《The Alpha Academy》chapter 22


"Remember that people are only guests in your story - the same way you are only a guest in theirs - so make the chapters worth reading" - Lauren Klarfeld

"Vivian, for the millionth time, move your leg to the side, lean forward and then throw a pun-!"

"I know, I know! I'll do it right this time," I answered, quickly shifting back to my old stance to start over.

"You said the same thing last time, and the time before it, and before it and-"

I cut him off by sending a stern glare towards him. The fourteen year old me had mastered the art of glaring, courtesy of the Alpha - my father. Whenever he was mad, he didn't have to say or do anything but put a scowl on his face and stare very, very hard. That look alone scared the shit out of people and got things done. Realising what a useful tactic it was, I quickly adopted it and enlisted it in the folds of my memory.

Zack chuckled, "This constipated face you're making? Pathetic attempt to scare me." he crossed his arms, one eyebrow raised and face smug, "I actually think you look adorable."

Not wasting a second, I jumped forward, hoping to catch him off-guard but damn those Alpha genes! He didn't even have to move an inch to grab my leg that was striving to hit him where the sun didn't shine.

Now that he had my leg in his firm grasp, I started doing small hops to stay balanced on one leg.

"No fair, Viv. That's cheating," he mocked and without wasting any time, aggressively pulled my leg upwards, making me land painfully on my butt, scraping my elbows in the process.

A groan escaped my lips, "Not cheating, that's called being clever - attacking when the enemy doesn't expect anything." I threw another glare his way while rubbing my elbows to ease the pain.

Zack gave me a smile and then offered his hand, "As you say, Miss-I-don't-cheat-I-am-just-clever."

Feeling annoyed, I made a silly face and then proceeded to put my hand in his - which was a stupid, stupid mistake.

Instead of helping me get up, he released his grip midway. The ground caught me for the second time as my body erupted in pain from the sudden landing. Ouch.

It took me a minute to catch my breath after being caught off-guard. Obviously he'd do that. I mean, what do you expect from someone who used his little sister as his personal pillow to practice wrestling moves when he was young?

"Seriously, Zack? What the hell?" I growl, anger rolling of me in waves.

The second time hurt a lot.

"That's called never trusting your enemy," he winked, reigniting my annoyance and anger.

"You're unbelievable, worse teacher than father!" I sighed, and made an effort to get up myself.

"Need help?" he leaned forward and teased.

I stuck my middle finger at him and then made a show of brushing the grass and dirt off my pants, waiting for the right moment. This time I was quick and managed to deliver an uppercut to his face.

"Ow- Vivian?! What the hell?"

"Now that is what you call an adorable face," I grinned at him. He tried to keep himself composed but after a few seconds, a boyish grin broke out on his face.

We fooled around for a bit, running around, hitting each other back and forth, trying to be the last one to hit the other one - a playful competition we always had.


"That's enough fun for today. Now back to practice. You need to be ready. Father entrusted me with you, and he expects results," his tone shifted, indicating that the serious Zack was back.

"Aw come on, brother," I whined, "being an okay fighter for now works for me," I replied, feeling extremely tired after training for three hours everyday straight for an entire week. The exhaustion was catching up to me now. "After all, you and father are always going to be here to protect us."

His eyes darkened significantly, alerting me with the presence of his wolf. A proud smile graced his face. His wolf was thrilled and proud to be recognised as a strong protector - a guardian. "Don't worry, Vivian. We'll always be there to protect you," his voice was deeper and huskier which meant it was his wolf that was talking.

"Promise, brother?"


"So does that mean I don't have to train any longer? Thanks! Now, I can go back and watch Netflix, I am still stuck on the second season of 'You'", I instantly rejoiced, and began to head towards the pack house.

I had only walked three steps when I felt him grab the collar of my shirt and pull me back, "Not so fast, loser. You still need to learn how to throw a punch."

"Zack!" I groaned.

