she had a pulse," I added, knowing that was going to be my family's next question.


"Is anyone here an immediate family member of Miss Elaine Granger?" a doctor asked, stepping out of the room they had brought Elaine into. "I am," Hermione said, raising her hand. "Please come with me...sorry, only one at a time," the doctor said when Draco tried to come in with Hermione. Hermione immediately handed her bag to Ron and followed the doctor inside.

Hermione's POV:

"Is she alright?" I asked as soon as I was in earshot of the doctor. "She'll be fine," he answered, allowing me to finally breath normally again. "We just allow immediate family members to see the patient first...it's hospital policy. We don't want to overwhelm the patient," the doctor explained, leading me into Elaine's room. "What happened to her?" I asked when I saw Elaine bandaged and sleeping. "Stab wound...which is kindof uncommon in the wizarding world, but we were able to patch her right up," he said, tapping Elaine on her shoulder to wake up.

Elaine's POV:

I woke up in a hospital with a doctor and Hermione next to me. "Elaine...how are you feeling?" Hermione asked me, sitting herself down on my bed. "I'm alright...a bit sore," I said, sitting myself up. "Are there any other immediate family members before we start letting others in?" the doctor asked Hermione. "My fiancé," I said, completing butting in to their conversation. "I'll go get him," Hermione said, pushing me back to lay down as she stood up, leaving the doctor and I alone.

"Well, Elaine, you are very lucky," the doctor said, looking at my charts. "Yea...getting stabbed is always a sign of luck," I said jokingly. "Well I'm talking more about where you got stabbed...it didn't hurt the baby at all," he said cheerfully. "What?" I asked, not understanding what he had just said. "The baby, Elaine...the knife didn't hurt your baby," he repeated, and didn't notice my confused face. "I'm sorry, sir, could you please explain what you mean?" I asked, just as Draco walked into the room. "You're pregnant, Elaine...five weeks pregnant. Surely you knew that," the doctor said and I immediately looked at Draco as our eyes both widened. "She's pregnant?" Draco asked. His feet had stopped working and he was now in the middle of the room completely frozen. "Yes, she is...what do you two not understand?" the doctor asked, now confused at why the two of us were so confused. "Could you give us a moment please?" Draco asked, and the doctor left, closing the door behind him.

"Oh my god," Draco said, running a hand through his hair. "I'm pregnant," I repeated over and over again. The words didn't seem to make sense at all. "When did this happen?" Draco asked, he now was sitting on the edge of my bed, holding my hand. "He said I'm five weeks...so I'm guessing Easter break when we stayed at school," I suggested. "Oh my god," Draco said again, but this time, instead of worried, he seemed absolutely ecstatic. "We're gonna be parents," he said, throwing himself on top of me, kissing every inch of my face.

Oh my god...we are gonna be parents...

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