《Tendou's Ship (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Male!Reader)》Hotel


"We're finally here!" Goshiki exclaimed, practically jumping out of the bus. You gathered your stuff in a swift motion, Wakatoshi doing the same as you all got off the bus, thanking the bus driver on the way out as your feet hit the cold, concrete ground.

"Okay everyone. You know your rooms. Get some rest, because this week will be hell. For everyone."

The team began to visibly sweat with wide eyes, as they all marched into the hotel. You walked towards the desk, with a small smile, Wakatoshi at your side as your team was behind you.

"Hi! We're from the Shiratorizawa academy, I believe we have some rooms that were rented?" You asked.

"Of course!" The woman smiled, "You're (L.Name) (Name), aren't you?" She noted, taking a quick glance at the sheet before her, "The third year manager?"

"That's me," You grinned, "And this is Ushijima Wakatoshi."

"Right, congrats on your relationship, by the way," She began with a smile, before handing you a few sets of keys.


"Are you not dating?"

Wakatoshi's brow raised at the statement.

"One of your team members contacted our hotel saying you were dating," She began, "I believe he was named Tendo, he told me you guys were dating, and asked for a room with one bed."

You could see Satori cowering in the background as the woman told you everything you needed to hear, you were fuming with anger.

He is so dead!

"Well, we aren't," You chuckled gently, masking your anger with a bright smile.

"I can rearrange it, just give me a moment, and I'll have everything ready, and-"

I'm going to give that key to Satori. You chuckled to yourself with a mischievous grin.

"It's okay."

"Are you sure?" She asked, her voice filled with uncertainty as you only nodded with a gleeful expression, "Give each pair a key and you can head to your rooms. Thank you for joining us this week!"


"The pleasure is all ours," You smiled, cheerfully before you stood before the team. You started by handing your key to Wakatoshi before you spoke, "Alright everyone, come grab your key with your roommate."

Everyone lined up before you, Wakatoshi remaining by your side as you handed each person their key. You made sure you gave Satori the key and Wakatoshi noticed your odd expression. Satori's eyes narrowed on your form, as you had yet to say anything. Everyone had already eagerly ran to their rooms, as you walked towards the elevator, Wakatoshi following you as you pressed to go to the third floor. There was a short moment on the elevator, before there was a sudden movement, the door sliding open as your eyes landed on your teammates, eyes widened at their rooms.

"Did we get the wrong room?!" Satori and Semi questioned in unison. You peeked over their shoulder, and there was only one king sized bed, Wakatoshi far behind you as you quickened your pace to see what was going on. Satori clicked his tongue as he took in the sight in front of him, his face pulling into a small scowl as he turned to face you.

"Maybe you can ask for a room change~" You asked with a mocking tone, "A king sized bed is pretty good though."

"Or we can switch," Satori's eyes glistened.

"You're funny," You chuckled, before your eyes fell dead serious, "By the way the woman told me what you did. You are so dead."

"Come on, please?" Satori asked before he raised his hands up in defense, "Besides, I was doing you a favor."

"No you weren't," You hissed in response, before Satori trotted towards Wakatoshi,

"Wakatoshi~ trade rooms with me and Semisemi!"


"Just cause," Satori sighed, "Please?"


"Wakatoshi don't-" You hissed, but it was too late. Satori's sneaky self grabbed the key from Wakatoshi, placing his in his opened hand as he sprinted down the hallway and into your room, dragging Semi by the collar with him. An exhausted sigh escaped your lips as you watched Satori flee into your room.


"Why should I have said no?" Wakatoshi questioned, interrupting you.

"Because I wanted to give Satori our room," You pouted in complaint, your cheeks tinted a light rose as a huff escaped your lips, "He was the one who called the hotel after all."

Cute. Wakatoshi thought to himself. Those thoughts were quickly disregarded when he spoke.

"But the woman said this was our room," Wakatoshi deadpanned, slightly puzzled by your action.

"But we aren't dating," You reminded, "So I wanted to give it to Satori because-"

You stopped yourself. "Because he's been mean to me lately."

"But I'm fine with sharing a bed with you," Wakatoshi stated blankly. A blush erupted on your face, as you turned around to face him.

"W-Wow I didn't think the day would come when you would be making jokes," You awkwardly chuckled, walking into the room.

"I'm not," He said with a blank expression, "However if you're uncomfortable with sharing a bed with me we can ask for a room swi-"

"It's- It's okay," You exhaled, your breathing slightly hitched, "I'm fine with sharing a bed with you."

Luckily you were turned away from him, or he would've seen all sorts of different shades of red on the canvas called your face.

"Okay." Was all he said, before you turned to the bed, you threw your bag to the side as you ran a hand through your h/c hair.

"Are you tired?" You asked, looking up at him. He responded with a small nod of his head as his eyes slightly drooped.

You gently chuckled, chucking your phone onto the bed before reaching into your bag, and grabbing shorts and a sweater, something you always wore when you went to bed. You retreated to the bathroom that was completely white, filled with a sink, bathtub and a toilet. Slowly undressing yourself, you stepped into the shower, turning the tap on as the warm water prickled your skin. After about 15 minutes, you tried not to take too long in the shower as you stepped out, quickly drying yourself off as you changed into your night clothes. When you stepped out, his dark olive eyes gently trailed down your shorter frame before standing up and walking into the bathroom after you walked out. You sunk into the bed, as you grabbed your phone.


Thanks for switching with me (Name) Ushijima. I appreciate it :)


I hate you.


I thought I was doing a good friend a favor


Well this friend didn't need your favor.


Ouch (Name). Don't be so rude




But now that you guys are sharing a bed you can do whatever you want ;)

Read: 7:27 pm

Don't ignore me!

Read: 7:27 pm

With an angered sigh, you placed your phone down, as Wakatoshi slowly walked out of the bathroom. His hair dampened, as a towel was lazily thrown around his shoulders. He wore his signature black shirt with black shorts as he took a seat next to you under the covers. Wakatoshi relaxed against the warmth of the sheets, as you both silently laid there. The room was completely silent, and you slowly shifted under the covers before you grabbed your phone, and lazily glanced at the screen.

"(Name)! Wakatoshi~" Satori slowly walked into your room with a mischievous grin, his hand was oddly positioned behind his back, which you immediately noticed.

What did he have up his sleeve this time?

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