《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 38


Elaine's POV:

The morning after Draco was arrested, Harry and I got ready for his trial. I made to sure to have every note Draco had written in case the judge wanted proof, and jotted down a few things on parchment I didn't want to forget in case things went wrong.

According to Professor McGonagall, Draco's parents were also being tried today. Apparently the Ministry judge liked to do families at a time, which means he can fit multiple trials in one day.

"Ready?" Harry asked as I walked into the common room. I wore a black dress, with heels and cloak; while Harry was in a suit. "Yup," I said smiling.

"I'm going to help Narcissa Malfoy today too," Harry said to me as we walked to Professor McGonagall's office. "Really? Why?" I asked him, feeling my nerves starting to build. "She told Voldemort I was dead...in the Forbidden Forest...she could've been killed for lying to him," Harry explained as we finally reached the office. "Good morning," Professor McGonagall said to us, opening her office door for us. "Here you are...good luck to both of you," she said, holding out a pot of ash.

I grabbed a handful of ash and stepped into the fireplace next to her desk. "Ministry of Magic!" I yelled, throwing the ash down at my feet. I immediately felt the sensation of being sucked through a tube, and my feet landed in a fireplace in the Ministry of Magic. Harry had appeared in the fireplace right next to me. "Ready?" he asked, taking my hand and leading me through the crowd of people. We quickly snuck past photographers that were clearly waiting for someone...I had a strong feeling they were waiting for us. "The courtrooms, please," Harry said to the wizard who controlled the elevators.

After the dizzy ride on the elevator, we stepped off and greeted Kingsley who was waiting for us. "Elaine, you'll be called up first, then Harry," he explained as he walked us down a long hallway. The only sound that could be heard was my heels clicking against the floor. "Right in here," Kingsley said when we reached the courtroom. He swung the doors open in front of Harry and I, and the entire courtroom broke into cheers and applauds.


The courtroom was a circular room with three chairs in the middle of the room. I glanced at Draco, who sat in the middle of the room in between his mother and father, but he didn't look at me. Instead, Draco was staring at his father with pure hatred as his father stared directly at me. I've never seen Lucius look so like that before...he looked like he wanted to kill me.

Kingsley led Harry and I to where the judge was, and sat next to us to make sure no one would bother us as we listened.

The first half of the trial was spent explaining the charges of each Malfoy (which took a while for Lucius Malfoy). "Now Miss Elaine Granger would like to come and present evidence in favor of Draco Malfoy," the judge said, calling me to stand up in the center of the room near Draco and his parents.

"Ladies and gentleman, I have brought with me, several letters that Draco Malfoy had written to me in the past two years, clearly offering his help while Harry Potter and I were in hiding and on the run from Voldemort," I said, and the room grew silent. "I also have evidence, though it is not physical evidence, that Draco Malfoy helped Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, and myself escape the Malfoy Manor after being captured by snatchers," I continued, "Draco refused to tell Bellatrix Lestrange that we were the real Harry Potter and Elaine Granger...which, in turn, bought us enough time to escape the house unharmed," I said, watching the jury members whisper to each other. "Miss Granger, I do have to ask you to read at least one of the letters Draco Malfoy wrote to you while you were on the run," the judge said, leaning forward as if he was afraid to miss something I was about to read. "Of course," I replied, pulling out a letter and read. "Elaine, I hope you're okay. I've risked a lot to send this and I hope these owls find you well. Wherever you are in the world, stay safe and stay hidden...they're looking for you everywhere! Here's something that I hope will help- Draco," I read, folding the letter and placing it in my pocket when I was done reading. "Draco Malfoy sent this letter along with a huge basket of food for me while I was in hiding...he risked a lot to help us. He was forced to become a Death Eater, but it is clear Draco is not one. He has proven time and time again he was and is on our side and that is why he needs to be freed immediately," I said confidently. "All those in favor of releasing Draco Malfoy immediately?" the judge asked the jury. Every single person raised their hand, and an auror immediately walked to the center of the room and released Draco.


Draco jumped up from his seat, and pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you," he whispered, and followed me back to where I sat next to Harry. "Here you go," I said, handing Draco his wand that I brought with me, as we sat. Draco quickly pocketed his wand, and placed his arm around me, squeezing me tightly.

"Next we call Harry Potter to the stand to present evidence in favor of Narcissa Malfoy," the judge said. Harry, stood and walked to the center of the room. "He's vouching for my mom?" Draco asked, completely shocked. "Yea...she saved his life in the Forbidden Forest," I whispered back.

When Harry was finished giving his evidence, Narcissa was released right away as well, and she joined us on the bench. "My dears...thank you," she said, kissing Harry and I both on the cheek.

Last, but not least, Lucius Malfoy's trial was unfolding in front of us. No one came to vouch for Lucius, and everyone in the room saw him continue to glance in my direction, with pure hatred in his eyes. "The court's decision: fifteen years in Azkaban for your crimes. If, in the next few years, you show the court your behavior and attitude has changed, you will be released on probation," the judge stated. And just like that, Lucius Malfoy was hauled away back to Azkaban.

"Thank you...really, both of you," Draco said to Harry and I as the court was dismissed. "I need to help my mother find somewhere to stay...but I'll meet you back at Hogwarts by dinnertime, okay?" Draco added, kissing me lightly on the cheek as we bid him and his mother goodbye.

"That went much better than I thought," Harry said as we walked back towards the line of fireplaces at the Ministry's entrance. "Yea...I do feel bad for Narcissa...I mean Lucius is going to be in Azkaban for fifteen years," I said, feeling very bad for Draco as well. "It's not our fault he chose Voldemort's side," Harry said, reassuring me.

Soon enough, Harry and I were back at Hogwarts and eating lunch with Hermione and Ron, who were both very interested in what happened in court.

By dinnertime, Draco was back at school as well. He found a place for his mother to stay where she'd be safe.

"I'm sorry about your dad," I said as we ate dinner together. "Sorry? What for? He deserves even longer, I think," Draco said, shoveling mashed potatoes in his mouth. "Hey...I'm okay...really...my dad needs to pay from what he did," Draco said after seeing my face.

As weeks went by, I quickly forgot about Lucius locked away in Azkaban, and was quickly buried in homework and studying as the year carried on...

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