"Vivian!" he mimicked.


"Vivian, Vivian... wake up!"

I was floating in darkness when I felt something reach out for me - a familiar voice. A voice which pulled me out from the realm of unconsciousness to the dark, bitter reality. I furrowed my brows and cracked an eye open to stare at the white ceiling.

Where am I?

"Are you okay?" The same voice asked. I let my other eye open to see the person who it belonged too.


It was Josh. His beautiful face full of concern. Turning around, he shouted to someone, "Bring a glass of water! She's awake!"

A groan escaped my lips as my eyes fluttered close to stop the brightness of the room.

What was Josh doing here? When did he come? I glanced around and took in the familiar yellow and white coloured walls of the grocery store. How long have I been here? I shut my eyes, trying to remember what had exactly happened.

One second later, the dam of restraint burst open as the memory came flooding back to me. They were sharp, and cut right through me, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. The memory of it all started to occupy my thoughts.


My brother.

My protector.


It took us two hours on a car to reach the bridge. My wolf wasn't ready to shift and were in human territory, leaving us with no options then to opt for a vehicle. A warrior from Josh's pack dropped us and drove the car someplace to get rid of it to make sure that the Lycans didn't realise that wolves have crossed over the bridge, twice, without their knowledge and consent.

It was also to make certain that the humans didn't find anything about the life beyond the bridge.

It was difficult to tell Ben and Chris the sudden reason for my departure. They didn't understand what was happening and they weren't able to receive any answer to their questions either. I could only promise them that I'll be back to explain everything. I didn't have it in me to talk any further. Chris was worried. He didn't trust what he thought were a bunch of strangers. He couldn't understand how I went from the quirky, joyful Vivian to this lifeless one as soon as I met Josh and his pack members.


I wasn't stable enough to reason with him, or explain how my entire world had come crashing down. My mind was absolutely blank. Josh realised what I was going through and decided to step up by speaking in my stead. After a few exchange of words, which I paid no attention to, we were on our way.

Josh also made sure that someone from his pack collected my stuff and brought it back safely.

As soon as we crossed the bridge and neared the pack grounds, the connection between my wolf and my pack reconnected. A sharp burst of pain took over my entire body, my vision blurring from the edges. For a second, everything from the surrounding vanished and it felt as if I was in a place where nothing existed - no dimensions, no time or space. Then suddenly I felt her awaken inside of me, a jolt of awareness send me reeling. An infuriating and painful heartache took over my body, knocking me out of my breath. It felt as if somebody had placed a cage made of silver in my chest, it burnt, throbbed and tortured me at the same time. My heart felt like it could explode any second.

Josh noticing my discomfort quickly offered me his arm for support.

I felt every pack members link connecting with mine but there was something missing.

My link with Zack.

I felt the lack of his connection. A void that cannot be fixed. A burning hole which could never be filled.

A heart that will never be whole again.

"Zack." I called, nonetheless, hoping for a miracle to take place.

Maybe, just maybe, his voice would resound in my mind. And just maybe I'll hear him reprimand me for leaving him alone for all this time.

But there was no link - nothing which could convey my message to him. The space was empty. Silence resonated in my head but the realisation screamed at me.

He was truly gone.


The entire packed stared at me as I entered the premise with Josh beside me. Aside from two of his pack members who flanked us on either sides, the rest remained in their own pack. Josh decided to accompany me as I made the journey to my pack. Deep down, I was glad that he did, I really needed someone beside me to help me get through this.

A few of the pack members sent accusatory glances at me, but the majority of the faces were marred with sadness and melancholy.

My wolf whimpered, crying out for the loss of her brother, her protector, her blood, her next Alpha.

Josh's warm hand on my back provided me with a little support, as he gently ushered me inside the pack hospital, away from the grieving eyes of the rest.

