《profile || f.w》24


well now that finn knows about what sophia did, i wonder if he's gonna tell y/n. i mean, if course he will but i don't know how well she's gonna take it. sophia is her bestfriend so i wonder if finding out what she did to y/n is going to ruin their friendship. maybe she'll forgive her or it wont be a problem because know y/n might get justice. but ehat if y/n is upset with her just like finn is? and what about jack? i wonder if jack will be defensive of y/n and be on her and finns side if she's upset. there's so many possibilities and situations that could go on within their friendships. no matter what happens their all going to have to forgive and forget right?


"no, fuck you sophia." he said. finn walked back in the room with his head down and sat on the bed. "finn what's going on?" i asked, desperate to know. "y/n, i- well sophia did something and i don't know how you're gonna take it." he said in a quiet voice. "finn just tell us, what did soph do?" jack asked. "y/n, sophia is the one who called the cops and told them about the party."

"shut up finn, sophia wouldn't do that, tell us what really happened." i said laughing.

"y/n, i'm being serious. that's why she's been acting weird." he said. my heart dropped. "but- but finn- she- sophia wouldn't do that to me." i said in disbelief.

"i'm so sorry y/n." finn said. i looked at jack with his mouth wide open, jaw to the floor.

"b-but- why wouldn't she do that? she's our bestfriend, y/n's bestfriend." jack said trying his best to come up with words.


"it makes no sense, i-i told her first. i trusted her with all of this. she was so- so supportive." i said, still speechless. "this pisses me off, she-she had no right to do that to you y/n, you weren't ready and it even took you so long just to tell me and jack and-" "finn, slow down." i said, not being able to understand what he's saying since he's talking so fast.

"like y/n not to scare you at all but you literally have a stalker and she called the cops. like that's super dangerous and- and i know the cops can help but what if it puts you at risk of getting hurt? anything can happen." jack said. well, so much for the "not to scare you at all" part.

"jack i know but it's safe now that i'm staying at finns. i have you guys, his parents, and nick. i feel much more safe here than at my house. and i know you won't be staying here every night jack but you've helped me feel more safe. i know both of you would do anything and everything for me so just knowing i have at least one of you here makes me feel safe and happy. i honestly don't even know what to say. like thank you isn't enough. you've both done and helped me through this whole thing and you guys really saved my life. to be honest, if it weren't for you guys i might not even be here right now. i said with my head down almost crying.

"what do you mean" jack said confused. "finn remember the one night you came over and spend the night when i called you super late and was pretty much hysterical?" i asked. "ya of course." "well i- i ended up self harming and, and i was really thinking about how i didn't want to live anymore. everytime i close my eyes i see him. everytime i go somewhere i feel like he's there. i'm scared." i said crying. "y/n i-i didn't even know that was the reason you called. i'm so sorry you have to go through this. i couldn't even imagine. you mean the world to me and i cant even imagine a world with you gone. you make my days and i don't know what i'd do without you." finn said.


"ya y/n, i'm so so sorry. i love you so much and i'm so happy you're still here." jack said smiling.

i got up and sat on the bed next to finn, followed by jack sitting next to me. they both leaned their heads on my shoulders and i put my arms around them.

"i love you guys" i said.

"we love you too." finn and jack said in unison.

hey guys, sorry this is kind of a filler chapter. i want to say that i start school in a week so writing might be a little slow. i love you guys so so much.

not proof read

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