《What could possibly go wrong? Rodrick Heffley x reader》Chapter 20


It was a Sunday morning when you woke up to the sound of some loud ass rock music, hearing occasional screams. What the fuck?

You sat up on your bed rubbing your eyes until you were sure you could keep them open and probably looked stoned by now.

You reached for your phone and headphones, wanting to play your own music to overhear that loud noise, just to see that you forgot to charge it last night. 3% - Now this is great, you thought resigned letting out a heavy sigh.

You already knew that this day is going to be one of those were everything's gon be shit.

But you decided to not surrender fate this time. You stood up and went to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, smiling enthusiastically. By fake smiling you’re supposedly tricking your brain into actually releasing endorphins, which are supposed to make you feel happy for real – at least that’s what you’ve heard.

But as you were in the middle of taking a shower you just broke down and started crying for no reason. “Bro, why the fuck are you crying?” you asked out loud, watching your reflection in the mirror on the opposite side of the bathroom. “Stop, being ridiculous” you now said pointing with your finger at the reflection “you’re a strong mf.”

And somehow that actually made you stop crying. You wiped away your tears, washed your face, smiled at yourself and felt your mood switching immediately. Damn, my lashed be looking real good right now.

And with that you went down to the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast and there it was again. That loud “music”. You felt yourself growing really mad and when you remembered that this actually woke you up, you stepped out entering the front yard realizing that the music was coming from the Heffleys. I should have known that it’s Rodrick.

You quickly walked over ringing the doorbell, not caring about the fact that the only thing you were wearing were your plaid pajama pants and a simple black tank top. This man has seen you with a towel only on the first day you’ve met, so it’s not like this is a big deal.

Also, you knew exactly that there was no way his parents or brothers would open the door, since all of them spent Sundays with your parents at church first and then went to some penny arcade with Manny, Greg and his friend who had that funny bowl cut.

After ringing another two times you finally heard the music stopping and footsteps approaching the door. And there he was standing in the doorframe with his hair all messy, his face lightening up when he sees you. “Pixie, what are you doing here? Come in” he said smiling taking you by your hand pulling you inside.

And again, it was that stupid smile that made you forget for a second what you came here for. But then you’ve heard the music starting to play once again, and that was all you needed to remember how mad you actually were.

“You” you said pointing your finger at his chest, his gaze following it. “You woke me up!” you said angry, feeling your cheeks growing all red. “Do you have any idea what time it is?"

But instead of explaining himself he just reached for the small alarm clock standing in the hallway handing it to you. “I don’t know, tell me” he said smirking, looking down at you.

It was 1.15 pm. Shit.

You sighed heavily, rubbing your eyes again. “Listen, I’m so sorry Rodrick.” you said putting away the clock. “I just- this just isn’t my day, I’m sorry.”


You watched the smirk on his face disappearing getting replaced by a concerned look. He didn’t say anything, instead he just pulled you into a tight hug. That calming, comforting hug that made you feel safe. “Hey, what happened?” he said carefully stroking your hair with his hand.

“I don’t know” you said calmly, trying your best to hold back the tears filling your eyes once again. “I guess it’s just one of these days” you said shrugging with your shoulders.

You slowly pulled back, his eyes observing every single one of your movements. “I’ll just go” you said quietly, “Don’t let me disturb you” you added putting on a small smile.

But when you were just about to leave you felt his hand gripping yours, making you turn back around and face him. “Did you really think that you could leave now, my sleeping beauty?” he said smirking at you.

You gave him a confused look. “You have band practice Rodrick. Seriously I think it’s better when I’ll just go. It’s fine. Really.” you said meaning it.

“They’ll be fine” he answered, leading you into the kitchen, “Also, you promised to watch us play. Now sit down and let me make you breakfast. And before you say it, no, won’t take an ‘I don’t want anything Rodrick, I’m fine, seriously’ for answer” he said imitating your voice.

“Hey, I don’t sound like that” you said crossing your arms to look offended, but not being able to hold back your smile. “But fine, go ahead then. I expect a five stars course chef Ramsay.”

You watched his smile widening. “Okay, so since you’re my highly-regarded guest, I’ll give you two options you’re allowed to choose from. You ready?"

You nodded your head and he went on. “Okay, so you can choose from; number one: un bol de céréales avec du lait chaud and number two is a little more prestigious but you know that I would do anything for you. It’s un bol de céréales avec du yaourt. Sooo, which one are you choosing?” He said with a grin.

You raised your eyebrows in disbelieve. “Did you just give me the choice between a bowl of cereal with warm milk and a bowl of cereal with yoghurt and said it in French to make it sound more prestigious? Wicked. Okay but, may I ask you how you prepare that cereal with milk? Like what do you put in first?”

His eyes widened at your question. “Of course, I put in milk first.”

You let out a shocked gasp. “You know that the only right way to do it is the other way around.”

“Whatever” he said rolling his eyes. “I mean you’re a 100% wrong but I won’t fight you. At least not today.”

“Okay, well so I think I’ll go with the yoghurt one” you said giving him your sweetest smile.

“You wish is my command” he said turning around preparing your breakfast.

It took him a whole 2 minutes to prepare your food, but the good will is what counts, right? His proud face expression irreplaceable, when he handed it to you. “Bon Appetite.”

“Thank you, sir” you said taking the food from him.

You were quite surprised after tasting it since it actually was delicious.

“Okay, come on now” he said pulling you up again. “You’re gonna eat this while we’re practicing. Is that all right?” he asked you, and you nodded in response, your mouth full of cereal.

