《The Alpha Academy》chapter 05


"So I close my eyes to old ends and open my heart to new beginnings." - Nick Frederickson


"Room 5"

I looked at the brown oak door, wondering who'd be inside. Who has been given the chance of a lifetime to be Vivian Alejandro's roommate?

Sucking in a big breath, I opened the door whilst pulling my suitcase along. The site in front of me nearly pulled my eyes straight out of their sockets.

"What are you both doing in my room?" I inquired, my brain not comprehending the image set in front of my eyes.

Two strong, might I say handsome men, looked at me, clearly as confused as me. Probably trying to understand what was happening. The whole room reeked of power. That's when I realised they also have Alpha blood in them.

Oh, crap.

"What do you mean? This is our room." The one who was taller out of the two answered. He had cerulean eyes and tousled dirty blonde hair. His lean, fit body displaying his strength. He was really handsome, like reaaaaally handsome. But then again, which Alpha wasn't?

"Ethan." My wolf answered.

I contained my laughter and looked at the two men in front of me, who were looking and giving sly smirks to each other. We were standing in a medium sized living room, with a tv and a beige sofa enough to accomadate three people on it. I looked to the right side where there was a door and besides it a good size kitchen. The left side had two doors, both closed.

"This sheet says my room is 5, so please enlighten me with what is happening." I huffed in annoyance. Can't they leave already? I know they're really good looking but I could care less right now. All I wanted to do was sleep.

"Ohh, now I get who the single bed is for." The other one with the brown eyes and black hair said.

I raised my eyebrows, encouraging him to go on.

"You see, we have a bunk bed. Clearly, that is for us two. Then, there is a separate single bed in the other room." He said pointing towards the right, "Most probably yours, unless you want to shift beds." he winked.

"But why is a girl here? I thought we'd get a dude." The taller one made a failed attempt at whispering.

"Scared you won't be able to control your wolf, Alpha?" I teased, and started to move towards the bedroom where the guy pointed.

"You know what, you seem cool. And since we are going to share 30 days together, I say we become friends," the guy who had pointed to the room brought out his hand, "I am Tyler, future Alpha of the South Pack. And that's Josh, future Alpha of the East Pack. Guessing by the power that is coming from you, I'll assume you're the famous Vivian Alejandro."


I shook his hand, "Accurate guess. This means this room is for all the 'Alpha-blooded'. So much power is present here, hopefully we'd make it out alive and don't end up killing each other."

Both of them snickered, "Don't worry, beautiful, we will make sure you enjoy your stay.......which you already should since we both are the sexiest men out here." Tyler joked, earning a smile from me.

"Great meeting you both, now I need to catch up on my sleep. Farewell," I saluted and headed towards my destination.

The room was plain and boring, painted in a neutral colour. A small, single bed was placed in the middle and a side table was placed to the right of the bed. A window overlooking the lush green forest.

"Guess this is my home away from home now," I placed my suitcase along the wall and ran towards my bed.

"INCOMING!" With that said, I jumped on the bed and landed in a freefall position.

Well, at least it was soft.

"Are you okay?!" I heard a concerned voice from behind me.


"What are you doing in my room?"

"I heard you scream, thought something happened to you." He walked inside.

"Nu-uh, stay right where you are, mister. We need to establish some rules." I got up, and dragged him out of my room.

"Josh!" I yelled.

Instantly, my cerulean-eyed roommate came out from the other side of the room. Most probably their room.

"What's up, Viv?"

"You both sit down right now! I am going to make some rules very clear to you. Okay?"

"Please don't be an inconsiderate bitch when you're making the rules. I really want us three to become good friends." Tyler spoke while sitting on the beige sofa along with Josh.

"I won't. Now listen. First rule, none of you can enter my room until and unless I give you permission to do so or ask you to come inside."

"Hey! I thought you said you won't be an inconsiderate bitch....," Tyler interuppted.

"This rule only applies till I trust you guys. As soon as I believe you're trustworthy, you're more than welcome to come inside my room and lounge there. Clear?"

Both of them looked at each other and nodded.

"That means we can do anything there?" Josh smirked.

I gave him the iciest look I could conjure.

"Next rule is that I expect you both to keep this area clean. I don't give a crap about your room, but the kitchen and the living room must stay clean all the time."

"You sound like my mom now." Tyler mumbled.

"Last rule is stay in your boundaries and I'll stay in mine. Hopefully we would become great friends like you want us to become, Tyler. Now I am going to go and sleep, don't you dare disturb me or I'll castrate you." They both smirked at me, clearly enjoying my state of tiredness.