My eyes immediately fell towards the middle of the room where a body lay on the stretcher. I recognised a few of my pack members standing by the side, offering their respect. Noticing my presence, their eyes widened but quickly gaining their senses, they bowed their head and walked outside to offer me some privacy.

I could smell fading traces of Zack's scent, not nearly as powerful as it was before but still present. The room was eerily silent, something that didn't belong in a pack that was full of life and colours.

I stood next to the door for Goddess knows how long. My feet were like two heavy bricks which refused to move. I could feel that my wolf had resigned herself after crying and howling for hours on the journey towards the pack. She kept on trying to mindlink him again and again, refusing to accept his absence. She was exhausted, unable to go on any longer. She was broken. And so was I.

The loss was too much.

Mustering all the remaining power I had, I started to slowly walk towards the body. When I was standing right next to him, I closed my eyes, and silently prayed to the Goddess to give me strength.

After taking a deep breath, I re-opened my eyes and moved my gaze down.

And there he was.

My brother.

A sharp, shuddering breath that seemed to tear me apart escaped my lips.

His face was pale, lacking the colour it once possessed. There were countless scratches on his cheeks, deeply resembling wolf claws. Somebody had scratched his face. My wolf stirred within me and I acknowledged her presence. She had returned to take a look at her brother. We felt nothing, nothing but a painful emptiness. A sob devoid of all hope escaped from within me as I sank down to my knees.

My eyes found themselves staring at his mouth and my trembling hands grazed his jaw. It seemed as if he was smiling. He looked... peaceful.

A tiny smile broke out on my own face through the sobs.

I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead, "Zack, it is me... Vivian."

My breath caught in my throat. Another painful sob broke through me when I realised I would never be able to hear his voice again.

"Open your eyes, brother."

And neither his mischievous green eyes.

"I am b-back. You can wake up now..."

A brief period of silence followed.

"Zack... Zack! Wake up!" I gently shook him, as if trying to wake him up from a nap. "I'm here and I won't ever leave you... please." I pleaded.

He didn't move.

What do you do when your entire world is falling apart and the one person who was always there for you is now... gone?

"Come on... wake up! You cannot leave me! Have you forgotten how excited you were to become the Alpha? Or to find your beautiful mate who'd be forever stuck with an idiot like you?" I burst out, "You can't just leave, you still have to teach me how to throw a punch, so wake up!"

I started praying to the Moon Goddess, urging her to let him come back and take me instead.

My head fell on his shoulder, hoping to hear his heartbeat. Just once.

"Please bring him back, take me instead..."

"Don't worry, Vivian. We'll always be there to protect you."

"But you promised..."

"Just once, o-open your eyes... please," I breathlessly whispered.

Our brother. Gone.

Just like me, my wolf was unable to accept the reality. Resting my head on his shoulders now, I cried and my wolf howled as we felt a part of us die with him.

It was a one word order, an order I abided by. It had been two months since I last turned into a wolf so the shifting process wasn't as smooth or painless as before. It felt like shifting for the very first time.

My brown wolf climbed on the bed, and immediately went towards him. She started to lick his face, trying her best to heal the wounds which were messing with the perfect canvas of his face but to no avail - only a mate's lick could heal a wolf's wounds.

Unable to see result, my wolf started to whimper.

It won't work, I reminded her.

A painful howl escaped her as reality sunk in. There was only one thing that we could feel - pain, overwhelming and endless amount of pain.

She moved back and laid half on top of him and half on the bed, curling herself next to him, for the very last time ever.


Jonathan looked like shit.

"Vivian," his eyes widened as he let out a breathless murmur and walked towards me. "I'm so sorry." He opened his arms and quickly embraced me, a gut-wrenching sob taking over him.

I stood motionless as he tightly embraced me, and continuously murmured 'I couldn't save them. I failed at my duty. I am sorry.'

I felt something shatter inside me, if there was anything left.


He moved back, and looked at Josh, his eyes blood red with all the crying. "You didn't tell her?" A brief, incredulous silence followed.

