《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 32


Elaine's POV:

The Burrow was definitely a sight for sore eyes. Everyone walked into the house with tears in their eyes. I didn't dare look at Mrs. Weasley's clock she had on the wall that displayed all of the Wealsey children and what state of harm they were in. I knew seeing Fred's picture under the word 'dead' would be too much for me to handle.

As we all piled into the house I immediately walked up to Ginny's room, collapsing onto one of the extra beds Mrs Weasley insisted on keeping in there in case Hermione and I wanted to stay. Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out, only to be woken up with nightmares of Fred. It was almost like my mind didn't want me to sleep, but that was all my body was craving right now.

After finally giving up on trying to sleep, I went downstairs to see what everyone else was doing. Turns out, I wasn't alone when it came to not being able to sleep. Everyone was downstairs sitting in silence at the kitchen table. I sat in what was usually Fred's seat and placed a hand on George's back. "Wake and funeral will be in two days," Mrs Weasley said, choking back tears as we all stared blankly at her.

Two days went by and it was time to leave for Fred's wake and funeral. I was so sick over the thought of seeing Fred's lifeless body again, but I knew I must go anyways.

When we arrived at the place the wake was taking place, it took every part of me to walk into the room. "Mr and Mrs Weasley I am so sorry for your loss," the witch who owned the funeral home. She guided the Weasleys into the room first as Harry, Hermione and I waited outside. "Come in," the funeral director told the three of us after a few moments past. My heart shattered completely when I saw my Freddie. He looked as if he was only sleeping, but the fact that I knew he wasn't was the most difficult part. "Oh dear, it's alright," Mrs Weasley said, comforting me as I sobbed. We were all crying, only stopping to greet those who were paying their respects and joining us in mourning.


"You know...those who love us never really leave us...Dumbledore told me that, and it's true," Harry whispered to me as I sat on a chair near the casket. I looked at Harry as he smiled down at me. "When I went into the Forbidden Forest three days ago...ready to die...the golden snitch Dumbledore gave me opened up," he explained, catching my attention. He didn't tell me this story yet. "The Resurrection Stone was in it...and I got to see my parents and Sirius and Remus...and Fred," Harry said, sitting next to me. "Did he say anything?" I asked, crossing my fingers that he did. "He told me that he was always going to be close...and he asked me to tell everyone close to him that every time they laugh, he'd be there...laughing with them," Harry said, tears were in his eyes now. I smiled, feeling a million times better that I knew that. "Did you tell the Weasleys that?" I asked him. "Of course...right when the battle ended I did," he said, smiling at me. "Thank you, Harry," I said, pulling him in for a hug. I was so grateful that he told me that. It gave me such peace in my heart.

At the wake, I've never seen so many people in one room. Every hogwarts student, professor, and friend of Fred's had shown up. It was absolutely beautiful to see them all.

When the wake ended, it was time to take Fred's body to the cemetery where he would be buried near his grandparents. I was asked to write a eulogy as his body was being put to rest, and of course I said yes. I read:

"For those of you who don't know me, I'm Elaine Granger, and I'd like to say that I was one of Fred's best friends...but I know that others knew him much longer and much better than I did. I am so honored that I was asked by Fred's family to write and present a eulogy, so I want to start by thanking you all for coming...I know Fred would've been so happy to see you all here today to celebrate his life," I continued, "The first time Fred and I met was at the Burrow, his home, and the first thing we talked about was our hatred of green beans," I began, allowing the crowd to laugh. "Fred and I's relationship only grew as he showed me the ins and outs of Hogwarts and learning magic. I couldn't have asked for a better teacher, best friend, and boyfriend. Although we broke up quite some time ago, I always thought in the back of my head that the two of us would be getting married and raising a family together...I always thought we were endgame. Of course, due to circumstances, that won't be happening...but, if I'm being honest, I'm not upset about it. Ever since Fred died, I've been trying to view the world as he once did: as something to laugh at and find humor in. Of course, I wish so much that he was here with us today, but I know that he wouldn't want us dwelling on that fact. Instead, he would want us to find humor in this situation. If there's one thing that Fred would want us to do to memorialize him, it would be to laugh and smile and joke as much as possible, because, if you don't, you're not really living, are you?" I ended, my voice cracking with almost every word. The crowd that surrounded me erupted into cheers and cries. Fred's body was laid to rest, with a headstone fit just for him: on it was his date, birthday, date of death, the word 'Mischief' in bold. Only close friends of Fred and George knew that George's headstone, when he passes away, will say 'Managed' on it to match Fred.


George and I were the last ones at the cemetery. Neither of us wanted to leave at all. We both sat, with criss-crossed legs on the grass in front of Fred's headstone and talked to him like he was in front of us...because he was. George and I spent at least two hours more than everyone else did, and when we decided to leave, we lingered at the entrance of the cemetery, only to see Draco Malfoy kneeling next to Fred's headstone. "You go see what he's doing...I'll meet you back at home," George said, clearly exhausted from the day. I slowly walked towards Draco, careful to not make any noises. It looked like Draco was talking, and I wanted to hear what he was saying. As I got closer, I heard him speak.

"Fred...I'm not very good at these things. I-I don't particularly like showing emotion or telling others that 'I'm sorry', but I owe you the biggest apology I can muster. I'm sorry that I had been apart of the reason you were killed. I'm sorry about all those times at school that I was a bully to you and your family...you guys didn't deserve that and I was a total dick. I always thought you and George were rather funny, though I'd never admit that to anyone else...and I'm sorry I was the reason you and Elaine broke up...I heard her give her eulogy before and if one thing was made clear it was that she loves you and if I hadn't gotten in the way maybe things would be different right now....I'm not sure. I know I'm rambling, but the main point of what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry...for everything," Draco stuttered, bending down even lower to the ground and crying. I was about to go up to him, but thought it was best not to. So I turned, apparating with a quiet 'pop' so Draco wouldn't know I heard what he had said.

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