"By the way, why is there no bathroom in my room?"

"Because us three are sharing one bathrrom," Josh smiled sweetly, that tiny dimple playing at the corner of his mouth.

I sighed at my unfortunate luck.

"Where the hell did I got stuck...." I mumbled and headed to my room, praying that sleeping would make all this go away.


"Oh sweet Vivvvviaaaaan, open up!"

"Shut the fuck up, Tyler."

"Oh Juliet, why must thou use such crude language to break my heart?"

"If you don't shutup right now, your heart won't be the only thing that's broken." I warned, earning a laugh from him.

"Alright, then enjoy your sleep whilst we make new friends at the bonding party. Don't say we didn't invite you."

That woke me up.

I instantly got up and opened the door.

"Aren't you a sight to behold?" Tyler smirked, admiring my straight-outta-the-bed look.

"You look good," I complimented him. He was wearing black pants with a plain white shirt, his top buttons undone to give a glimpse of his manly chest. His black hair styled to perfection.

"Unlike you," he ruffled my hair.

"Rule number four, don't ever touch my hair." I swatted his hand away.

He laughed, "You have fifteen minutes to get ready and then we are leaving. Any late then that, and you'd be arriving alone."

"And what gives you the idea I would want to go with you both?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Just imagine this," he paused, waving his hand dramatically, "Tyler, Vivian and Josh, walking inside together to the party. All eyes would be on us. We'd make such a good statement. Centre of attention and all."

I raised my eyebrow even further, if that was possible.

He wiggled his eyebrows in response.

"Alright fine, get out now." I was about to close the door when he stopped it with his feet.

"Fifteen minutes, no more." He blew me a kiss and went away.

I rushed towards my suitcase and tried to find the most suitable attire for the night.

"Jackpot," I mumbled as I grabbed my off-the-shoulder light pink dress. I quickly took out a matching pair of heels and then shouted for Tyler.

"Can I come in, dear Viv?"

"Yes, come and stop calling me that."

He entered, and looked around the mess I created in attempt to fight the dress.

"And then I thought you liked to be clean and organised." He tsked.

"Shush it, just grab that makeup bag and put it in the bathroom for me please."

"Your wish, my command.... 10 minutes left, babe." He grabbed my makeup bag and left the room.

I dashed out my room and inside one of the door on the opposite side of my room.

"AH! My eyes!" I screamed.

"What are you doing here? I thought we decided to stay in our 'boundaries'," A shirtless Josh smirked at me. He was wearing nothing but his boxers. And he was looking...... well you know how he looks, what do you expect all Alphas to look like when they're shirtless? Exactly. Solid, built, manly, strong. Perfect in every way.

"Wrong room, sorry." I quickly scurried out and went to the other door.

Thankfully, Tyler had left the bathroom after leaving my makeup bag on the counter.

Come on Viv, let's create magic in ten minutes.

"Show him what he lost." My brother's voice rang in my ear.

Oh, I plan to.

You just wait, Ethan, you just wait.


"Fuck," Josh cursed, shamlessly checking me out. He looked great too, wearing all black, holding his leather jacket on his shoulder. On top of that, he was wearing a snapback. All attention was to his perfectly perfect face now. Goddamn it, why do I have to get stuck with these two handsome men?

"Yeah, fuck," Tyler repeated, his eyes making taking a trip of my body for the third time now.

"Well double fuck in my case too, since you both look really handsome as well." I replied, earning two beautiful mouth-watering grins from the finest species of mankind.

Damn, I really need to get laid.

"Oh boy, let's go already! I cannot wait to see the look on everybody's faces." Tyler grinned.

They both held out their arms for me. I interlinked my right arm with Josh and left arm with Tyler.

Here we come.

As we were about to leave, my dad mind-linked me.

"Don't forget your crown." Shit, I totally left it on the kitchen island.

"Thanks for reminding!" I answered.

I paused as soon as we reached the door, earning confused looks from Tyler and Josh.

"I forgot something inside, give me a minute...."

"Are you talking about this?" Tyler pulled out my crown from his other concealed side and smirked at me.

"How did you..."

"You forgot it so I brought it. Here, let me."

He stepped closer, placing the crown on my hair. His hand moved down to the side of my face, brushing a stray strand behind.

"Perfect," he smiled.

I returned the smile, trying to hide my blush. Next thing I know, we were finally on our way.


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