《profile || f.w》2.


he left. she stayed.

she didn't know what to do, if she should tell anyone, or forget about it. she was scared.

why me?

i sat on the bad for a couple minutes to take in everything, crying, going ballistic. i'm scared. i don't know if i should tell sofia. or finn, or jack. oh god, if i tell finn and/or jack, they're going to find and kill this guy. i left the room and went to find sofia, i saw her sitting on the couch with a cup of something in her hand.

"hey soph, can we please leave, i'm tired and i want to go home. i don't want to be here anymore."

"of course y/n, where have you been? is everything okay? why are you crying? do i need to get finn and jack to beat someone up?" she said. "NO! i mean no everything is fine let's just get out of here" i didn't want her to know because i don't want the boys to know. "okay, let's go then" sophia yelled over the loud music.

the car ride was silent, i didn't want sophia to know because then she's gonna tell finn and jack and i'm already scared and stressed and i don't need them adding onto it. sophia dropped me off at home, helping me inside as i was still a little drunk from the party. i got in my room, took my dress off, changed into my pajamas and layed down. i started at the ceiling ruminating on the past events from tonight. i started crying, eventually i cried myself to sleep.

i usually try to look decent for school but today i'm just not feeling it, i don't want to wear anything even somewhat revealing anymore, i can't. "Y/N! I MISSED YOU OVER THE WEEKEND!" finn yelled from down the hall, he ran towards me to give me a hug but i jumped, scared of even the slightest touch. i know finn, he's one of my bestfriends, i don't know why i'm being jumpy even around him, but he noticed what i did and asked if i was okay. i need to tell him.


what the hell? did she just dodge my hug? y/n never does that. is she mad at me or something? like what the fuck. i have to say something "what the hell was that, are u okay?" she looked like she had fear in her eyes. hesitant she answered me, "um ya, i have to go to class, bye finn" she said, giving me a weak smile as she walked past me. i grabbed her wrist to turn her back around to ask if she's really okay. she yelped and pushed my hand off her wrist, they were bruised. i looked up at her. she looked at her wrist and back at me. we locked eyes.

with tears in her eyes she pushed herself into my chest, balling her eyes out in my arms. i'm going to kill whoever the fuck hurt her.

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