《How To Get Your Crush To Like You|b.katsuki x reader|》sais


6. Be confident

ㅡEveryone likes someone who is confident. This is a very attractive quality for boys and girls.

And since today's his date with you,

7. Some of your great clothes will certainly capture attention. Wear clothes that fit the current fashions but that you also like and are flattering to your coloring and the shape of your body.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Katsuki grumbled as he stared at his closet. Since it was a weekend, most of the students at U.A decided to visit their parents or do what the hell they like– and since Katsuki was such a good son, he decided to do the same. And he also knew that he wouldn't hear the end of it from his stupid group of friends about you kicking his nuts.

And back to the situation at hand-

Why was finding what to wear so goddamn hard?! He'd been standing and rummaging for atleast two hours now and an hour is left before noon- the time in which you both agreed to meet.

The door slammed open, the sound startling him, and there his mother stood. "Why are you so- oh, what is this?" A glimmer of amusement shone in his mother's eyes. And oh did he knew what was going to occur next.

"My lil' Katsuki's goin' on a date!" His mother glomped him into a hug before rubbing her cheeks with his. He tried his best to push her away, but his actions were currently deemed as futile, "Let me go, you damn old hag!"

"Why aren't you dressed yet? Come on, come on you imbecilic child, let your mother dress you up!" He was about to shout profanities but then again, he needed some help- even if he was too prideful to ask for it. "Fuck! Fine."


And he was glad with his decision. He wore a plain white shirt, and over it was an orange cardigan. He sported trousers that was picked by him, himself- blue jeans, and for his shoes, he wore sneakers. Standing in front of the mirror, he checked himself off and damn, he looked fine.

"Oh fuck, I'm late for our date!" He shouted once he saw the time that was displayed on his phone's screen. "I'm going now, shitty mother!" He exclaimed the same for his father before exiting his home, hurrying towards the place where you two were supposed to meet.

Mistuki has animated tears on her eyes which she comically wiped away. "Our son grows up so fast.." she croaked out, and Masaru hurriedly nodded in agreement.



You just arrived at the meeting place, checking your watch, you sighed in relief knowing you're not late. You looked down to look at what you're wearing once again, an oversized orange sweated that reached just a little above your knees, white shorts underneath, fishnet stockings and then black leather-buckled boots.

You leaned on a pillar and just used your phone for the timebeing as you waited for Katsu-Bakugou to arrive, yet as you did so, you didn't notice an unfamiliar man walking towards you. "Hey sweet cheeks, you looking fine," it said, and as you raised your head to meet him, you forced a smile at him. "Get out of my fucking face before I do so," and your words seem to agitate him.

In just a distance, Katsuki already saw your form, yet his eyebrows furrowed once he saw some guy leeching over you. "That son of a bitch-!" He was ready to come to your aid, yet was met with a scene instead that made him want to be pegged by– uh, what? Y'all didn't see anything.


"Ah fuck, you don't listen, do you?" You scoffed as he neared you, his hands reaching out for your waist. You used your quirk to metal-ize your kneecaps before kneeing him on the place where the sun doesn't shine. He crouched down in pain, leaving you clicking your tounge. "Warned you, ya lil' shit."

Your eyes lit up once you saw Kats-Bakugou, waving your hands at him after yelling his name, you rushed towards the place where he currently stood.

He sighed in relief once he saw that you were fine, though he couldn't keep himself from internally cringing once the guy had suffered the same fate as he did.

He was a damn idiot for worrying. You were strong, he knew that. Strong enough as well to protect yourself from any harm- a trait of yours which he lov-

"Ah, Bakugou, you made it!" You chirped once you were now in front of him. "What do you think I was gonna do, huh? Ghost your ass?" He retorted back at you, yet his face only met the palm of his hands once his eyes raked over your whole body. Shit, you looked so hotㅡ he thought.

"Woah, damn boy be lookin' hot!" You inspected his form, and you could feel your ears heating up. For some reason, your ears heat up before your cheeks and you were determined to stop it. But who can blame you, Bakugou was attractive, that's for sure. And him wearing these clothes like some kind of fashionista just wanted to make you halt your date and just ogle at him the whole time instead.

"Yeah. You don't look like shit," he grumbled, before he punched himself inwardly. Why couldn't he just compliment you like a normal human being would-

"Thanks! I tried," your arms linked with his, an action you unconsciously do with people you were comfortable being with. What you didn't know was that these mere linking drove Katsuki over the edge. If he doesn't fucking stop being flustered right now, he was sure that his whole body would explode.

"Yeah, yeah. Get your grubby hands off of me," he 'complained' as the two of you waltzed away, yet he didn't made any effort to get your grasps off of him. "Nah," was what you just replied. Oh well, it's not lik he wanted you to comply with what he'd just grumbled out.

He was sure that he was the only one being red-faced, yet once he saw your ears being tinted with the same hue as the ones covering his cheeks- he felt accomplished.

Step 7: Completed.

Step 6: On the process.

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