《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 33


Elaine's POV:

Days after Fred's funeral, Hermione and I got a visit from Kingsley, the temporary Minister of Magic and, of course, wonderful human being. He came to the Burrow with an offer for us. "We know your parents are in Australia. It will take a while to find them, but just say the word and two Ministry workers will go right away to start their search," he explained as Hermione and I glanced at each other. "Yes...that'd be wonderful...thank you," Hermione said right away. "Alright then. You two will be the first to know when we find them," he said with a smile. Kingsley then turned and spoke with Mr and Mrs Weasley as Hermione and I went back up to Ron's room. "I do hope they find them soon," Hermione said, looking worried. Of course, we didn't know where our family was, and they don't even know who we are, but I knew we were in good hands.

A few weeks later, Mrs Weasley called all of us downstairs for dinner, adding that she has news for us. "We'll be going to Hogwarts tomorrow...Professor McGonagall has invited us for dinner, so I suggest you all wear something nice," Mrs Weasley said, much more cheerful than usual. "Why does she want us for dinner?" Ron asked with a mouth full of food. "Doesn't matter, now, does it? We're going," Mr Weasley said, putting the matter to rest. Of course, we all knew it was going to be very difficult to walk into the castle after what had happened so many weeks ago, but none of us dared argue with Mr Weasley.

And so the next day, I dressed myself in a sundress since it was very hot out, and allowed my hair to flow behind my shoulders. The Weasleys, Hermione and I apparated right outside of the Hogwarts gates where we were swarmed by people. Cameras flashing and nagging reporters surrounded Hermione, Ron and I, leaving the rest of the Weasleys shocked. George and Ron quickly pushed them aside as Professor McGonagall could be heard from the front gate shooing them away. "You will not be allowed in...no exceptions Skeeter," she shouted, clearing the path and allowing us in. "I'm so sorry...they just attacked Potter as well...been outside the castle for weeks," Professor McGonagall explained angrily. "Please...watch your step," she said, as a giant carriage pulled by what Hermione told me was a thestral pulled it.


When the castle came into view, I smiled; which surprised me because I was almost sure I was going to cry. The castle looked completely normal again...like no battle ever happened and it reminded me of the first time I ever saw Hogwarts.

As the group of us walked into the castle, I smiled even more...Harry sat on the nearest set of stairs, waiting for us. He all greeted us with a hug. "Are you all ready?" Professor McGonagall asked, causing Mrs Weasley to start crying. "What do you mean?" I asked McGonagall. Why wouldn't we be ready to have dinner?

Instead of answering me, McGonagall began walking the opposite direction of the Great Hall. She led us up the stairs to a corridor with many classrooms. She stopped near the Transfiguration classroom, asking us to form a group in front of her. That's when I noticed there was a section of the wall that was covered by a tarp. I looked around, confused; then, in the corner of my eyes, I noticed a new painting had been put up on the opposite end of the corridor. When I looked closely, I saw that the painting had a young girl...Lavender Brown. She had been killed in the battle a few weeks ago as well and now was napping away in her painting. 'Oh my goodness' I thought, tears starting to well up in my eyes. Hermione had noticed Lavender's painting as well, quickly turning to Professor McGonagall.

"I want you all to know that, although this will never replace Fred, I hope that it will help," she said, ripping away the tarp to reveal Fred Weasley. He stood there, brilliant red hair and all, smiling at us from the portrait. "Oh Fred!" Mrs Weasley cried, as George stood in shock, trying to contain his excitement. "You guys missed me that much already?" Fred said with his classic laugh that I knew so well. Fred took a seat in his painting, beaming down at all of us as we each got a few minutes to talk to him. "Elaine...I've got to say, you're eulogy was wonderful," Fred said with a great smile. "I knew you'd like it!" I said, putting my hand on the painting up to his. "Wait...paintings aren't supposed to think like that!" Hermione said, turning to Professor McGonagall. "I know, but since Fred died in this castle, his spirit remains...and he can take over his painting at any time to communicate with us," she explained. I couldn't believe it...it was almost like having him back. What McGonagall said only caused Mrs Weasley to cry even more tears of joy, allowing Fred to comfort his mother himself. "You know, mum, even though I'm gone, I'm still with you all the time," he said making his mother cry only harder.


"Shall we go have dinner then?" McGonagall asked, wanting Mrs Weasley to calm down before letting her talk to Fred more. "But I-" Mrs Weasley began, but McGonagall cut him off. "Molly, I assure you...he won't be going anywhere," she said with a smile. Mrs Weasley agreed, not wanting to make a fuss, and lead the way down to the Great Hall.

When we entered the Great Hall, I was surprised to see more than a few people at each house table, eating. "Those who lost families or homes were allowed to stay here until next term starts...which, I hope to see you five here in September," McGonagall said to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and I. We all smiled, agreeing to come back to school.

With the thought of spending another year at Hogwarts, I ate my dinner happily, only to almost choke on my food when I saw Draco Malfoy walk in with Brandy. Neither of them seemed to notice us, but instead took a seat at the Slytherin table with their backs facing us.

When dinner was over, Brandy had left, but Draco was still sitting down at the Slytherin table. "We're going to go say goodbye to Fred," Mrs Weasley said to Professor McGonagall. Everyone went to go visit Fred again, except for me. I quickly walked over to the Slytherin table, taking a seat across the table from Draco.

"Woah...you're here," he said, genuinely surprised as he scooped more food onto his plate. "You've seen Fred, then?" he asked me casually. "Yes...McGonagall just showed us," I explained, stealing a french fry from his plate. "You know this entire table is filled with food...why do you have to eat off of my plate?" Draco joked, throwing another fry in my direction. "Well it tastes better off your plate," I said, grabbing a handful more and shoving them in my mouth. "What are you doing here? I saw you and Brandy eating before," I asked him once I chewed the food in my mouth. "Parents are gone...my house was destroyed as well...and Brandy's got no where to go either. Reckon she'd rather stay here than go back to New York," he said, shrugging, as if it wasn't a big deal. "What do you mean they're gone?" I asked, concerned more about him than Brandy's situation. "They must've gone into hiding...which, in turn, pissed off all the Death Eaters that weren't killed and they destroyed my house...everything's gone," he said, looking into my eyes. "Oh Draco...I had no idea," I said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "It's alright...I've been borrowing clothes from the lost and found...reckon I need new ones, though," he said, showing me the giant hole in his t-shirt. "How about this...let's go to Diagon Alley tomorrow...we can go shopping...I need new school stuff anyways," I said, hoping he would say yes. "Yea...alright," he agreed, smiling at me. "I'll meet you at the Leaky Cauldron at 1," I said, smiling back and standing up from my seat. I quickly said goodbye to him, meeting up with the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione back at the entrance.

It seemed that, since the war ended, this was the best day I've had yet. Things were really starting to look up. Seeing Fred's smiling face, knowing that he would be able to actually talk to me, and then seeing Draco again...it was just wonderful.

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