《What could possibly go wrong? Rodrick Heffley x reader》Chapter 9


Entering your house you turned on some music, your spotify playlist blasting loudly through the huge speakers you've got from your grandma on your birthday. That's what you always did when you were home alone. As the understanding daughter you were, you never played loud music around your parents to not bother them. They often worked at home or read a book, they liked it quiet, so you simply listened to it on your headphones.

But the truth was that you loved loud music. The beat pulsating through your body, the air thumped with it, the floor vibrating with the bass notes, while you danced until your feet hurt and sang until you got hoarse. You weren't a good singer but you sang anyway and it never failed to lighten up your mood.

Stripping out of your clothes you stepped into the shower, the hot water hitting your body, dripping down your shoulders, taking you into a hug as you closed your eyes. Your hands running through your wet hair as you applied your maracuja-scent shampoo, slowly massaging your scalp, your body starting to relax eventually. Washing off the shampoo, replacing it with your conditioner you thought about all the things that happened in the past 5 days, overwhelming you, everything you left behind. You didn't feel sad anymore, at least not right now. You didn't feel happy either. In fact, you didn't feel anything at all. It was like this was just another chapter you finished, dozens yet to come. And you didn't know what it was, but stepping out of the shower you took off Jaxon's necklace, letting out a shaky breath as you watched yourself in the mirror, a small smile appearing on your face.

Now, you didn't know what that was supposed to mean, whether you were ready to move on or not, but there was one thing that you knew for sure. If that was just another chapter, why not make it a fun one? A chapter without any responsibilities, commitment or heavy feelings. This has got to be the best idea I've ever had you thought to yourself proudly, your smile growing after hearing the song that just came on - Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus - an absolute classic.

You started singing the song loudly, wrapping yourself and your hair in a towel, grabbing your hairbrush, pretending it was a microphone, while performing a whole concert, nearly overhearing the doorbell ringing. You quickly stormed out of the bathroom, holding the towel up as best as you could, not stopping to sing, being way too happy right now.


"and she doesn't give a damn about me..." you sang, opening the door, knowing damn well your parents loved that song as well, holding your hairbrush with an outstretched hand right in front of you, so they could finish the lyrics.

"cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby!" you've heard a shrill voice finishing the song. But leaning against the doorframe weren't your parents, no, it was Rodrick, giving you a clearly amused look as you stood there in shock, unable to get a single word out of your mouth, slowly lowering the brush, wondering whether there was any way to delete yourself.

After a moment of silence passed and you recovered from your shock, feeling that you could think clearly again, you realized that you were still standing wrapped around a towel only. "What the hell are you doing here?" you asked angrily, remembering how he got you in trouble during dinner, trying to fix your towel the way it showed as little skin as possible, his eyes scanning your body from the bottom to the top, your words not reaching him at all, your body being the only thing he could concentrate on right now.

"Hey!" you said raising your voice a little, snapping your fingers right in front of his face to get his attention. "My face is up here" you added growing annoyed of him as he shook his head lightly, his eyes immediately flicking back up, locking with yours, focusing on your conversation again. "Uh..yes" he said rasping his voice, "heyy, look who's got my name right after all" he added, giving you his usual smirk as you let out an annoyed sigh, rubbing your eyes tiredly. "Is that what you came here for? For me to say your name?" you asked calmly, too irritated to fight him right now. "Because if you did, you shouldn't get used to it" you added, attempting to close the door behind you, knowing that this talk was absolutely pointless. But before you could shut the door, he quickly stepped in the doorframe making it impossible for you to close it.

"Wait, no. That's not what I came here for" he quickly said, his arm still squeezed by the door, "Actually, could you please let me in?" he said, his voice now turning sincere, a wave of sudden concern washing over you as you nodded your head, letting him inside.

"Is everything okay though? Did something happen? Are our parents okay?" you asked panicking at his serious face expression, guiding him into the living room as he let out a silent huff. "Yeah, don't worry. They're having quite a good time actually" he said, walking over to the curtains, revealing your parents standing in the Heffleys living room dancing and shouting. "They're doing karaoke" he added chuckling, a relived smile covering your face now.


"Fuck" you cursed quietly, a small laugh escaping your mouth. "If you came here to escape their singing, I get that, they're terrible singers, I know" you added remembering you had a shitty singing voice just like your parents. "You can sleep over in the guest room if you want to" you added casually without any second thoughts, his usual smirk appearing on his face reminding you that you shouldn't have said that.

"Already wanting me to stay over, you're really not wasting any time" he said mockingly. "Shut it" you answered not even suprised by his comment anymore. "Also, if you don't mind, I would like to get dressed first" you added quickly still holding up the towel. "Make yourself at home. If you want anything, there's the kitchen, I'll be right back" you added pointing at the room before heading upstairs without waiting for his response.

In your room you changed into your pyjama already, not being in the mood to dress up once again, putting on your pink hello kitty pants and an oversized shirt, recreating Tom Holland's legendary outfit. You brushed your still wet hair before putting on a pair of woolly socks and going back downstairs, just to find Rodrick sitting on the couch holding your favorite book - Pride and Prejudice - in his hands.

Sitting down beside him, he closed the book, looking up at you, giving you a sweet smile. "Nice pjs" he said as you leaned back, returning his smile, a quiet "thanks" leaving your mouth. "So, is that yours?" he asked turning to the book, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"You really gotta put your nose everywhere, don't you?" you answered jocking, "But yes, it is. It's my favorite one actually" you added nodding as he gave it back to you, placing it in your hand, your fingers touching for a split second, sending an electric shiver through your body, him clearly noticing. "When I was younger, I've always wanted such a love story to happen to me" you continued trying to overplay what just happened.

"Why don't you anymore?" he asked raising his brows, looking genuinely interested. "Because it's unrealistic and I know exactly that this will never happen to me and that whole idea of love.." you stopped yourself searching for the right words, "it's just ridiculous" you added sighing, putting the book down next to you.

"Well, maybe there's just a better story awaiting you" he answered, his voice calm, his eyes suddenly avoiding yours at all costs as you nodded your head.

"Yeah, sure" you answered ironically getting the sudden urge to change the topic, this one feeling a little too intimate. "Anyways, why are you here?" you said quickly, his eyes flicking back up to yours.

"Uhm, yes" he started suddenly getting all shy, just like his mom when she invited you to dinner. "So, since you haven't eaten anything I brought you some chinese. I know you're vegetarian, so I've got yours without meat and a sprite" he said, your eyes growing wide open, each of his words getting faster. "I know it's nothing special but the other restaurants were closed already and that's the only thing I could get so...please eat" he finished, handing you a bag with the food leaving you speechless for a short moment.

"Oh, wow, okay. Thank you so much. I don't really know what to say, I really appreciate that" you answered eventually, being a nervous wreck by now. You weren't really used to people caring for you this much, I mean, you had friends, but usually you were the one pleasing them with small acts of kindness, rarely receiving any yourself.

"Just don't" he said quietly looking down, his cheeks turning pink. "I think I should keep going actually, school starts tomorrow and mom and dad think I'm asleep in my room right now so..." he started as you nodded your head.

"Yeah, sure let me just lead you to the door" you said giving him a small smile, still flustered by his kindness and genuine concern, standing up, leading him to the front door. But as you both approached it, you suddenly heard footsteps and quiet laughter coming from outside, setting you in complete panic.

"Shit" you whispered quietly turning to Rodrick, grabbing his wrist in order to stop him from leaving the house, since he must have overheard them coming. Turning around he gave you a confused look as you continued. "These are my parents Rodrick, they can't see you here" you added, panic now displaying in his eyes as well.

"You need to hide.."

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