《Is This Hell?》Is this Hell?


As Alex lay at the bottom of the stairs the only thing going through her mind was 'you fucking dumbass'. Somehow, she knew she was dying, she could feel her strength waning as she choked on her own blood. She didn't feel scared of dying though, it actually felt sort of peaceful.

It wasn't like there was many people who would miss her. Her parents died when she was young and Alex had been raised by her grandfather, who passed away two years ago. She had never really had any friends either as she was considered weird and sometimes to blunt, she didn't take shit from anyone and always stood for what she believes in.

Alex tried to take a breath but just breathed in more blood. Of course, her already sucky day would end like this, she knew she shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning.

It started when her alarm didn't ring so she was late to work and then she got fired for some bullshit reason, her punching and calling her boss a misogynist, sexist, swine after he slapped her ass could have something to do with it but you know...whatever.

After that her car broke down and refused to start and she had to walk home in the rain. When Alex finally got home, she was drenched and cold and the only thing she wanted to do was take a warm shower and crawl up in bed with a good book.

And that leads to know; because she had walked up the stairs in her wet socks, she had slipped on the step closest to the top and fallen down with one hell of a bang. At least she would finally find out what happened after death, was there a heaven or hell? Nirvana? Or maybe even Valhalla?

The black spots started to creep in and Alex knew that this was it and as everything went black, she had a peaceful smile on her lips.


As she woke up, and how can she wake up, isn't she supposed to be dead?, Alex noticed that she was laying on a bed. At first, she thought she was in the hospitable but the bed was way to comfortable for it to be a hospital bed.

Alex slowly sat up and looked around. This was definitely not her bed, not even her room. When she turned her head to the side a strand of long, straight brown hair fell in front of her face. Wait...long, brown and straight? That didn't make a lick of sense, Alex hair was a short pixie cut in the colors pink and green. What the actual fuck was going on?!

She threw the cover from her body and rushed into what she assumed was a bathroom. Luckily, she was right and she turned to look in the mirror. The face staring back at her was not her own and at first, she didn't really believe what she was seeing.

Staring back at Alex through the mirror was the face of Elena Gilbert, one of the main characters in the tv-series The Vampire Diaries. Alex had watched the show but only once and she died before she could start season five.

Was this a death hallucination? A death dream? Was she in hell?

The thoughts were flying through her head at a dizzying speed and just as she started to swaying the other bathroom door opened and a young man caught her as she fell while exclaiming "Elena!" Then everything went black.


"Come on Elena, open your eyes." A female voice begged Alex while holding her hand but why was she calling her Elena?


"Wa's g'ng on?" Alex mumbled and opened her eyes. When she saw a woman with red hair and a young man sitting on her bed, she remembered what happened. She was stuck in Elena Gilberts body, a character she didn't even like, and didn't know what she was supposed to do now.

Was she supposed to just play along and pretend to be Elena? That would never work, Alex was not the sort of person who could be such a simpering damsel in distress, she rather save herself! And the whole playing the Salvatore brothers against each other for her affections? Alex would rather die than be that cruel to someone.

"Are you okay?" The young man asked, looking concerned. Ah sweet Jeremy, he was one of Alex' favorite characters from the show.

"I'm fine." Alex reassured with a smile.

"You are not fine!" Jeremy exclaimed. "If I hadn't come in and caught you when you fell you could have been really hurt!"

"I think I just got up to quickly this morning or something." Alex smiled and when she saw the fear and concern in Jeremys eyes, she decided that she would play along at being Elena but she was doing it her way!

"You don't have to go to school today if you don't feel up to it." It took a while for Alex to remember who the woman who spoke to her was.

"No, I'm fine now, aunt Jenna, I'll go to school." Alex tried not to cringe. She had to go back to high school? She thought it was over and done with!

"Okay, if you are sure." Aunt Jenna hesitated for a few moments then she continued. "Bonnie will be here to pick you up in fifteen minutes." Then she walked out of the room.

"I'll see you at school and if you feel weird or dizzy at anytime today, come and find me!" Jeremy demanded as he hugged her quickly and walked away.

As Alex got up and started to get dressed, she did her best to remember what happened in the tv-show. If she was right than this was the first day back at school after the summer and Elenas parents had died a few months ago. It might seem cruel but the dead parents where a good thing as it could be used as an excuse for Elenas personality change.

