《profile || f.w》23


i don't know about anyone else but i don't really know how to feel about sophia right now. i mean ya she's definitely a little shady for telling the cops when y/n wasn't ready to tell her story. obviously it wasn't right but i also kinda feel like she's being kinda shady with the questioning and she hasn't been around y/n, jack, and finn much either and i feel like finn is already catching on to her.


after we got to finn's house, the three of us went into his room to hangout until his parents were done making dinner. we were all talking and laughing about whatever but finn seemed a little weird and uneasy. jack reminded me of a time when the four of us went to get ice cream a couple months ago and mine fell of my cone and i cried like a child. he kept bringing up old memories that made me laugh and it felt so good to forget about everything going on right now. i looked at finn and said "finn are you okay? you look like you're thinking about something." causing jack to look at us. "ya i'm good uh, ill be right back." he said getting off the bed. "okay." jack said with a confused look on his face. finn walked out of the room but he took his phone with him. as he was leaving he pulled it out of his pocket i'm guessing to use it. "should we see if he's okay?" jack asked. "ya, let's go." i said getting up. before i could walk out the door i heard finn in the phone talking to someone. me and jack were gently leaning on the door to see if we could hear what he was saying.


"dude i don't know what's going on but you seem kinda weird the past few days. is everything good?" we heard finn say. i don't know who he was talking to or what the other person was saying but me and jack looked at each other confused. "look, you've been acting different ever since y/n started being questioned about the party." who the fuck is he talking too? "soph you can tell me if something is wrong, you can trust me, you know that." me and jack turned to each other so fast it felt like i just broke my neck. "what the fuck, why's he talking like that to sophia? she seems fine to me, does she seem good to you?" i said whispering to jack. "i mean i've noticed she's been kinda weird and distant." he said. "how could i not have seen this jack, she's my bestfriend?" i said walking back to sit on the bed.

"y/n, don't beat yourself up it's fine, i just noticed a couple days ago." jack said. "i know i just- i just don't want her to be upset about anything and not tell me. i feel like everything been about me lately and she doesn't feel comfortable telling me about herself right now. i'm such a bad friend jack i-" "y/n stop, you aren't a bad friend. what's happening right now is important and sophia knows she can come to you or any of us for anything." jack said trying to reassure me.

"i know." i said.



i'm so confused what.


"dude i don't know what's going on but you seem kinda weird the past few days. is everything good?" finn said.

"ya finn i'm fine, why do you think something's wrong?"

"look, you've been acting different ever since y/n started being questioned about the party."

"what are you talking about finn? no i haven't."

"soph, you can tell me if something is wrong. you can't trust me, you know that."

"finn.. i did something bad. and i don't think you guys will ever be my friends again if i tell you." i said starting to cry.

"sophia what did you do?"

"finn i called them. i'm the one who told the police about y/n." i said. my voice was shaking, my body was shaking. i cant believe i just told him that. i may have just jeopardized my whole friendgroup. they were all i had.

"YOU DID WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, YOU KNOW SHE WASNT READY SOPH. IT'S NOT YOUR PLACE, WHAT THEL HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" finn yelled at me through the phone. i was full on sobbing at this point. i know he's going to tell jack and

y/n and oh my god, y/n is gonna hate me. like HATE me. what the fuck did i just do?

"finn i-i'm sorry i never meant-"

"no, fuck you sophia." finn said and ended the call.

what the hell is happening?

hey everyone, i hope everyone is still enjoying the story. i want to say thank you to the people that have been reading this story since i first started writing it few months ago. it means so much and i love you guys. and welcome to the new readers, thank you guys for reading! i love you guys so much.

not proof read.

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