He took your hand into his once again, which just became something casual you actually enjoyed and led the both of you to the stairs leading down the basement.


“Shit, there’s something I forgot about. Wait here, I’ll be right back” he suddenly said and ran upstairs.

After a second, he came back again with another sweatshirt, handing it to you. Here we go again.

“Seriously? We’re doing this again?” you asked pissed off.

“I’m sorry Y/N, as much as I love to see you dressed this way, I don’t want anyone else seeing you like this. Remember we’re dating?”

“Remember it’s fake?” you quickly added.

“Come on! Please!” he cried out.

“Eugh, fine” you said taking it from him, rolling your eyes, annoyed by his satisfied look. “But don’t think you’re profiting in any way. This is the third top you’re giving me, and I’m not planning on giving this one back either.”

“Fair enough” he answered proudly. “Now, come on in.”

As you went downstairs you tried to loosen up the atmosphere a little after that sweatshirt incident. “Wanna show me the kids in your basement already?” You asked him jokingly.

You watched an amused smile appearing on his face, washing away all the awkward energy from a second ago. “Nah, I wanna make you one of them” he quickly responded, making you laugh.

“Smooth one Heffley, not gonna lie.”

As you finally reached the basement the music stopped playing and everyone turned to look at you.

You were quite impressed by how the room looked like, since it didn't look like the basement at all. The band equipment was placed in the right corner of the room, a desk with some books on it on the opposite. The walls had been decorated with band posters and there were some plants and Christmas lights as well. The only things that were missing were a bed and closet. Does he want to move in here? Would make sense, since there is so much more space in here than in his actual room.

After a moment you turned your gaze back at the band equipment where three other guys were standing, one of them approaching you with a bright smile on his face.

He looked way older than the others but was still really good looking. He wore a black leather jacket and a black choker around his neck, his eyes covered in eyeliner and his blonde messy hair reaching his shoulders.

“Well hello, beautiful” he said taking your hand and giving it a gentle kiss. And even though he was good looking and made the exact same thing Rodrick did, it didn’t make you feel the same. “I am Bill Walter, the lead guitarist.”

“Hi Bill, nice meeting you. I am 17” you said looking up at him just to see an embarrassed look appearing on his face.

“Okay” he said rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably, “could we pretend like this never happened?” he then asked and you nodded your head with an amused smile.

“Okay so you guys” Rodrick quickly interfered before anyone had a chance to say something else “This is Y/N Y/L/N, my girlfriend.” he said and the boys immediately burst out in loud laughter.

“What is wrong with you? Why are you laughing?” he asked confused.

“Please Rodrick, no way this is your girlfriend” another blonde guy with a beanie and glasses said. “I’m Chris by the way, nice to meet you” he added giving you a soft smile, which you returned.

"Seriously Chris? She is my girlfriend, I’m not lying” Rodrick answered quickly, his cheeks getting all red. “Ben, you believe me, right?”

“No way man. Come on, how in the world would you pull a girl like her. That’s impossible. I wouldn’t be surprised if that's like your long-lost sister or some” the brown-haired boy with a left eyebrow cut quickly answered laughing.

“You guys are assholes” Rodrick said pissed off, leading you to a couch on the other side of the room so you could sit down and finish your breakfast.

As you did and he returned to his band members they still didn’t start playing. Instead, they just kept on staring at you. “What?” you asked embarrassed.

“So, like you guys really are dating?” Ben asked turning to face you. “Like for real?”

You smiled, nodded and continued eating your breakfast.

“But how did he do that?” Chris quickly asked you again.

“Honestly? I don’t know” you answered calmly, “I just like him for some reason and that’s it. It’s not a big deal guys. Also, don’t you wanna start playing? That’s what I came here for.”

“You wanna hear us playing?” Bill asked surprised.

Here we go again. “I get it, people usually don’t like listening to you, but you already woke me up so go ahead.” you said.

You watched the boys chaotically whispering stuff you couldn’t properly hear. They were probably just discussing which song they would play and after a while you heard Chris shouting “THIS IS LÖDED DIPER WTH OUR MOST RECENT SONG, EXPLÖDED DIPER!”

You’ve watched all of them playing. Bill the lead guitar, Ben singing or screaming, call it whatever you want and Chris playing the bass. All of them put their whole heart in what they were doing and to be honest they actually didn’t sound that bad.

But throughout their performance you couldn’t take off your eyes of Rodrick playing the drums. He was so passionate about what he was doing and you could see that he really felt like a Rockstar, which made you smile.

One time you made eye contact accidently and he gave you a quick wink which made that warm feeling in your chest come back, your cheeks turning red so that you had to look down.

They finished with Chris performing an extra bass solo and you burst out into an applause. “You know, this one is a bop actually” you said giving all of them a huge smile.

“You really think so?” Ben now said, all of his confidence disappearing and immediately being replaced by uncertainty.

“Of course,” you said genuinely. "I love the sound; I just think if you wanna make this even better you could change up the lyrics a little. I mean not entirely, they were fine. But I just think you could do even better.”

“Yes, we’ve been thinking about that too, but none of us is a really good songwriter, you know” Bill quickly added.

“Have you ever thought about asking Mads?” you asked all of them. “I mean she likes writing poems and I think she already wrote 2 songs. I don’t want to force you to work with her, but I just think that she could actually help you, you know.”

You watched them thinking about what you just said.

“She really is perfect, you know?” Ben said, referring to you, turning around to Rodrick.

He quickly turned to look at you giving you the sweetest smile, his eyes sparkling “I know” he said quietly.

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