Alex looked at herself in the mirror, she had decided to leave her hair out and only put on some mascara. She wore dark blue jeans, a red top and ankle boots. She really needed to go shopping, most of what Elena owned didn't really fit Alex style choice.

She needed high healed steal toed boots, black skinny jeans, dark tops and lots and lots of hoddies! But for the moment she decided to go into Jeremys room and steal...eh I mean 'borrow' one of his hoddies. As she looked around Alex found a black hoddie with COD on the front that would work with her outfit.

Alex had just shut of the light in Jeremys room when Jenna called out to tell her that Bonnie was there. Well then, let the fun begin.


As Bonnie drove them to school and talked about how her grams had told her that she was psychic, Alex was lost in her own thoughts. She knew that she should start seeing and thinking of herself as Elena Gilbert instead of Alexandra Cheshire Thorn, but it was hard to just let go of the person she had been and of the name her parents had given her.


"Elena!" Bonnie called out smiling.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought again, wasn't I?" Alex asked awkwardly. "You were talking about how your psychic now?"

"Yes, but there was actually something else I wanted to ask you." Bonnie looked at her and when Alex nodded, she continued. "You are acting different today, why is that? And whos' hoodie is that?"

"The hoddie is Jeremys and as for why I'm acting differently, I have decided that I am done pretending that I'm the same person I was before my parents died, I have tried the whole summer but I just can't do it." Alex told her firmly. "I don't like the same type of clothes or music anymore and I refuse to be some damsel in distress, I shall fight my own fucking dragons."

"Did you just sort of quote "Cinderella" by The Cheetah Girls." Bonnie laughed.

"Yes, I did." Alex/Elena nodded with a smirk.

Before anything else could be said something crashed into the windshield of the car and Bonnie severed in shock.

"What was that?" Bonnie asked slightly scared then she turned towards Alex/Elena. "Are you okay?"

"My soul just left my body but otherwise I'm fine." Alex/Elena laughed slightly breathless. "I can't be scared of cars forever."

"I'm going to use my psychic powers and predict that this year is going to be awesome!" Bonnie declared as she started to drive again.

When they arrive at school, they hear talk of a new student but they ignore it as they walk to Alex/Elenas locker. Bonnie is talking about someone being a tranny mess and Alex/Elena laughs and says that that phrase is so last year.

"Find a man and coin a phrase, it's a busy year." Bonnie smiles but lost it as she looks at something behind Alex/Elena.

Alex/Elena turns to look and awkwardly waves at Matt...something, Elenas ex-boyfriend. "He hates me." She sighs as he only closes his own locker and walk away.

"That's not hate, that's 'you dumped me but I'm to cool to show it but secretly I'm listening to..."

Alex/Elena tunes her out as she sees one of her favorite characters from the show approach her.

"Elena! Oh my God!" Caroline walks up and pulls Alex/Elena into a hug. "How are you? It's so good to see you."

Then she turns to Bonnie. "How is she? Is she good?"

"Caroline 'she' is standing right here" Alex/Elena laughs. "And I'm fine, just done pretending to be someone I'm not anymore."

"You poor thing." Caroline pulls her into another tight hug. Then she steps back and beams at them. "Okay, see you guys later?" And then she walks away.

"She is way to happy in the morning." Alex/Elena shakes her head with a smile and starts walking with Bonnie again.

They stop outside the reception as they see the new guy with his back to them.

"That's a hot back." Bonnie comments as she stares at his back. "I'm seeing Chicago and he plays the guitar."

"You're really going to milk the whole psychic thing, aren't you?" Alex/Elena laughs then she sees Jeremy walk into the bathroom. "Excuse me."

Alex/Elena runs after Jeremy into the men's room, not feeling a lick of embarrassment even as she bumps into some random guy when she walks through the door.

"Jeremy..." Before Alex/Elena can say anything else, Jeremy is in front of her.

"Are you okay? You're not feeling dizzy or anything, right?" Jeremy was looking at her with big soulful eyes filled with concern.

"No, I'm absolutely fine, you don't have to worry." Alex/Elena smiles but gets interrupted again.

