《Tendou's Ship (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Male!Reader)》Secrets


"Look! It's (L.Name)! HEY (L.NAME)!" When you turned around you were met with Gin, who was eagerly waving in your direction. With a very awkward smile, you waved back, Oshin following the lead of his friend as he waved at you.

"Let's have a friendly competition," Oshin began, glancing at Gin.


"Whoever gets the most points gets (L.Name)'s number," Oshin smirked competitively.

"Hmph. You're on," He grunted in reply before he shot you a toothy grin.

"But if you lose the game then I'm not giving any of you my number," You chimed in, hand sassily resting on your hip as you spoke.

"Deal," Gin impulsively smiled, "I'm getting a cute guys' number~"

"I hope you remember our competition," Oshin hissed at him.

You turned around so the two boys couldn't see your face, Satori trying his best to contain his disruptive laughter as you looked over at the team with a dead expression, mouthing them a 'you better not lose'.

The referee blew the whistle, and Gin was serving first with a bright grin. As he threw the ball up high in the air, it raced at an intense speed, and dashed past Wakatoshi. With a baffled expression, you turned to face the intense server. Just who was he?

Wakatoshi however was not having any of it.

"Toss it to me," He demanded, sparing a mere glance at Shirabu who nodded in response. As the next play began, your team had thankfully received the ball that was sent to Shirabu who tossed it high in the air. Your breath quickened as Wakatoshi pulled into his spiking form, and his hand met with the ball, and was harshly thrown against the floor.

Satori noticed the increase of power immediately, and already knew that it was fueled by the jealousy he was feeling for the two boys.



"Awwe that's a shame," Satori mocked playfully as he stared down at Oshin who gritted his teeth. It was match point, and thankfully your team had won with Satori blocking Oshin's relentless spikes

"And I thought I was going to get his number," Gin frowned in your direction.

"Sorry~ Rules are rules, right?" You exhaled in happiness, "It was nice to meet the both of you though."

"Yeah... I guess," Gin frowned, "See ya around (L.Name)."

Oshin winked at you. "I'm gonna get your number later."

Wakatoshi's ears perked up at the sound of their voice flirting with you and he squeezed the water bottle in his hand. You awkwardly chuckled, with a dismissive wave as you turned around, flushed.

"(Name) they were totally hitting on you," Satori pointed out with a loud laugh, side eyeing the olive haired male.

"I know that," You mumbled with an exasperated sigh. You were just hoping that you wouldn't see them again at the training camp.


As you sat in your bed, hair slightly damp, Wakatoshi walked out of the bathroom, immediately taking a seat next to you. You ignored the taller male before your face suddenly flushed.

It's just us in the room..., You thought to yourself as you uncomfortably shifted in place.

"Is something wrong (Name)?"

His damn deep, rough voice was so attractive. Maybe too attractive. You mildly bit your lip at the thought.

"No," You mumbled to him. He knew you were lying, but decided against prying further into your personal life. The air was awkward and tense, before you suddenly perked up, "Oh! Coach asked me to run an errand for him. I'll be back in a bit."

His eyes slightly narrowed before he slowly nodded. Practically running out of the room, you left the ace siting there on the bed, blankly staring before a red headed boy stormed into the room with a mischievous grin. He had a plan.



As you walked back into your hotel room, Wakatoshi was still on the bed, but Satori was with him and they were talking as his red eyes had an evident glint, which to you was suspicious. A bit too suspicious.

"Hey Satori," You smiled at him.

"Hey (Name)," Satori shrugged, standing up and glancing over at Wakatoshi who only nodded. You awkwardly laughed at their odd interaction before Satori stood up and left.

"How long has he been here?" You asked the captain.

"He walked in right after you left," He responded in a nonchalant manner before his eyes remained on your shorter frame.

"Oh," You blurted out as you took a seat on the bed next to Wakatoshi.

"Were those two boys really your friends?" He abruptly asked.

"No," You giggled, "They were just talking to me and tried to hit on me."

Wakatoshi gritted his teeth together with a small, barely noticeable frown. He slowly edged closer to your bright form who slightly faltered when you noticed he was coming closer.

"I-Is something wrong Wakatoshi?" You forced out with a weak smile. He left your question unanswered as he stared deeply into your e/c eyes, his form towering over yours. His gaze was intense, and you slowly moved backwards from embarrassment, hitting the bed frame as you froze up. He didn't pry his gaze away from your flustered form as he slowly moved closer, "Seriously-" You were choking on your words. "What's wrong?"

"I hate when they talk to you like that," He spoke with honesty, not bothering to sugar coat his words.

"Well they don't matter to me," You pointed out, trying to ignore how close your lips were.

Wakatoshi didn't speak as his gaze remained fixated on your form, eyes scanning up and down your body. The desire he felt for you returned as he towered over you, his hands falling at your sides. Your breathing was steady and he silently, yet passionately gazed into e/c orbs. Nothing was making sense. This feeling that dwelled in his heart, the butterflies that fluttered in his stomach whenever he saw your bright smile. Maybe Satori was right about what he said earlier.

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