《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 31


Elaine's POV:

I was torn. I was so happy the war was over, but at the same time, distraught that Fred and so many others were gone. I couldn't bear the thought of never speaking to Fred again...never being able to hear his voice, his laugh, his jokes.

The sun was now completely shining through the windows of the Great Hall as healers rushed into the castle, tending to the wounded who could be saved. Mr and Mrs Weasley were still standing next to Fred's body, along with George who wouldn't let him go. A healer walked up to them, talking about Fred and asking what they wanted to do. "He'll be buried near his grandparents," Mrs. Weasley said, tears streaming down her face. "Are you thinking about a viewing or wake of any kind?" the healer asked them. "I think so...yes," Mr Weasley said. "Elaine?" Mrs Weasley said, calling me over as I sat on the floor of the Great Hall. Ginny had fallen asleep on my shoulder as I played with a string from my shirt. I stood up, pushing the sleeping Ginny to Ron who was sitting on the other side of her. As I walked over to them I was careful not to look at Fred...I couldn't take it.

"Yes?" I asked her, stepping towards them slowly. "Would you be able to take George somewhere else? They're going to move Fred to a different area," Mrs Weasley explained, whispering in my ear so George wouldn't hear her. I nodded quickly and bent down next to George. "George let's go for a walk," I said, helping Mr Weasley pry him off of Fred's lifeless body. I quickly grabbed his hand before he could protest and we started to walk out of the Great Hall.


As we neared the front doors of the castle Draco appeared alongside Brandy. He didn't flee like his parents...in fact, he looked rather proud of himself despite the fact he was getting thrown dirty looks from everyone in the Great Hall. I smiled at him, mouthing that I would talk to him later as George and I walked out of the castle and onto the lawn.

The warm air hit my bloodied and bruised skin as we began to walk towards the lake. Although we didn't speak, George had stopped crying for a few minutes and so did I.

"Wanna sit here?" I asked George once we reached the edge of the lake. I dipped my feet in and cleaned the blood off my hands as I sat on the ground.

George sat next to me, frequently wiping the tears away from his eyes. "You know he wouldn't want you like this," I said, gently patting George's back. "I know...I just don't think I'm strong enough," he responded, crying more audibly now. "We will get through this together Georgie," I said with a smile. George gently moved his body so his head could rest on my lap...something Fred used to do when he and I dated. I ran my fingers through George's hair as I stared at the lake, my mind completely on Fred. "I really thought you two were endgame, you know? He told me he planned on marrying you as soon as the war was over," George whispered, causing me to cry silently in my hand so he wouldn't notice how upset I was. Of course, I loved Fred with everything in me...and I would've absolutely said yes to marrying him if he asked me.

About an hour later, George had stopped crying, but I continued to cry. Tears were constantly streaming out of my eyes that I was surprised I didn't run out of them yet. I tugged on the necklace Fred had given me two years ago at Christmas. I totally forgot I had it on...I was so used to it now. The only time I took if off was when he and I first broke up...but I put it back on at Bill and Fluer's wedding, secretly hoping that he would spot it and we would get back together. Of course, looking back at it now, I should've opened my mouth and asked to have him back...because now I can't. I opened the locket and saw the picture of Fred and I. Of course, it was moving, and it showed me kissing his cheek and him with a goofy smile on. I closed the locket and held it to my chest, feeling slightly better knowing that I'll always have the picture of Fred and I with me.


"Wanna go back up to the castle now?" George asked after a few more minutes passed. "Yea, sure," I said as he helped me stand. When we got back to the Great Hall, all the dead had been removed, allowing the four long table to be put in their rightful place. I spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting with each other and they waved me over. "I'm going to go sit with Brandy...thanks Elaine," George said, kissing me on the cheek. I smiled at him as we parted ways and I watched Brandy wave George over with a smile as I went to sit with my sister and friends. "What's going on?" I asked, as I sat next to Harry across from Hermione and Ron. I noticed as soon as I sat they were holding hands, constantly smiling at each other. "Professor McGonagall has just been elected the new headmistress of Hogwarts...rumor has it she's going to let us come back if we want," Ron said, glancing at Hermione to see her reaction. "I'd love to come back...it'd be nice to have a normal year," Hermione said, smiling as she thought of it. "Yea, I suppose I would too...be nice to come back," I agreed. Harry and Ron both agreed with us, all of us thinking about stressing over homework rather than horcruxes.

"Kids!" Mrs Weasley called the four of us over to where her and the rest of the Weasley kids stood. "I think it's time to go home," she said as we got in earshot of her. The four of us agreed, though Harry wanted to go back to his house first...the house Sirius left for him. Hermione and I, however, gladly took Mrs Weasley's offer of staying at the Burrow until our parents and Jason were found.

As Weasleys, Hermione and I walked out of Hogwarts, we all took one last look at the broken castle...

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