"Oh, so you're just here to bust me for my coping mechanism then?" Jeremy sneered defensively.

"Actually, I just wanted to tell you that I borrowed one of your hoddies and I hope you won't get mad, I just needed something that made me feel safe." Alex/Elena shrugged a little embarrassed.

"My hoddies make you feel safe?" Jeremy looked shocked but also very pleased. "And you're really not here to bust my ass?"

"Yeah the hoddie is basically a safety blanket I guess." Alex/Elena wrapped the hoddie tighter around herself. "As for busting you, Jeremy I'm your sister not you mother. If you want to talk, I'll always be here but it's your life and I might not agree with the whole drugs and drinks thing but I will love you no matter what."

"Thank you, Lena." Jeremy murmurs as he hugs her, as he pulls back, he looks her straight in the eyes and says seriously. "Now remember, if you start feeling dizzy you find me." Then he walks out.

Is this what it feels like to have people who cares? It feels nice. Alex/Elena decides right then and there that she would protect Jeremy at all costs.

As she walks out of the bathroom, she bumps into someone. Oh right, this is where Elena meets Stefan, the creepy stalker vampire guy. Alex/Elena sort of likes Stefans character but she definitely won't be dating him, they can be friends but nothing more.

"Oh, sorry." Alex/Elena says as she steps back.

"Isn't this the men's room?" Stefan asks awkwardly.

"Yup." Alex/Elena smirks.

"So why were you in there?" Stefan wants to know with a quirked smile.

"You can't just assume that because someone's physical body is female that the soul matches." Alex/Elena informs him with a raised eyebrow. "Now, I'm not saying that that is the reason I was in there but you never know." She shrugs and pats him on the arm. "Anyway, got to go. See ya!"

As Alex/Elena walks off she doesn't see the way Stefan looks after her with confusion and desire.


This day is pure hell! Or at least that's what Alex/Elena thinks. The rest of the school day had just felt completely useless, she had done high school once before, she didn't need it again. And in history Bonnie had texted her that Stefan was looking at her! She didn't need this drama!

At least she had fun buying new clothes and stuff that fit her sense of style. She had forgone buying hoddies after she had seen how happy Jeremy was that she used his, so she would keep doing that.

Now she was sitting in front off Greyson and Miranda Gilberts grave and trying to silently, you could never know who was around and listening in, apologize for taking over their daughters' body. How do you even apologize for something like that? 'Hey my name is Alex and I've possessed your daughter's body; hope you don't mind?'

Alex/Elena looks up as she hears a crow and remembers that Damon, Stefans brother, mentioned something about controlling it and something about fog? So, she decides to have fun with it.

"Are you death? Or just an omen?" Alex/Elena asks hopefully, trying to hide her devious smirk. "But you know what we say to death? Not today!"

She stands up and starts to walk away when the crow lands on her shoulder and the fog starts creeping in. Is Damon trying to scare her? Well, he can try, at least. "You want a free ride? Wouldn't it just be easier to, you know, fly?"

As Alex/Elena is walking she doesn't notice that she drops her day planner. She soon runs into Stefan and the crow flies away. "Bye!" She calls after it with a small laugh.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asks with a head tilt, like a puppy.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Alex/Elena looks at him.

"Well, you did just shout bye at a bird." Stefan sounded so awkward that Alex/Elena almost laughed at him.

"Shouldn't you always greet death as an old friend?" Alex/Elena wonders out loud. Maybe if she makes him believe that she's crazy or insane he wont fall in love with her.

"I'm Stefan by the way." He smiles at her.

"I know. I'm Elena." Alex/Elena almost introduced herself as Alex but manages to stop herself in time. "We have history together."

"And math and French." Stefan says awkwardly.

Stefan was really awkward in the beginning, wasn't he? Then to have the conversation over with she discreetly cut her hand on a sharp rock she has in her pocket. Don't ask why she has that in her pocket, she just does, okay?

"Did you hurt yourself?" Stefan hesitantly asks.

"Huh? Oh, would you look at that." Alex/Elena says as she looks at the cut in the middle of her left palm. When she looks up again, Stefan is gone.


When she got home, she's met by Jeremy who seems to be feeling worried and protective of her since this morning.

"Where were you?" He asks, concerned.