I looked towards Josh then Jonathan, then back at Josh.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, my voice eerily low.

They stared at me, faces torn.

"Tell me!" I growled, this time my voice was loud and clear - with a hint of Alpha command present. I didn't think it would work considering I wasn't an Alpha but Jonathan opened his mouth to answer anyway.

"Vivian...," he paused to take a deep breath, "the Alpha fainted as soon as he heard the news about Zack. He hasn't woken up since... the doctor says he is in a c-coma."

My heart stopped.

"His wolf isn't responding either... The loss of losing you first and then his other child was too much. And on top of that, he gets to feel the pain and sadness of the entire pack. The doctor isn't sure if h-he'd wake up or-"

"How dare you?" I spoke through my teeth, "How dare you say something like that about our Alpha?! He is fine! My father will be fine, he is the Alpha. He has too be fine! He has... too...he... will..." My vision started to blur. My knees buckled as I collapsed on the floor, Josh and Jonathan quickly moved forward in an attempt to catch me as blackness took over my entire being for the second time.


"Go, I'm right here." Jonathan assured me.

My feet were hesitant as they carried me inside the room. The room was silent except for the beeping noise of the ventilator, my dad's heartbeat signalling the presence of life barely hanging by the thread. Mom was sleeping on the bed next to Dad, her tiny hand holding his big one, her cheek sticky with dry tears.

"Luna wasn't resting, I gave her something so she could relax," I didn't notice Lili, our pack nurse, standing at the corner of the room. "I'll give you some privacy." She left the room, and closed the door on her way out.

I slowly walked towards the vacant chair next to Dad. I no longer possessed the strength or courage to do anything. I was unable to speak or breathe properly.

I don't know for how long I just sat and stared at them. It felt like hours. My eyes flickered towards his face as I studied him fixedly. There was no visible sign which suggested that he was close to waking up.

"Hi, Dad... it's me... Vivian," my voice croaked as I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He didn't squeeze back. "Wake up, Dad!" I whisper-yelled, my voice laced with anger and sadness as I blinked back the tears that sprung to my eyes. "Not you too...," I shut my eyes and the tears began to cascade down my face. "We need you, Dad. You can't, you cannot, leave us." Another sob broke through me as I gave him a gentle push, urging him to wake up, "This is all my fault, I am sorry. Please... get up!" It became difficult to breathe, the walls began to close in on me, my view became hazy. I needed air. My lungs burned and my body throbbed everywhere with such intense pain that it made me want to scream my lungs out.

I felt lightheaded and was unable to see anything.


I almost ripped the door open, catching Jonathan by surprise.

"Vivian, are you-"

I didn't wait for him to complete his sentence and ran towards the exit. My pack members worried glances were surrounding me.

Everyone is too close.

I need space.




As I reached towards the entrance gate of the pack hospital, a familiar hand gently grabbed my forearm and pulled me back into their hard chest.

"Vivian, are you alright?" Josh asked, his voice full of concern and worry.

With all my strength, I shook myself out his grip and pushed him away. Not anticipating the reaction or the strength, he almost lost his balance and fell on the glass table, if not for Jonathan who grabbed him at the right second.

"Get away from me!" I screamed. "GET AWAY!" A stinging sensation took over my brain. My fingers pulled at my hair to relieve the pain but to no avail. It kept getting worse. "Ahhh!"

It was too much, all way too much.

Josh made an attempt to move forward once again but was stopped by Jonathan, "Let her be. She needs space."

Josh raked a frustrated hand through his hair, "But she's... she's hurting, Jonathan. Can't you see?"

There voices disappeared as the sensation increased tenfolds and the walls started to cave in.

I turned around and did what my wolf asked me to do - run.


"You said you'd protect me. That you'll always be here for me! Then why did you leave me! Why?!" I screamed, kicking the very same and unfortunate tree Zack uprooted on that cursed day.

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