"Cemetery." Alex/Elena shrugs. "I needed to get away for a few moments."

"As long as your okay." He smiles at her.

"I am. I might have tripped and cut my hand a little but its already stopped bleeding." She holds up her left hand to show him.

"We need to clean that." Jeremy declares and pulls her to the bathroom.

Alex/Elena lets him take care of her. It seems like Jeremy is thriving and doing better as long as he can take care of his sister and feel needed and who is she to stop him.


Later that evening as Alex/Elena is making herself ready to meet Bonnie and Caroline at the grill, she contemplates what to wear. In the end she decides to wear her new black skinny jeans, her new knee high, five inch healed boots with silver claps in the front, a dark blue halter-top with an open back and Jeremys hoddie.

She almost skips down the stairs and meets Jenna at the bottom.

"You look cool." Jenna smiles at her.

"Thank you, I'm going to meet Bonnie and Caroline at the grill." Alex/Elena informs her with a beaming smile.

"Have fun!" Jenna says as she walks towards the kitchen, then she turns back to Alex/Elena and says. "Wait I got this: Don't stay out to late, it's a school night." Then she looks proud of herself.

"Nicely done aunt Jenna." Alex/Elena praises with a smirk and goes to open the door, running in to Stefan.

"I was about to knock." He confessed quickly.

"Are you stalking me?" Alex/Elena decides to tease him.

"What? No! I just wanted to return this." Stefan held out her day planner. "I think you dropped it at the cemetery."

"Thank you." Alex/Elena smiled but, on the inside, she cursed, this meant she had to invite him to the grill, didn't it?

"I was just on my way to the grill and since you're here and you're new I thought you might want to come along." Alex/Elena stuttered out with a one-armed shrug as she placed her day planner on the table by the door. "I mean you haven't really had the chance to make any friends yet."

"Eh sure, I'll go with you and meet your friends." Stefan smiled at her.

Alex/Elena couldn't really understand why he was even attracted to her after everything Kathrine put him through with the compulsions and stuff. Maybe he was a bit damaged in the head?

When they arrived at the grill after a very awkward car ride Alex/Elena spotted Bonnie and Caroline sitting in a booth and she made her way over to them.

"I brought Stefan with me; he hasn't really had a chance to make friends here yet." Alex/Elena smiles at them and sits down, doing her best to encourage Caroline in her pursuit of Stefan. Luckily it seems like Caroline gets that Alex/Elena is trying to help her get the guy because she turns a blinding smile towards Alex/Elena with a grateful look in her eyes.

Alex/Elena listens quietly for a while as Caroline asks Stefan all sorts of questions. It's all going fine until Caroline mentions the back to school party the following evening and Stefan asks if Alex/Elena is going. And she can see Caroline almost deflate in front of her eyes.

Before Bonnie can screw up and tell him that 'Of course she's going' Alex/Elena smiles and says, "I don't know but Caroline is definitely going so you could go with her so you have someone you know with you."

"Now I'm going to talk to my little brother, I'll be back." She gets up and brushes her hand against Carolines arm in silent support as she walks past and Caroline smiles at her.

Alex/Elena comes up to Jeremy just in time for Vicki to walk off with Tyler.

"You deserve better, you know?" Alex/Elena wraps her arm around his and leans her head against his shoulder.

"But I really like her." Jeremy murmurs back sadly.

"I will support you what ever you choose to do." Alex/Elena smiles at him.

"Love you, Lena." He says it so quietly she isn't sure if she was meant to hear it or not. Then louder he says. "It just pisses me off the way Tyler treats her and he's always picking fights with me!"

"Maybe he likes you." Alex/Elena smirks. "You know, maybe he's pulling your metaphorical pigtails."

"Oh, get out of here." Jeremy laughs slightly weirded out.

"I'll see you at home Jere." Alex/Elena says and decides to go home.

Later as she lies in bed about to fall asleep, she things about what a hell of a day it has been. Its only been one day since she woke up in this world and she's already wishing that she had stayed dead, well not really, but anyway. How the hell will she handle Damon when he gets to town and later the originals?

Well that's a problem for tomorrow, she thinks and turns on her side and falls asleep.


A/N: This is my first story on this site.

I hope you like it

Until next time,


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